>gf isn't white
>gf complains constantly about how she doesn't match European beauty standards
>I don't relate with white people's strict perception of beauty and say she's attractive
>she doesn't believe me and continues whining that her nose doesn't turn upwards like a pig
>her lack of confidence hurts her appearance more than any beauty standard would
Why do looks matter so much to women? It's almost as if they lack so much intelligence that they have to place value on the most superficial thing they have
Gf isn't white
Looks are everything in how you are perceived by others for both men and women, but for women moreso. This isnt new.
women are a trip. They think they're ugly and instead of fixing their self perception or working out/eating healthier or something they somehow blame society for putting the idea in their head. They do this with all sorts of things and the whole "muh white beauty standards" is one of them. If you think you're ugly that is your own mind; its not the fault of anyone else or society at large. take some fucking responsibility for your own thoughts and actions jesus christ roasties are children.
I feel her lmao.
i dont get how white girls are complaining and crying for validation when they get validation all the time, online, and irl.
at least you have pink nipples.
>Dating a non-white women
that's where you messed up, faggot.
Shitskins have massive inferiority complex and loathe themselves. Probably the only reason she's dating you is because of your race. Just marry a nice white girl, imbecile.
>he hasnt heard of the blackpill
>just marry a girl who fucks Fido and has crows feet by 12
Hard pass dawg.
This lmao. Even all the egirls I see getting worshipped on this board are all white.
what makes you think white women are any different? that has nothing to do with race and everything to do with mental illness/just being a female.
t. white woman dater
I unironically get so mad when my white friends are like ooo no, my crush rejected me..
I dont even try talking to my crush because I just think, what if he doesnt like girls like me? what if his parents are racist?
even when the guy is the same race as me,
what if he only dates white girls?
That's just unfortunately how being a non-white girl goes these days lmao. Honestly I think I'll just stick to being alone forever. Dealing with guys and their obvious preference for white girls is very tiring
well yes because they are beautiful. White women are the most beautiful women on average and everyone knows this despite some retarded freaks denying reality to ease the pain. I mean I would say white people period are most beautiful on average but the gap specifically for white women vs mud women is so pronounced that its worth being specific.
White girls end up getting left for Asian women anyway. Asian girls make all white women seethe.
Not even gonna bother reading this
Eh it doesn't seem that common. If anything I feel bad for Asian women because most of the time it seems like guys date them for the fetish
White girls have a steep bell curve meaning that the hot ones are really hot and the ugly ones are extremely ugly. But truly hot white women are like 1 in 500. The obesity epidemic is ruining a lot of white womens beauty. On average Asian women are slimmer, more feminine and less manly looking than white women.
Just tell her to get a nose job then. Problem solved. If she wants to look whiter she can simply dye her hair and wear contacts.
literally nobody believes this psy op lmao. any time you freaks post a 'black' woman its a mulatto woman whos 3/4 white and the asian women you post are the rare 1% who are actually built like a woman and even then asian women are the most notorious fake-up users because without it they look gooked as fuck.
An average, non fat modest looking white girl with no make up is on par with the hottest looking asian girl with a pound of make up on. just reality.
that's just an incel delusion
Start oinking really loudly and tell her that if she wants to look like a pig you'll treat her like one. Then cut her up and make bacon.
You would be crazy to do anything else.
Shill harder freak. Literally go out in town and walk around. 90% of the extremely hot chicks you see are going to be white. Probably HIGHER than 90% even. Nobody is buying it.
Clearly you have never seen the way white women react when a pretty Asian woman walks into the room.
I live in a large city and most of the white women are overweight or look like men. The pretty ones are usually some European tourists.
Ive never seen this interaction or ever heard it mentioned by anyone else before in my life. Shilling hard for those hapa children huh
Literally shitskin hindu cope lmao
Shitskin cope.
White women automatically start at a 7 if they're not fat. Not to mention the fact that the obesity epidemic is hitting shitskin roasties harder then white women, especially sheboons who are 90% obese.
i fully agree, thats the main reason why i just stay single desu
>her nose doesn't turn upwards like a pig
is she middle eastern?
>Just marry a nice white girl
he probably can't
any black user wants to talk to a mid eastern girl lolololol I am nice I promise
>think your gf is superficial and dumb
>stay with her because you find her attractive
and you wonder why women base so much of their self-esteem on their appearance
>White women automatically start at a 7
god you're delusional
Whats ur discord bb lol
65% of white women are overweight. And 99% of white women look like wrinkly hogs by their thirties.
I wish white guys were as desired as white women are :(
lmao lol post yours haha
Shitskins coping. White women are practically revered by the world hahahahah
White roasties absolutely seething. If I hit the wall at 15 I would be angry all the time too.
Blackanon here
drop the discord tag, love
>white women are revered
Literally only by Pajeets and some niggers lmao. Enjoy your white husband cucking you with an Asian girl or the Mexican maid. Nobody wants your loud obnoxious slutty manly flat asses anymore.
bitch learn how to read not posting my discord tag on r9k
My guess is that in our ancestral home, women needed to conform to the norm much more than males. They can have fewer children and their bones are more brittle so I guess they can't take as much risk as men. Also, while men are more attracted to hurt or damaged goods (unending semen production, quantity over quality), women are more attracted to proven established and fruitful prospects. So yeah, they usually look at european/caucasian/scandinavian/american traits as the "good" norm, they are rich and pretty, aren't they?
Looks are womens tool, like physical prowess men tool. You get to the same place if you try to improve both so I don't think they're that different.
Intellingence is a tool, a means to an end. Unless it's entertainment, then you're stupid, cocky and confused.
like most women she's just fishing for compliments because she's full of shit
>4/10 white fembot thinks she is revered by any white man
No point in even arguing dude. All available statistics and hell, just going outside and observing reality immediately dispels the psy op these shills are pushing.
This is dumb.
I can also reply with a picture of an attractive non-white woman.
It is not about race lmao
only the attractive ones
>that haggard manly looking cardboard box with fried hair
Get some standards jfc.
you think this horse facey hag is attractive? just lmao dude
white girls act so entitled lol. tried to help one get over her ex, and she repays my kindness by trying to steal my bf lmfao. once he turned her down she got soooo fucking assblasted. unadded and blocked me despite telling me i was "so kind" for consoling her
Not all mixed race girls are hot, but most of the hottest girls are mixed race. Not necessarily talking mulattos. I mean half Lebanese/Hawaiian/Colombian or some shit. Everyone loves exotic looking people. They are far more interesting to look at than pure white or pure ethnic people.
Yes you can. They exist and are rare. White women in pic related are a dime a dozen. Well, maybe not quite that beautiful, but close. Unless theyre fat I can honestly say most 'white' women, whatever amalgamation they are of different european peoples, start at like a 6 or 7 just be default because european features are just more pretty, as well as their bodies seem to be more feminine (and not like the 'vulgar' feminine of black women where their asses and tits are just everywhere) Anyone who disagrees I am convinced is a shill or just denying reality to cope as a mudperson.