Test your IQ for free at the Norwegian Mensa site. Its the most reputable free test:

test your IQ for free at the Norwegian Mensa site. Its the most reputable free test: test.mensa.no/

beat this (pic related)

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Does this just mean I'm extremely retarded?

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You finished in roughly 15 minutes. So probably yeah. Above 145 and under 70 do not give any results. How well did it go?

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Tests stress me out i cant

nevermind, it only gives results between 85 and 145. Its highly likely you are retarded because 145 and above needs like only 1 or 2 mistakes.

Do I hear... coping?

Fuck me I'm not sure, I thought it was pretty easy in the beginning, but I'm kind of concerned now

king of the autistmos, holder of unattainable wisdom and knowledge
print this and hang it up on your wall, let all those who enter know your brilliance.

Well that makes sense, I'm mentally ill so that kind of impedes on IQ im pretty sure

145 iq God is dead. Prepare to get outsmarted by my superior intelligence inferior beings

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You beat me. I didn't read the instructions and left several unanswered, thinking wrong answers would penalise me.

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Mensa is known to exaggerate the results of their online test to get more people to participate in the official test that you have to pay for. Last time I took the Mensa online iq test I got 135, despite doing it while working and not answering like 5 last questions.

I'm hoping I just wasn't understanding the questions because I'm so tired. A psychologist measured me at 146 on the WISC V (I think) scale, and I really hope I haven't made myself dumber over the years.

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According to psych exams I've done, I am very intelligent, but I have a very slow processing speed. So, would it be cheating if I were to take longer than the time given? Like if I restart once the time limit's up and redo? Cause I feel like the forced uniformity of these tests is retarded. I haven't done any of these online IQ tests specifically because every time I realise there's a time limit it pisses me off and I stop.

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also dont share your timezone man

These are amazing scores. It makes me doubt wether everyone is posting their results after taking the text. slightly biased I think.

Do you have any source stating that Mensa is exaggerating results? Or do you have your own investigation?

My IQ isnt that high, this test inflates it. I know for a fact that Im a brainlet.

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I think the amount of time you take is taken into account when calculating IQ. It's the quotient of everything. Generally, an IQ test is made up of a bunch of smaller tests encompassing spelling, short term memory, spatial reasoning, as well as pattern recognition like in the OP test. A lower than expected IQ score doesn't exactly mean you're stupid. A comprehensive test is a lot more useful than a program that spits out a single number. It sounds like you know your strengths and weaknesses well enough. What good does the number do you?

whoopsie, didn't realize. Don't dox me pls

>I know for a fact that Im a brainlet.
That's actually a symptom of intellectual giftedness. It appears you are underestimating yourself. The results are based on all the data it receives. The percentile basically means you did better than the other X % who took the same test. This is also the reason they dont include results below 85. Otherwise troll attempts would be included too.

Too lazy to do this right now, but here's result from 2 years ago. Might do this later.

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>tfw smart enough to get frustrated about how stupid I am

My mind is autistically good with flipping shapes and whatever so I can breeze through all the previous ones but this one actually involves something else and I can't bloody find it without the timer stressing me the fuck out.

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another arguement against the validity of this is that its only pattern recognition. I am autistic, so I have an advantage in that field. It comes more natural to me than lets say, language comprehension. Being good with patterns doesnt necessarily make you smart. I am highly sceptical of tests like these. Always take IQ with a grain of salt, it often captures very niche abilities at a very specific point in time. And Im not only talking about these online tests, even serious tests at the psychologist might be lacking often times.

Same story, though I think I've done the new one too but scored lower. I've done maybe 5 different online tests and scored between 138 and 145 so hope that means I'm not too much of a brainlet.

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>most reputable FREE test
this is relative. I've never said it's a good representation. This is just a raw indication. We can agree on that.

People who know they are going to score well are probably more likely to take the test too.

>got bored in the middle
>8 minutes left
>clicked finish
>got 110

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the pattern ones always fuck me up

It's not reliable at all. I see most people get 130+ on this test. I am literally retarded, like genuinely one of the least competent human beings you will ever meet, and I got a 126 on this test. There is no universe where my IQ is anything above 100. It's simply not accurate. All online IQ tests are largely bullshit.

This is not remotely accurate, on the actual Mensa i scored 138.

Attached: screenshot-test.mensa.no-2020.04.16-10_00_14.png (823x601, 38.03K)

That matches up with 's officially tested score. Everyone add around 10 points.

yeah I basically did the same
just peepeepoopooed my way through the last 10 answers and got this

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Online tests don't accurately measure IQ in any way. I've taken 3 IQ tests throughout my life all administered by licensed psychologists and each one took a period of multiple days, an hour or more a day generally. No matter how "accurate/reputable" an online test claims to be, even if it is administered by Mensa, it is not going to give an accurate score regardless. Haven't taken that test, but from other online tests I've taken and the posts here it seems like it's mainly/only pattern recognition, which isn't indicative of an accurate test at all.