Looking for girls

Hello, I'm looking for biological chromosomal girls to add me on discord. Goal would be lewd chat or you eventually becoming my girlfriend/wife, but we can stay just friends, as long as you initiate conversations and have an IQ higher than the room's temperature. Any fun mental illness you've got would be a plus.

>About me
* 21 years old dude
* Majoring in STEM
* Northern Europe
* Primary interests: anime/manga, technology, programming
* Fit build

pic related is how you can contact me, desu

homosexuals and trannies who indentify themselves as women needn't apply

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>*dying sounds*
Cope, brainlet coomer

Attached: hehe.png (1257x1568, 521.12K)

post before ban hf with your rangeban

>lewd chat immidiately
lol stfu hypocritical koon

>post before ban hf with your rangeban
Duuuuude, they've been banning me for the whole month, and I'm still out here wilding :D yeeaaahhhb booiiiiii

>>lewd chat immidiately
>lol stfu hypocritical koon
I didn't say I wanted it immediately. If you don't want any lewd chat, there will not be any lewd chat

Attached: hehe.png (320x326, 46.29K)

>anime/manga, technology, programming
Dropped. These aren't even real interests. Do you have actual hobbies?

silly simp gets the blimp!

What are considered as fun mental illnesses

>Dropped. These aren't even real interests. Do you have actual hobbies?
Well, besides those, I'm also interested in 3D graphics and algorithmic trading

>silly simp gets the blimp!
Thanks for the bumpu, fwen

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>What are considered as fun mental illnesses
Something fucked in your head that would want to chase after me with a kitchen knife, for instance, BPD

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>Any fun mental illness
You are actually retarded. Do you think having an """"""""""""""girlfriend"""""""""""""" fake online would be as equal to a normal in real life relationship?

Some people do
I'm not a schizo, desu
I'm the most biological and fit man you'll ever see today
I'm not talking to myself

>Do you think having an """"""""""""""girlfriend"""""""""""""" fake online would be as equal to a normal in real life relationship?
Would be much better than crying myself to sleep every night while cuddling the pillow, and imagining that's my girlfriend, desu

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Add this faggot Fenn#2681 and tell him to kys

Northern Europe usually implies scandi not slav desu

>Would be much better than crying myself to sleep every night
True, but it wouldn't satisfy you as the real deal either.
You say you are the most-biological and fit man, why haven't you gotten yourself a REAL girlfriend then? How many egirls have you gone trough, discordfag?

The longest (irl) relationship I ever had started on r9k, so I can't fault you for trying, but for love of god man what were you thinking when you wrote this embarrassing nonsense?

Flush yourself this very second desu it will save you a lot of hurt and embarrassment holy fuck

>Northern Europe usually implies scandi not slav desu
Wikipedia and other reputable sources says otherwise, desu. Besides, I'm thinking of emigrating somewhere to western Europe (prob the Netherlands), or the USA, so location loses its importance here

>why haven't you gotten yourself a REAL girlfriend then?
No mathes on Tinder and OkCupid, even though friends told me I looked good, just needed to shave
>How many egirls have you gone trough, discordfag?
I have 4 girls that I casually talk to, but none of them really wants to date me, and would rather be friends with me

>The longest (irl) relationship I ever had started on r9k
Yeah, I belive that it's possible, when I'm myself not vert good in irl conversations, and am rather shy with approaching girls 'cause don't wanna get metoo'd, desu :(
>what were you thinking when you wrote this embarrassing nonsense?
I can rewrite that, but seething jannies remove my threads within minutes :'(((

Attached: i-wish-that-were-you.jpg (960x748, 58.35K)

>No mathes on Tinder and OkCupid, even though friends told me I looked good
You are doing it wrong, my friend. Those things, alike Discord, are filled with thots. They will never fruit a long and healthy relationship. Is it possible - yes. Is it likely? Not even a little.
The easiest and I mean easiest way to find a girlfriend is trough your friends and social circle. A friend introduced me to a girl and told her I was cool and dependable. This rids you of the need to prove yourself in the early stages to her. I asked her out once, she was shy and denied, so I asked her again after some chatting. We went, we talked, made her laugh and everything.
She is now 100% interested in me, I however sadly am not in her.
I honest to God never I could make a girl interested in me, but it is not as hard as you can imagine. Don't be a fag, improve YOURSELF first. You need to love yourself before someone else could love you.

>The easiest and I mean easiest way to find a girlfriend is trough your friends and social circle
Don't have any irl friends, and my workplace is dominated by males
>You need to love yourself before someone else could love you
That's right, I don't love myself, and don't even know why somebody else should love me

You may ask, why am I even trying this byllshit discord thing, so my answer would be: I'd like her to introduce me to her country, and perhaps let me practice her language with me. How am I even supposed to move to, let's says, the Netherlands, while I don't sleak any Dutch........

Attached: i-wish-that-were-you.jpg (2400x1800, 261.99K)

>Don't have any irl friends, and my workplace is dominated by males

You're just ready to fire off an excuse to whatever, aren't you? You can go out with males and look for females, brainlet, it's the favorite male group activity.

my fembot friend was speaking to you before, and she told me that she wants you to kindly leave her alone because youre creepy. thanks OP

Based dubs of truth.
Don't make excuses, stop being a FAG, go outside and better yourself.

Interesting way of eliminating competition faggot
If she doesn't wanna talk she'll ghost

>You're just ready to fire off an excuse to whatever, aren't you?
I am, because generally I'm negative about life, and am sorta blackpilled on modern women

>my fembot friend was speaking to you before, and she told me that she wants you to kindly leave her alone because youre creepy. thanks OP
Tell her to block me if she doesn't like my company, desu

>Based dubs of truth
What about my trips? :D
>Don't make excuses, stop being a FAG, go outside and better yourself.
I will get back to hitting the gym as soon as the quarantine ends, desu

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>I will get back to hitting the gym as soon as the quarantine ends, desu
Congratulate you on the dubs, but that is not what I meant. You can be as lean as you want, but that's not the point.
The point is loving yourself, you want a girlfriend to make you happy? Go find one, you say you are very fit, then that's a bonus. If you are a 5/10, you become a 7/10 right away, just for being fit.
I am telling you, find some male friends. With said friends ask if they have girlfriends, ask their help in getting their gfs to meet you with their friends and then the magic happens.
Seriously, bro. Get off of Discord, not even Yas Forums, just Discord. Your life will become 10x better.

he's been making these threads for months now I don't think he's going anywhere

>Yeah, I belive that it's possible, when I'm myself not vert good in irl conversations, and am rather shy with approaching girls 'cause don't wanna get metoo'd, desu :(

Ofc it's possible.

Here's a tip though dude, when you are looking for women don't make it painfully obvious you'll be talking to every one the same way, or none of them will want to talk to you. Better yet, don't look. All the women I have ended up with I found by accident, I have never got with a woman by looking for one.

>All the women I have ended up with I found by accident, I have never got with a woman by looking for one.
Dude, can you tell me more? I am really curious about this. I honestly have never found a girl, which interested me as I have searched.

You seem manipulative and like you enjoy abusing girls though I'm not saying that's necessarily bad. Are you some sort of Scandinavian chad? More importantly, are you racist?

why can you namefag as kana but i cant type them its not fair

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