Opinion on pic related?

Why do you think it is hard getting a girlfriend?
>Take the Chadpill
It really is not as hard as you might think if you TRIED to Yas Forums.

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He is still super ugly.Apologies to user that look similar

Sure, but he got from a 3-4 to an easy 5 at least.

He still looks ugly, fuck off

You sound hurt, user. Why don't you try improving yourself? I am sure it would better your chances at the dating market.

Attached: 1568052008824.jpg (651x536, 49.75K)

Haircut won't fix that hairline, this lie fails on the first step.

I am a good case study

Let me preface by saying I am a 7/10. But receding hairline, im 5 foot 7. So im a manlet.

But I started eating better, quit drink, stopped porn, started walking daily, added in some weights. Still not fit but my body posture is starting to improve

Girls notice me more now. Or more specifically, my posture, my presence makes me look at girls more and they notice me back. I am more attuned to the world and it wont be long before I have a girlfriend

Most incel depressed people here, EVEN IF THEY WERE ATTRACTIVE, would fail to get a girlfriend because they're leaking so much negative energy. They probs cant even look people in the eye on the street nevermind get intimate with someone.

>ugly ass shirt with wolf on it, the kind that your divorced uncle would wear
>jacket that looks like it would have been handed out to concentration camp prisoners
ummm... sure

Attached: ehf1d.jpg (620x589, 31.82K)

bomber jackets are cool user. Thats why youre here.

Bomber jackets exist to accentuate the tshirt they are unequivocally cool. All you need is a good body and you can wear literally anything plain and you look good

White tshirt, black trousers. Done

Attached: face.png (802x1128, 562.6K)

>Haircut somehow fixes his hairline
>Smile somehow align his eyes and shrink his lips
>Picture assumes he has perfectly aligned teeth when in reality he most likely has crooked teeth

> become the cheap knock off vertion of Chad

Do you honestly think woman will pick a beta just because he larps as an alpha? They will still get 100s of messages from the real deal in a dating app, it wont change shit.

In your world you think the 4 billion women in the world pair up with just 1 man, the gigachad

All my friends are in long term relationships with people of equal attractiveness of them.

I know ugly people with ugly girlfriends, average people with average girlfriends, attractrive people with attractive girlfriends.,

its calling pairing up, and its also a pecking order. People know their social standing. Youd know that if you werent inside all day with no friends

>Most incel depressed people here, EVEN IF THEY WERE ATTRACTIVE, would fail to get a girlfriend because they're leaking so much negative energy.
This, listen to this user. Personality and masculinity are what attracts normal women. You have to strive improving yourself.
I have have quit porn for 2 weeks, literally only two weeks and now I have more energy, more drive to exercise, want to go out more and I kid you not had a girl interested in me, but I did not like her back.
I honest to God never thought a girl would be interested in me, it is so astonishing how much you can improve and get better in only a month.

>Hairline magically grows forward and thickens
>Head is bigger horizontally
>Hunter eyes magically
>More defined jawline

St. Blackopscel literally had to have his genetics changed via photoshop. Blackpill confirmed.

>just change your facial structure bro
this picture is heavily edited user

In what world is this 5/10 ???Where are you living.The only thing he's ging for him is not being fat,but he is a manlet skelly so it's not that much better.
I give him 2.5/10 Atleast he fixed the hair.Still looks like an alien insect

Working in the bar industry has taught me that how you physically look is not very important.

Generally it's how funny you are and how flirty you can be.

I've have had sex with people leagues above me because I work on myself (eg haircuts and good fitting clothing) and I've made them laugh.

Hell, I used to work with some guy who's literally fat but he's hilariously funny. And he ended up dating her for 2 years.

(she ended up cheating but she was like an 18 year old 10/10 Stacy and he did not improve himself weight wise)

>More defined jawline
You can try mewing, gaining muscle and not fat and you can be surprised how much it would help.

If youre a 9/10 chad but youre very unresponsive, cold, boring, blunt, unable to chat up a girl, unable to have charisma. You cant pick up girls. Period

Even tinder girls can get cold feet and make up an excuse to leave before having sex.

Don't forget the Hollywood teeth

Top kek.
I have friends user, 7 out of 10 are alone, 4 of those 7 never had a relationship. The ones that have one:
> the attractive dude that can pull woman by just existing
> the one that its an engineer at 21 with a good job, being almost rich for the age bracket
> one that its a normie with the same girlfriend since highschool

Yes, all of my friends are a bunch of nerds, but thats the kind of people you are speaking to in this board.

I consider myself to be a 6 or 7/10 and I totally agree. The best thing I did in my life was bartend for a few years. Really taught me to talk to women.

Hell, I can insult them now in a jokey manner and they're generally receptive, this isn't a humble brag but before I bartender I probably had sex with... 4 people? After it, 25 plus. (stopped counting) I really do encourage people to bartend if they're spergs.

Before bartending I was pretty awkward and awful with chicks.

>Before bartending I was pretty awkward and awful with chicks.
>his isn't a humble brag but before I bartender I probably had sex with... 4 people
Yeah OK normalfag

That user stated, that he is a 6-7/10. Let's say he is a 6.
See OP's post and try replicating it, add some social practice and you can easily become 7-8 and find a girlfriend to sleep with whenever you want.

Just trying to help, I was the fat kid with glasses nobody sat with for a long, long time.

Just wanna show some lads, even if its one that it isn't impossible.

Top it off with nice simple brown boots and some nice accessories like a watch or the necklace in pic related and that's literally basic /fa/ on a budget.

You were the "fat kid with glasses nobody sat with" WHO BANGED 4 GIRLS

Bartenders disgust me

Yup, I worked out, lost a bit of weight so I wasn't fat. Finally restyled my hair and spent a lot of time trying to improve myself. Rome was not made in a day, my friend.

Trust me, you can do it too.

Hell, drop me your details and I can help you out with advice.

I'm 29 years old, balding, crooked teeth, misshapen ass cheeks, 5'7, work minimum wage, virgin. A drunk girl once kissed me on a dare. I can speak French.

Try shaving for that. Your height is not as important to a shorter girl. I knew a mate, one which I worked with, he was 5'5. I was literally two heads taller than him. He easily got with girls, bro. He was working as a cook in a hotel.
He just had a kind and outgoing personality, was fit and was a great guy. Honestly, I had such fun talking with the lad.