I almost want to kill myself just to see what's on the other side. There can't really be a hell can there? We're already living in one.
I almost want to kill myself just to see what's on the other side. There can't really be a hell can there...
Other urls found in this thread:
You only go to hell willingly
Eternal damnation is a meme perpetuated by Dante's fanfiction
I think that after you die there is nothing and I could be right, so unless your life is so utterly fucked up that you cannot take any pleasure from it, go and do the things you like. Or kill yourself, your choice.
There's nothing, but if you're going to kill yourself, you should at least try being a butt slut first and also give away your Steam, etc.
>There's nothing
Low IQ take
Would you explain why ???
Why would there be something? And don't tell me everybody has a "soul" or some other pseduoshit.
Stupid to assume there's nothing when there's no indication of it, in fact physical reductionism is more baseless than idealism
Read Plato
Not him but we don't know. I used to be 100% reductionist/physicalist that we all are just result of random chance of processes in the universe, but we don't know if theres something "out there", we can't even comprehend the concept of the universe/big bang starting from nothing. So theres clearly a lot of shit that we don't know, it seems like its equally likely that our lives are really meaningless or theres some superior thing out there where the universe is contained.
I still find all religions and dogmas made up bullshit, but I recognize that theres a lot more than our limited perception.
It makes more sense to assume there is something than to assume there is nothing. This is obvious to anyone with a triple digit IQ for the existence of the immaterial is made evident by the conscious process experiencing itself
I wished I was religious so I could believe in an afterlife. But logically I just can't do it, I just can't believe in stuff without evidence. I wish I could believe that there will be a nice afterlife, but it's like I can't and I sort of feel that this is it. It makes me really sad because it just makes life feel so meaningless if when I die it will just be nothing for eternity.
I wish there was some way I could truly believe...That when I die, things will be all right. I sort of hope that when I die, I will end up somewhere that feels right. This can't be all there is...
>the existence of the immaterial is made evident by the conscious process experiencing itself
It doesn't mean anything, it can very well be just a physical process, an emergency of brain activity. Its also possible that theres a lot of shit "outside" the universe that we don't know, but even if it exists it doesn't necessarily mean that our lives are meaningful. Life can be just as important as a rock or something for those metaphysical processes.
Even if its somehow meaningful in some way, it also doesn't necessarily mean we get to experience some sort of continuity after death, without that it can be as meaningful as it can be, there would still be no value to us.
Bottom line is, we don't know shit and everything is equally likely.
You don't need to be religious to believe that there may be or may be not afterlife, see
Nihilism is for brainlets, read nigga read
I never mentioned meaning
>can very well be a physical process
No, it very obviously can't, not in the conventional sense
Describe the physicality of qualia
>No, it very obviously can't, not in the conventional sense
Please elaborate. We barely understand how the brain works, bold of you to assume it can't generate consciousness all by it self.
Thats the only reason I havent killed myself yet and have some faith in God whatever that means. My life is an unsalvageable shithole of pure misery. if I killed myself and just woke up in my life again except now I have to spend eternity there. Fuck man just thinking about it makes me mentally weak
The perception of material reality around me is enough to empirically conclude that physical objects "exist" insofar as I trust my perception to reflect truth at least partially, so the logical conclusion is to extend this to my conscious experience: I experience material reality around me and deduce that I am surrounded by a material realm, but this act of experiencing possesses a substance as well, one that is distinct in nature from the physicality it observes, as I can derive physical laws from observation, but those laws themselves are not physical and belong to a realm separate from what they describe
So what you are saying just because the brain can think in abstract ways, that necessarily means this phenomenon can't be generated by physical processes?
Sounds like bullshit to me.
Not my fault if you can't understand basic English, brainlet
An afterlife just doesn't even make sense in so many ways.
What's more realistic;
A) Your consciousness gets TELEPORTED to a far off place that might not even be in this terrestrial realm. Oh btw, it's also a paradise.
B) Your consciousness ceases to exist, just like how it was before you were born.
inb4 people with near death experiences seeing angels and shit... their brains were just being pumped full of DMT naturally.
God what a dumb fucking post
I know this board is retarded but you people should really seek to acquire a basic understanding of ontology before talking about things you obviously don't understand shit about
>wahhh matter can't be self-aware because REASONS
>stop challenging my philosophy books that I use to jerk off with
If there is? You'll just go to a worse place than this which is probably why most religions are against suicide not only the abrahamic ones
You're not challenging shit you brainlet lmao, you don't even understand what is being talked about
Seething hylic slave
You fags that enjoy sucking the dick of dead bearded men are all the same.
You get so enthralled in those nonsensical puzzle-like frameworks that those philosophers come up with it that the moment someone with the minimum amount of pragmatic thinking(instead of the mental masturbation that you enjoy so much) challenge your assumptions, you fucking bail because you have no idea how to argue outside of your little sandbox.
>he still didn't make a point against my original argument
You insecure low IQ troglodytes who dismiss philosophy because you can't understand it and equate pragmatism to false assumptions and braindead pseudo-reductionist stances are all the same
Get rekt
Same, the sole reason why I would want to kill myself is to see what happens after I die. If I knew this then I would be able to know what to do in this life. Smoking DMT can help relieve this to a degree as when the trip ends it feels like you've experienced what happens after you die, but again, it's still not satisfactory as it's still a substance. I don't care much about this life, or never will feel satisfied unless I know what happens after death. Either pure nihilism, or you reccour as some sentience in another form(think, you're alive right now out of this randomness, regarding the infinte theory of life and the universe it would be mathematically incorrect to think "you" in some concious form could never happen again). Or what I fear the most, consequence in a heaven or hell. I don't know how people can be satisfied not knowing what might come next, or if their conscious actions are spiting them in the hereafter. Many people who are revived from clinical death report 360 vision whilst in their NDE state and report the exact things the doctors were doing to them on the table. It makes me paranoid knowing this.
>I am smarter than hundreds of men whose systems of rational thought have withstood the test of time for millennia and whose ideas and methods remain at the center of modern discourse
>yes, my worldview is superior to theirs because it is less complex, I truly am a pragmatist
Imagine, just imagine being this much of a dumb faggot.
Interesting watch
>a woman
they don't have souls
>a tripfag
they don't have relevant opinions
>Stupid to assume there's nothing when there's no indication of it
stupid to assume there's something when there's no indication of it
Nice authority falacy you retard. I never said I was smarter than anyone, just that philosophyfags never know how to discuss shit with their own words, its always a pseudo-cult circlejerk of who said what and the moment someone questions anything and asks an explanation in practical terms, they bail claiming superiority. Its truly pathetic.
i feel like i've kind of given up on this life already and just anxious to see whats next.
There is an indication that there's something, brainlet. Read the rest of the posts.
>uuuuh that's a fallacy bro
>philosophy's a cult dude
Nice ad hominems, strawman arguments and projection you retard.
You're boring and uninteresting, I have no interest in continuing this conversation