Choose your character anons

Choose your character anons

Attached: r9k Player Select.jpg (1009x1932, 480.08K)

Shitposter vs the psyops

Literal autist. I think it was chosen for me though

Gondolian lurker is nice

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Aussie but I'm 0% Australian.

a literal autist fits me, scizoposter is what i aspire to be

How autistic are you, user? I wanna know

For me, it's the overworked wagie.

This is my character. He's hidden by default and you have to beat the game to unlock him.

Attached: smugwojak4v2.png (640x400, 31.98K)

Pretentious druggie gondolian lurker

I made this meme AMA

I'd either play anime poster or robot. Too soon to pick wizard, but I'm getting there.

Attached: me!me!me!.gif (500x281, 1.99M)

king terry or wizard. wizarddom is in my future anyway

Jewish PSYOP agent, keep it a secret though.

lol how the fuck does that work

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i'm culturally a literal autist, but i am literally a zoomer

incel robot shitposter finnish meme expert and a literal autist

pretentious druggie
pol vagrant
literal autist

Your a duelist then

hm thank you, user

Attached: dddue.png (640x480, 315.17K)

>tag team tranny and incel vs robot and wizard
>tag team Jewish PSYOP agent and Aussie vs shitposter and schizo poster

Gondolian lurker

Doomer crossed with mild schizophrenia.

Guy who made this OC a year ago. Want to know your class bio? ask which one and ill post it. also adding a new faction graphic. Are you part of the BASED Yas Forums posters or the JEWISH cuck horde? stick around to find out.

Attached: aus.jpg (460x416, 59.63K)

can you give me the zoomer class bio?

doomer and gondolian lurker class bio

KEK zoomers going zoom zoom! original ly zooming

Attached: ZN.jpg (460x416, 60.71K)

can only post one at a time but here

Attached: GL.jpg (460x416, 35.2K)

can you post the robot class bio

DOOMer is a newer class recently added to appease the robot

Attached: Doom.jpg (460x416, 39.38K)

hopefully the ROBOT is ok with this post

Attached: Robot.jpg (460x416, 44.62K)

I really like these, user. Can you post the literal autist, shitposter, and/or wagie?

oldfag time

guess i'm a doomer-lurker

same here homie

literal autist was one of my favorites to write.

Attached: aut.jpg (460x416, 54.68K)

I'm mostly (80% of the time) a gondolian lurker.
Else i'm either boomer, shitposter or robot depending on the thread and my mood.

Incel class bio please?

olfag is one of the most based classes

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