quick post her nudes again i missed the last thread
Quick post her nudes again i missed the last thread
bump for vivi nudes
vv is a whore? Who would've thought
its 2020 every single girl has nudes.
hurry before mods delete!
She's so fucking beautiful. Life is suffering.
Just orbit her on discord it's the closest you'll get lol
She's not even creative, she's clearly a wannabe Delphine
No she isnt she is like a strong 4/10 lol she just angles her pictures to look as best she can.
whats her discord originally
She likes it when guys cum on her chest she said in a thread a while back
yikes wtf ?? these girls u all orbit are all so ugly and tryhard pls just orbit cute girls (see:me) for once
I thought she posted it regularly no? I'm not going to be the one to post it in any case.
Sure, drop your discord username and we'll gladly add and simp for you.
No, I don't do that. Nothing but pain down that road.
She might have the quintessentially perfect face. I miss the days of her sadposting about her small breasts.
You aren't cute meowers you look like an ugly boy
don't wanna post it publicly srry :#
>pls orbit me
>don't contact me tho
i dont think u understand what being an egirl who gets orbited is like
u probably arent even cute
you're perfect too calm down
Ok, then maybe you can answer a quick question for me. Why are all females on this board such vapid whores?
i was referring to the cute girl part in relation to myself, not so much the pls orbit me! i do have orbiters tho i very much understand it
>u probably arent even cute
what makes u say that?
probably just want attention, prob some sort of daddy issue type related problem like every other girl on the planet, embarrassing to watch sometimes but i cant speak for the other fembots myself
>another attention shore white egirl
Don't you guys ever get tired of falling for the same old shit? I hope she gets bia'd lol
This happens to me too girls post their contact and I dm them get a bit of a response but then they ghost me or dont even respond in the first place drives me up the fucking wall like damm I'm not trying to fuck you I just want a friend
>trying this hard to be belle delphine
belle's hot. all girls should look and dress like her
Which thread was the last thread? It is probably archived.
this girl is pretty cute, but does she have cute feet like belle? we are missing the important questions here..
post the fucking nudes already I wanna see if she's really a tranny or not
this horrible, horrible imitation of cracky is triggering me so much
more like trying to be some modern cracky, more than anything it's cringe
this this this