Anyone else going to wind up with regrets after the quarantine?

Anyone else going to wind up with regrets after the quarantine?

>sneaking out to get fucked by the neighbor every night

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>Humping mom

You win. At least I'm not sleeping with my dad or anything.

Is the neighbor a Chad

No he's like a 35 year old married man

god i wish my neighbor would have sex with me

ew gross and how old are you?

I'm 19. He's in pretty good shape I wouldn't call it gross.

ew gross so you're like some cat in heat sneaking out to get fucked by an older dude

Well I'm more like someone who's been stuck in a house for a month so I made a bad decision. I pair bonded with him without realizing it and now I just want him.

lol your gona destroy his marriage

do they have kids?

Honestly I kind of feel like that's on him if it does. He's the one that hit on me in the first place. They have a two year old though. He's a cute kid.

so you sneak out to get banged by a neighboring dad

that's gross lol

Incredibly based however if you get pregnant and replace his older wife

I guess. His wife's garbage anyway. She's fat and naggy and he works his ass off for her and their son. She stays home all day quarantine or not while he's considered essential and works his ass off.

It take's two people to have sex. You are a homewrecker. The correct course of action would have been to inform his wife that her husband is willing to cheat but like the worthless whore you are you help him cheat.
You're a baked potato brained retard

Or maybe I'm just better than her at both sex and loving him and he needs me. I need him too.

Lost a promising friendship

You're a fucking retard, imagine finding a girl like you irl I'd run away grandpa fucker.

He's 35 and has arms as big as my head I'm not a grandpa fucker.

Are you just mad that no girls will have sex with you?

tfw 19 year old girls would just fuck some old grandpa who's married instead of even talking to me

I see how it is you fucking whores

This guy treats me right, doesn't make me do anything I don't want to do, and he makes me feel like a goddess. Having sex with someone doesn't make you a whore. If you could sleep with 20 women a day you would.

You sound like a roast to be honest just for the fact you had to mention that

All the roasts always mention stuff like that

What makes someone a roast? Having sex with lots of people? This guy took my virginity two weeks ago.

You're a homewrecker shut up dumb cunt, stop projecting your shit onto me.

Okay I'm out

Giving your virginity to some grandpa too

You legit disgust me ew, fuck off

imagine being that grandpa, though. how based it would be to be fucking 19 yr old when your literally almost twice their age.

Why are you angry that I found someone that loves me? Shouldn't you be angry about his wife? She doesn't do anything. He comes home from work and cooks half the time. She blew up after they got married. They don't have sex, she doesn't want to. Isn't she what you guys hate? Some slut that settles on a good guy and takes advantage of him?

yeah the grandpa is lucky but I would hate to find that a girl is hiding crap like this from me

smoking. like smoking a lot
i went from 1 cig every week to 4 cigs a day

>Loves you
Oh geez, you're just a fuck toy retard haha

You are a disgusting slut, even if that scene could literally be from the doujins I beat my dick to.

Good mix of anger and lust, just go on with it.

Lmfao, you gave your virginity to someone who is 16 years older than you and you just think that it's completely fine and normal. The absolute state of these whores.

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Yeah to be honest I feel disgusted by this chick because it reminds me of some dirty old bastard doujins that I flipped through once. Pretty disgusting

Hiding what? He's the one that took my virginity.

Isn't it better that I'm doing it all with someone that's trustworthy and loves me? I could be out with strangers.

>I could be out with strangers.
He is a stranger met him a few weeks ago you idiot and just fucked him on the fly because he hit on you