but, surely you must complain about some ethical issue that directly affects you. you are basically saying that you have a perfect life and are impervious to being negatively affected by other people, yet live a life as a reclusive neet. i feel as if im not getting a full picture here
and if you care to prevent the suffering of your children, then you care for morals. why stop there? why pay for animals to be bred, ruthlessly tortured and killed, all for your taste pleasure?
you know, statistically speaking, most ACTUAL robots were abnormally mature growing up. they protested against bullying weaker kids when the opportunity presented themselves, because they thought it was wrong, i can post proof but dont want to
why stop at humans? would you be okay with torturing dogs or cats for fun? whats the difference between a pig and a human that makes it okay to kill the pig for fun, but not a human?
atleast with you, you actually talk, unlike half the retards in this thread who wont even express a written out opinion
>I have no desire to have a gf
i feel as if your either lying to yourself or being disingenuous here. i could easily link studies showing that having a loving relationship and sex are some of the most gratifying things a human being can experience, and that autists want a gf more than normies, but get it less, and that lifelong virgins and mentally crippled people. i honestly feel like people who say they dont want it are lying to themselves
>I'm feeling pretty okay with the fact that I won't have any grandkids
me too. i knew since i was 16 i didnt want to reproduce. ahh, anti-natalism. veganism is just anti-natalism for animals, really
i regret ever using a trip. hearing me called out by name is so fkn cringy. but i deserve to suffer through the cringe because i was degenerate enough to use a trip. being anonymous is 1000 times better
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