What's so wrong with black women that you refuse to date us?

What's so wrong with black women that you refuse to date us?

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black women don't want males like us

I'll date you nigger

They are just ugly compared to asians, sorry

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your fake hair smells like shit and the personality shaped by your ethnicity-specific emotional baggage is dangerous to my mental health and well-being
t. blackbot

how can i refuse to date black women when i have never refused to date women

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every race of female is ugly compared to asians
>inb4 muh plastic surgery/make up cope

I know you are just fishing for (you)s but the last black i chased said i was "obessed with power" or some gay shit like that so i dont know what to tell youn

Just fuck off back to Worldstar.

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Do you look like this?
So you sing like this?
Do you make the same facial features like this?

If yes, then I will date you!


Very simple answer, ugly... I dont find wide nose, shitty hair, charcoal skin(ironically its the least of all the traits that unattractive) face structure looking masculine, it screams no femininity...

>Kinky hair
>Loud and obnoxious
>Usually are entitled as hell
>Always politically far left.
>Often fat and ugly
>Prone to getting diabetes and hypertension.
>More loose than a prostitute.

>the truth is cope
Yellow fever: not even once

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t. triggered nigger fembot

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im a black dude and Ill date you

that is if youre actually black and actually a girl

Why don't you niggers stay on the nigger sites? ffs

Ew gross, go black some skanky white skinny blond chicks, and leave the cute black girls to us.
Don't make me use my white privilege card!

I'm neither a nigger nor female

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98% of them looks like monkeys. No joke, those jaws and lips just scream apeshit at the first site. No ass or tits can compensate that.

Yeah you're clearIy an incel


they're not even the same species. Also, if you really want to have a bf, why don't you go to the so called "blackbots"?

Says the yellow fever incel who refuses the truth

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I have a low opinion of yellow fever fags and their hubris, but nearly all of these gotcha heavy makeup pics are of Chinese. The Chinese are the genetic landfill of Asians, and of mankind in general.

these are obviously cherry picked bullshit photos, I don't even find the makeup version attractive. you're just retarded, retard

you're just posting chinks. Jap girls are far superior than any race of women you're lusting after. Also you're clearly an incel with all of these pictures you have saved on your device.

Honestly considering it, most black girls I've met were pretty cool and had interesting things to talk about at least the ones at my uni and even moreso the foreign ones. White women tend to be melodramatic or dull as shit

t. 23 yo white guy

As I get older and more mature I find myself more and more attracted to black women, but mainly the low-key ones

>tfw eastern european with fetish for black/light skinned girls
Why must I suffer so much. There are no blacks around here (in my entire life I have met about 10 blacks in my city...). And even if I managed to score a black gf we would get so many crazy looks/beatings from local neonazis. A few months ago some english dude got shit beaten out of him just because he spoke english in public. Eastern Europe (mainly smaller cities and non-turistic destinations) is truly a strange place. Sometimes I want out.

I agree with that, but asians aren't some race of perfect models. And don't act like Koreans and Japanese don't do the same thing, it's almost all plastic surgery and makeup because they have some weird obsession with looking white.
>everything I don't like is cherrypicking
I easily found these online by looking up "asian women without makeup", it's literally that easy to disprove you my seething little friend.

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funny how the black guys want a black gf while the black chicks just want a white bf

None of them are Japanese, retarded incel

African women, especially educated ones, are genuinely top tier people. Bonus if they are from a french speaking african country, because they have the sexy accent and general franco aire.

Why do people shit on Koreans for using plastic surgery like half the posts of girls on this board aren't photoshopped or cut to hell? It's the Internet bro, it's all fake.

Black dude here, weighing in with a HOT TAKE

Black women tend to hate me and my type almost on-sight because my behavior differs from their curated image of what's acceptable, and it differs from one to the next. Find you a girl in a club and she'll expect you to act like any gangster you see on the streets. Find you a girl at the park and she expects you to be an athlete and highly immodest, just direct and forward. Find you a girl at the office, and she expects you to be curated and sculpted like marble, while also having an extremely reserved personality that isn't bombastic or showy AND be able to be a party animal at a moment's notice. Seven relationships with black women back-to-back and I get cheated on or broken up with for one stupid reason or another, and it's always because I'm not their perfect image of what a black man "should" be.

Then, when I'm single, I talk to any Latin woman in my city. They don't care if I'm loud as shit, they don't care if I'm calm and collected, they don't care if I got a little chub or if I've been working out lately, they wanna have fun and they see me as a chance to do it. So I bed Rochelle and Andrea and Valerie and suddenly I'm the bad guy because I'm not sticking with Kiki and Sharette? And then I'm wrong for being cautious towards other black women in the future, while Asian, Latin, and White women eat me up? If you don't want a specific group of people, you find yourself whatever specific group you want and make it CLEAR you aren't interested in X group, Y group, or Z group. Y'all can't communicate for shit, and you think it's the man's fault for not being fucking telepaths. Other race women do the same shit too, but if you call them out on it, they adjust their behavior. Black women out here just breaking up with their man or cheating on him because of a misunderstanding they don't even try to resolve.

Go to worldstarhiphop. Open a video. Scroll down into the comment section.

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>mom I posted the horse pussy I did it I owned the niggers