Tfw no clingy...

>tfw no clingy, obsessive online girlfriend who'd be willing to spend every waking moment with me in exchange for my unlimited love and affection
This kind of relationship is all I want. Don't even care what she looks like as long as he can provide me with lots of love (or at least, the illusion of feeling loved). Any anons can relate? Or any anons have something like this?

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Look user I know you think this is what you want but as someone who is the obsessive girlfriend, this is truly not something you want.
I am suffocating to my partner, I am jealous and it is very tiring. I am waiting for the day he leaves me and it terrifies me. I try to stamp it down but every time I hear a girls name I want to rip my skin off. I think I've blocked a decent amount of my bullshit from bubbling over but it will still most likely be too much for him.
I can't explain it, I just want to consume him? I want to inhale him and melt into him. When we're together I hold him do tight my arms ache and I am constantly staring at him. It's unsettled his friends.
I don't know how he tolerates me.

maybe you should stop

I swear you posted this just to make me suffer more, user

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It's like word vomit, I can't
I promise I didn't. Truly you shouldn't seek out these type of people. It's exhausting to be in a relationship with. A normal relationship is superior.

i had this. it's literally the best thing ever.
shame that her parents were snooping through her laptop and saw that she sent me nudes because she forgot to close her discord, they've now permanently taken away her laptop since this is the second time she's been caught with me.
still feeling pretty guilty about that one.
her clingyness was a little tiring sometimes but if you're also clingy it probably won't bother you that much.
you just gotta get lucky, i met the girl i'm talking about on a minecraft server

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You think robots here have any actual life experience? they don't, they live in their small fantasy bubble and the only thing about the real world is taught to them through anime. Why do you think they fetishize mental illnesses and autism? they have no idea that getting close to people with these things will ruin both them and the person with them

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>A normal relationship is superior.
It isn't. I always give them everything and they never reciprocate. I want someone who is able to feel love as intensely as I do and would want to spend all day every day together. Ideally, a scenario where me and my partner and obsessed with each other. A normal relationship wouldn't provide me with that...
Nice going, user! I'm sure she'll come back to you if she ever gets back her laptop.

Both fair points. I wish you well OP

yeah, she'll be back someday. at least i hope so. otherwise i'm going to need to look for someone else because i feel lonely as fuck, especially now in quarantine

Didn't we arrive at the conclusion that you might want to try therapy to deal with your emotionally neglectful childhood? Pretty sure you're that person

Can't go to therapy yet because of the lockdown, user. I was just hoping to find someone who'll keep me company until then

Alright, good. Just sounded like you threw all that out the window

As someone who had an e-gf like that, I don't recommend it. I ended up ghosting her because I was so stressed out and drained emotionally from all the drama. I finally thought "this girl lives 1000s of miles away, why the fuck am I tripping, we never even met" and fucked off. Plus the thought of her meeting someone irl or latching onto one of her many orbiters who catches her attention sucks. It's unnecessary added stress to your life, OP. I wouldn't do it if I was you. But you're grown and you make your own choices.

Never trust girls who have orbiters, the drama is what made it stressful I'm pretty sure, not the relationship dynamic itself.

>and fucked off.
did she fuck off your life as well?
it's only fair isn't it?

Yeah, no worries, I'm still trying to fix my life. It's just, having someone to talk to right now would be nice, even better if it's someone I can relate to in regards to my obsessive love.

Yeah, that pissed me off. She hid it from me, then I found out she had a bunch of orbiters.

Yes. I hope she's dead.

You think you want this right now because you are extremely lonely, and you want as much affection and attention as possible from someone who will never leave you. If you finally get this, you'll eventually want some time to yourself, and that's when the clingy gf fantasy dies.

>If you finally get this, you'll eventually want some time to yourself, and that's when the clingy gf fantasy dies.
Untrue. I'd dedicate every second of my time to my partner as long as they do the same. I'd love to do things like fall asleep together on call or fantasize about our ideal date for hours.

I'm the same way user, I hate that I'm such a nightmare. It's frustrating knowing that such an intense feeling of affection can only drive people away, and tempering my reactions to these emotions is so difficult. I don't express it much to him because I know it's wrong, but I do stupid things.
I do the same thing where when I'm with him I want to wrap my body around his and touch every inch of his skin and be smothered by him and smell him and just stare at him until his image is burned into my memory, like every moment I should be somehow bonding our bodies and minds permanently together. It feels so gratifying to me to bury my face in his side and cling to him, but I know how annoying it must be for someone to be on the receiving end of such intense clinginess. Plus knowing he doesn't reciprocate with an equal intensity kills me. He'd have to be crazy to.
>every time I hear a girls name I want to rip my skin off
Such a terrible helpless feeling, makes me want to kill someone.

I hope your bf realizes how lucky he is. Still, reading these posts makes me feel worse because I'll never have this

How did you meet? I want to find someone like you.

What about when you want to play a game or watch some anime or even go on Yas Forums for a little bit or something? But you can't because your gf will flip her shit and think you don't love her anymore. Eventually she'll seek attention from somebody else. Clinginess is a symptom of some fucked up personality disorders.

>play a game or watch some anime
People can do these things together user
>even go on Yas Forums for a little bit
why would anyone with a gf come here

>What about when you want to play a game or watch some anime
I'd do that while on call with her
>or even go on Yas Forums for a little bit or something?
The reason I even go on Yas Forums is because I'm so lonely. With her by my side, the incentive to do so would be infinitely lower.
>But you can't because your gf will flip her shit and think you don't love her anymore.
I'd make sure she's always loved.
>Eventually she'll seek attention from somebody else
If she ends up doing that despite everything I'd do for her, then all I can say is good riddance.
>Clinginess is a symptom of some fucked up personality disorders.
I'm not denying that. Even I am trying to get better.

>Be clingy male
>Have non-clingy gf
>Have to initiate every conversation with her and everything we do
>If I don't she'll wait until like the very end of the day and get upset with me for ignoring her
>Read threads like these
>Infinite frustration because I want a gf like this
>Think about breaking up like everyday now but afraid of being alone again
I hate this. This isn't the kind of relationship I want

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This. I regret making this thread as it is pure suifuel

What is this piccrew? I remember using it and I have one I made downloaded

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This post really hits me because I'm this guy and these are the exact feelings I'm getting. I just don't have anybody else

I have no idea. I just saw it uploaded here

Aight, well have another piccrew I made

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op here, if anyone wants to talk to a boy with obsessive love disorder, I'm still here

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t. literally every normalfag who has felt intimacy and has been wanted every waking moment of their life unlike me and you OP

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