You cant be a robot if you're not a vegan. you just simply cannot

you cant be a robot if you're not a vegan. you just simply cannot

in the same way that you cant be a robot if you enjoyed bullying the shy losers in highschool, you cant be a robot if you enjoy torturing innocent sentient animals for your taste pleasure

its so hypocritical. all you faggots whine all day about your problems

>waaa waaa no gf
>waaaa i got bullied by normies/my parents/ my jew boss
>waaa females are whores who dont like me waaa
>waaa life is cruel and not fair

yet you go around paying for animals to live in the most unimaginably cruel conditions and killed for your AMUSEMENT. because you think double bacon cheeserbugers are fun to eat

you cannot be a robot unless you are vegan

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Other urls found in this thread:

who gives a shit about animals suffering?
i dont even care about people suffering

yet hypocritical fgts like you cry all day when you are the victims of suffering, or someone you care about, like your family. you and your family count as people

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great trips for a great post

you make bait threads all day and get bullied
is that why you feel bad for animals that have shitty lives?

animals have moral status. they are sentient and feel pain. for you to ignore their suffering simply because you can is you choosing not to participate in rational discourse about morality and ethics. this is on par with slave owners who chose to own slaves because they could get away with it, or germans committing genocide because they could get away with it, or a child serial killer who killed a baby because he can get away with it

if you're unwilling to participate in a rational discussion about ethics, then are are simply unreasonable with

i have autism and this is the subject that peaks my autistic interest. i had a longer thread about to post, but i was too lazy to go through with it, so i made a shorter thread, this one

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naturally the autist cares about useless shit like how animals feel

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>naturally the autist cares about useless shit like ethics
well, if you say so

Out of all the forced You can't be a robot if you're not X, this one is the stupidest one around

In fact you're a fucking normie if you're a vegan, you simp enough to change diet for the pussy points

>for you to ignore their suffering simply because you can is you choosing not to participate in rational discourse about morality and ethics. this is on par with slave owners who chose to own slaves because they could get away with it, or germans committing genocide because they could get away with it, or a child serial killer who killed a baby because he can get away with it
Oh no! I better change my ways now, huh?
But wait, I'm not breaking the law and I don't care about your opinion.
So maybe I will go on doing what I like to do because humans aren't rational beings guided by coherent morals. Too bad your ideals just don't click with reality. But I'm sure shitposting on Yas Forums will help lots of suffering animals so you can go on and feel really good about yourself. Bravo! Good for you!

why post these threads all the time
you're not converting anybody
do you like arguing this for fun

he already said hes a autist
literally admitted being a useless piece of trash

>implying that one should do whatever is legal
>implying that you are the collective of humanity itself

>do you like arguing this for fun
are you just realizing this now? i could argue veganism 14 hours a day everyday for years. i have diagnosed AUTISM

>I don't care about your opinion.
no no no, you dont care for rational discourse on subjects that emotionally trigger you and give you cognitive dissonance

>because humans aren't rational beings guided by coherent morals
dont project here. maybe you arent. but there absolutely are people who do engage in rational discourse

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I'm not vegan but you are definitely based, the average robot is a fucking retard and its fun to see them sperg out

>no no no, you dont care for rational discourse on subjects that emotionally trigger you and give you cognitive dissonance
Yup, I don't care for that either.

>dont project here. maybe you arent. but there absolutely are people who do engage in rational discourse
And none stick to their moral constructs so your point is mute. You admit to having autism. I think you simply don't understand people well enough to understand why your concept of morals is fundamentally flawed.
Your mute conversations on morals and animal ethics don't lead you nowhere. You don't stick to a cause either, this is nothing but your hobby.

the problem with your pic is some people think they are being healthy by going vegan
if somebody said they were eating mcdonalds for their health I would call them a retard

>muh morals
>muh ethics

>the problem with your pic is some people think they are being healthy by going vegan

first of all, vegans have the lowest rates of diabetes out of any dietary group. also the lowest rates of obesity, lowest rates of high blood pressure, and heart disease. they also have longer life expectancy. a vegan diet is nutritionally adequate for all stages of life, and has a higher density of anti-oxidants and fiber compared to a diet with meat in it. the amount of other nutrients like vitamins and minerals i dont know, but im sure its comparable or better

literally a vegan diet is healthy

second of all

the reason people have a problem with veganism is because it causes them cognitive dissonance attacts. it makes them feel uncomfortable because it subconsciously reminds them they are animal abusers, and so they take it out on vegans

so, you dont care about morals or ethics in any context?

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>waaa waaa no gf
I have no desire to have a gf. I'm an introvert; I can barely tolerate spending all day with my family on Christmas and wouldn't enjoy the company of a lover.

>waaaa i got bullied by normies/my parents/ my jew boss
I was popular in school, my parents spoiled me rotten and I never had a boss - jewish or otherwise. Being a robot, it goes without saying that I've spent all my afult life on disability for mental health issues.

>waaa females are whores who dont like me waaa
I firmly believe the world would be a better place if political leadership, decision making, government and economic life was in the hands of women. Women are more empathetic, which is why there is - for instance - a very clear distinction in the favour of women in both qualification and motivation for nursing professions.
I'm feeling pretty okay with the fact that I won't have any grandkids who have to suffer through the impending post-apocalyptic hellscape of permanent famine and total war caused by a decending cycle of dick-waving Presidents, generels and CEOs driven by their evolved biology to try to dominate and "out-do" the competition by pillaging our planet for selfish gains.

>waaa life is cruel and not fair
Quit projecting, Lucy.

>popular in school

Okay failed normie

Vegans confirmed for cringy nerd incels. For every animal you don't eat I'll eat two. Keep crying, animals don't deserve rights.

>you can't be a robot if X!
I really hope you're a foid, because god that's such an awful way to try and get people to give a fuck about your lost cause lol
if you're a male then, yikes

but, surely you must complain about some ethical issue that directly affects you. you are basically saying that you have a perfect life and are impervious to being negatively affected by other people, yet live a life as a reclusive neet. i feel as if im not getting a full picture here

and if you care to prevent the suffering of your children, then you care for morals. why stop there? why pay for animals to be bred, ruthlessly tortured and killed, all for your taste pleasure?

you know, statistically speaking, most ACTUAL robots were abnormally mature growing up. they protested against bullying weaker kids when the opportunity presented themselves, because they thought it was wrong, i can post proof but dont want to

why stop at humans? would you be okay with torturing dogs or cats for fun? whats the difference between a pig and a human that makes it okay to kill the pig for fun, but not a human?

atleast with you, you actually talk, unlike half the retards in this thread who wont even express a written out opinion

>I have no desire to have a gf
i feel as if your either lying to yourself or being disingenuous here. i could easily link studies showing that having a loving relationship and sex are some of the most gratifying things a human being can experience, and that autists want a gf more than normies, but get it less, and that lifelong virgins and mentally crippled people. i honestly feel like people who say they dont want it are lying to themselves

>I'm feeling pretty okay with the fact that I won't have any grandkids
me too. i knew since i was 16 i didnt want to reproduce. ahh, anti-natalism. veganism is just anti-natalism for animals, really

i regret ever using a trip. hearing me called out by name is so fkn cringy. but i deserve to suffer through the cringe because i was degenerate enough to use a trip. being anonymous is 1000 times better

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>animals don't deserve rights.

why? why dont animals deserve rights?

they are sentient conscious animals who can suffer. we give retarded people rights protecting them, and some animals, like chimpanzees are more intelligent than a mentally retarded person

whats the difference between a human and a pig that makes it okay to kill a pig for meat, but not a human?

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>We give retards rights
We shouldn't
>What's the difference between us and a pig
We have sapience and the means


for you to deny animals are sentient would be for you to deny science

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I'm still gonna eat them
Thanks for ignoring my other points
And keep your peta shit away from me

>We shouldn't
why. you havent gave a reason
>What's the difference between us and a pig
We have sapience and the means
sapience is just wisdom, which is intelligence. and your arbitrary level of sapience is SO fucking arbitrary. u wouldnt accept someone more wise killing and eating you, yet you do so for animals

would you be okay will killing people who are arent wise? like children or the retarded? if not you're not being consistent in the way you apply your standards, like the disingenuous hypocritical retard that you are

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they may be sentient but they aren't sapient.

>i feel as if your either lying to yourself or being disingenuous here
I spent my teens to mid-twenties thinking I wanted a gf, but in reality I just wanted the peceived validation of having a gf. As I got older, I became more comfortable in my own skin and more honest with myself, and I realize now that I wouldn't enjoy the company of another person. The only reason I wanted a gf was because I thought I was supposed to.

As for veganism and standing up for the underprivileged. The simple act of living in any first world country makes you complicit in an unholy global raping of such magnitude that no amount of meat replacement products or fair trade coffee could ever restore the cosmic balance. You're guilty of original sin just for living on the grid. Go ahead and boycott meat on ethical grounds. That will teach McDonald's a lesson.