hey boys i had drug induced psychosis a while back and im struggling with reality and whats real and whats not. ive seriously considered suicide because my mind is so confusing and i want it to be over with.please help me help my self i dont know what im going to do
Hey boys i had drug induced psychosis a while back and im struggling with reality and whats real and whats not...
nigga go to a doctor and get them to give you meds
i was on anti deppressants and they didnt do anythign and they just made me worse
what drugs user?
i agree you should see a doctor
What drug did you take? Also you need to get on antipsychotics ASAP
that's a really tragic picture. she's probably a crack whore and it looks like she's on duty
I took a really big dab for the first time and i started off with an anxiety attack then i started to hear things and see things then felt like i left my body and i was being forced to watch my self and i was runing around my room looking for my guns to kill myself
On one hand, this reality is more than likely a "simulation" of sorts. On the other, it's not like the Matrix where you have a "real" body outside of here you can get back to. You're part of the program as much as anything/anyone else is. Just don't freak out over it and accept it for what it is.
i just really want help and this alchohol isnt helping
What would they even do? make me even more like a fucking bot. that would make me want to fucking off my self even more
Out of body experiences are real and easy to accidentally achieve while fucked up on psychedelics (yeah weed's a psychedelic, it's especially noticeable in large doses, like you get with dabs). So yeah, you probably were running around looking for a gun to kill yourself with because you were freaking out, while simultaneously "watching yourself" do it from another mental perspective.
like its not going to get better, the only way to really stop these things is medication. Really sorry dude, but drugs are fucked its why everyone tells you not to do them. if youre lucky it will go away on its own, but if youre not youre gonna need medication to experience things normally. I had an episode of psychosis and was back to normal within a few weeks. a friend of mine wasnt so luck and hes on meds now, but hes feeling alright. one thing for sure though, continuing to use drugs puts you at a greater risk of develop[ing a lasting psychotic disorder like schizophrenia, please make the right choices and contact a mental health professional
Nice job weed nigger
You were the one talking about needing medication fucking retarded. I hope you kill yourself
you need anti psychotics if you have psychosis
ive never had that happen because but why the fuck was i seeing my walls move and talking to myself and my thoughts were repaeting in my head so fucking loud
it was a while ago like 2 months and im not seeing anything or hearing anything and i havent for those 2 months but after that experience ive just been so lost in my own head
Because you had so much THC in your system that the psychedelic effects were super obvious and impossible to ignore like most people do with low doses.
I wouldn't recommend taking any until you chill the fuck out, but you'd have similar effects if you took psilocybin mushrooms or lsd.
that makes sense, im just going to stick with drinking not alot but get buzzed and feel good because alot of boose can give you bad pshycosis
If you're legit tripping out post- psychedelics, then get a Benzodiazepine (xanax, valium, etc) dosage regimen. You have to be extremely strict with yourself because benzodiazepines are extremely easy to abuse and get addicted to (they artificially elevate dopamine levels in your head). Let this rock-bottom experience serve as a reminder not to be arrogant with drugs and not to fuck with them anymore.
Well that was an interesting rabbit hole to reverse image search.
I feel like she was an ugly teenager too, no wonder she took to the pipe
Yeah, alcohol is good at numbing this kind of shit when you use it in moderation.
Check in to the mental hospital and reach your true peak freak out then come down over a year and find your best life that is what I did
ive already told my self that im never doing any type of drug ever again and im sticking with boose and tabbaco thats it
sounds like hell. do they let you have internet acces?
this is coming from a nigga that did several lines of coke before taking 600ug of acid. Legit felt like alice in wonderland's rabbit hole scene but with my own personal demons and it feeling like it lasted weeks.
I wasn't myself and it served me a very harsh reminder not to fuck around with hard shit like this. Psychedelics are an amazing tool to potentially help you on a path to be better, but it's the sharpest double-edged sword there is.
DON'T fuck around with psychedelics.
I've had a similar experience where I've taken a shit load of honey oil because I didn't know how potent it was.
It hit me while watching the last avengers movie, and I just kept thinking Thanos was trying to kill me from back in time and there was nothing I could do about it.
Had a cop knock on my door too. He just needed me to ring him in to the main apartment building, but I'm pretty sure that traumatized me a bit.
I felt like I was going to be legitimately insane for so long, but it eventually got better. I just won't smoke weed ever again. I was a pretty frequent smoker too.
do you have discord i could talk to you on? because i feel the same way and id rather vc than Yas Forums
>hell, now with free wifi
Alright my dude. I will help you, I had the same shit go down about a year ago and I'm much much better now, not completely cured, but SO MUCH better.
Here's the first thing you need to do, you NEED to go to a medical doctor and tell them what happened. You'll want to ask for some meds, shit like seroquel or some SSRIs. Now I know asking for this stuff sucks and I know going on it is even worse, but you have to do this if you want to be normal again. DO NOT BE AFRAID TO SWITCH MEDS IF SHIT ISN'T WORKING! It is supposed to work, so keep shuffling around until you feel at least a little better. This WILL take time, but you MUST do this.
Stage 2 is to see a trauma councilor. I know this sounds retarded, but trust me, I did the same shit and pissed around and it didn't help me. Talking to somebody who will at least understand what you say from a academic level will help. Your body and mind were FUCKED UP by drugs. Weed is a psychedelic if you take large doses or use edibles; you fucked up your brain and you now have trauma, so the logical plan is to see a trauma councilor, make sense? Make appointments to see somebody ASAP and try to go every 2 weeks. It might even be easier to get bookings now with them all working from home.
Now meditation is going to be something you'll have to do regularly, semi daily at least. Also keep a journal and write your feelings and emotions every night before bed.
lastly, and I cannot overstate this,NEVER EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER USE DRUGS AGAIN. Alcohol is fine in maybe 6 months to a year from now, but it will be so much more debilitating and fucky than it ever was.
Try looking for and joining the discord server "repersonalised" (mG7KEX), one of the strangest, but most helpful things is knowing that others are going tough the same shit. I'm in the server, it's been a wonderful resource.
If I can think of more I'll post again, Godspeed user, you'll get through this. I promise.
FUCK being in a mental hospital with out a computer or something
Thank you man, im going to make a promise to my self and all the people that are trying to help me. im going to better my life and get help and get healthy again.