I'm finally glad the whites on this board have come to recognize

I'm finally glad the whites on this board have come to recognize

We just like yall except we was born black and God didn't make the world for only whites or asians

but for all people to get together and understand that through differences we can get along and be as one and know the real from the fake

now which are you? a real nigga or a fake nigga? you decide

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are you voting for biden?

I mean you say that but then all my life all the black people i have dealt with have been utter assholes to me so i dont really think we can be frens even if we tryed. You might like me but all your friends are gonna call you an uncle tom and then thats that. Its game over.

blacks can not be robots as they can get sex easily within their own communities.

That shits already free white boy


Why is there so much Blackposting lately. Are there really that many niggas on this board or is it just a larp?

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I'm black and I can't get any free shit.
But then again I'm male and have no kids.

its day time in africa

I'm voting for the Trump man

I was a short kid growing up (still am short) and I was constantly called a midget during middle school when I lived in Texas (lots of black people). when I moved up north (barely any black people where I live) nobody called me any names. are black people natural assholes, or are they just more open about being assholes while white people do that behind your back?

Shut up nigger. This is a whites only website.

right when I read "we was" I started reading in a accent

>implying black women are better than a cheap blow up doll

Fucking wew

>Yas Forums

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stick to your own race. we dont need your kind giving all the femanons herpes

Jesus fucking christ this is like the 9th black bot thread in the last day
This is why no one likes you. Just chill out with race shit and no one will mind you expect retarded pol refugees

Oh sure you can 100s of black fembot threads but when you get a little blackbot threads
you break down

90% of the "blackbot" threads are white guys larping and/or baiting

>tryhard ebonics
Hello white friend!

this. it's just plebittors getting their little hehe greentext xds. dont believe any of these threads

I just hate Israel man

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>That shits already free
whats already free?

I'm white but I hate the entire American government

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This site has an unhealthy obsession with darkies that I'll never understand. If they aren't bitching about how much they "hate" them then they're posting BBC. If they aren't posting BBC they're posting pics of hot black chicks. If they aren't posting hot black chicks they're LARPing as blacks. If it's not whites LARPing then it's actual black people posting racebait.
It's not racism, it's fixation.
Originally original.

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>I'm white but I hate the entire American government
its all so tiresome, isnt it.

Pretty much. I'm just hoping this country falls apart and balkanizes or something. I hate the government, I hate the corporations, I hate living in this evil empire that rolls back my rights as a citizen by the day.

what do you think a perfect society would look like?

A perfect society is always found elsewhere.
I don't claim this to be completely perfect, but it's good enough that it doesn't need to be.
In terms of governing style, the US from at least before 1912, or perhaps before the 1860s. Minus most of the racial shit of course, I just disagree with racemixing and think we can get along fine otherwise.
I also think most of Theodore Roosevelt's policies regarding the economy, safety standards, and positive race relations should not have been rolled back by successive presidents. Wilson largely undid these and fucked the world up both at home at abroad thanks to his management of World War 1.

>In terms of governing style, the US from at least before 1912, or perhaps before the 1860s.
would the policies at those times be qualified as "Classical liberalism" or do they have no modern counterpart?

The meme is that Bernie was promising shit like free college and free healthcare but most blacks are so poor that those things are already provided by the state. They'll get need-based scholarships and medicaid, for example.
So Bernie's proposal of making shit free that's already free for them is kind of silly. If anything, they'd just get less free shit because it has to be distributed among more people (and probably wouldn't have enough extra funding to do so).
As much as white libs might whine that blacks are voting against their own interests, blacks know their own interest and are smart enough to defend them.

>Using this one singular picture from an isolated even to represent the millions of people on this website.
You fucking stupid retard.

>dismissing the people who showed up to that "even" to represent this cesspool of a website

user-kun why must you cope this hard

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>blacks know their own interest and are smart enough to defend them.
i always see the meme that they are voting for joe biden only because he is associated with obama.