I don't like Trump
Piss Yas Forums off in one sentence
implying r9k gives a shit about some normalfag politician
very weak bait senpai
The only reason you think that is because pol leaked a lot in the past election.
along with the wave of newfags that the election brought here.
This shithole at least this board in particular was never a place with huge focus on politics
You're not entitled to anyones affection or emotion, no ones dealing with your shitty personality,
Most incels aren't robots.
If someone's calling you a nigger they actually don't like you and aren't just playing.
Nailed it.
Trannies are just coping with the fact that not even taking bitch pills will win over any normal functioning member of society to like them. They are all mentally ill and probably couldn't get laid before transitioning.
This is about PISSING Yas Forums off
Not GETTING them off
dear god, that sums up much of this place kek
Volcels are fine.
>mplying what's left of Yas Forums these days is nothing more than fag posting and discord trannies.
women don't actually live life on easy mode
I want to move on from you.
Well it looks like OP was successful.
Think of it and you just Iost
femanons dont owe you anything
>Women have it a lot worse in life than men. Thinking they live on easy mode in nonsense when men are also capable of doing sex work. They just don't want to suck cocks or jack off for ugly old ladies on cam.
>Jews aren't behind any grand conspiracy. They can't even agree about their religion or the rights of Israel, let alone coordinate a massive international conspiracy.
>If you're an incel or not a feminist, you can't be a robot.
>If you're not a communist, anarchist, or socialist, you can't be a robot.
>If you're racist, you can't be a robot.
>If you're rich, you can't be a robot.
>Conservatives, reactionaries, and fascists cause more to robots than other political groups.
>The past was worse for robots than today. At least now we have cool hobbies and the internet. Back in the 50s, you could only join the AV club or write dumb letters to the local paper.
>It's not your moms' fault your dad left you.
>Reddit is a right wing echo chamber that only bans something it makes it into the news. They're fine to let Trump supporters organize school shootings otherwise. Anyone who says otherwise is just a dumbass who should gtfo my board.
>You shouldn't say things on here you wouldn't say irl. If you """ironically""" say racial slurs, for example, it's no different than saying them unironically due to anonymity. We are who we pretend to be.
I think that's all of them?
I hate Trump because his is a Zionist shill
These are such soiboy redditor infiltrator opinions.
Hey if I would post my Amazon wishlist would you incels buy me things? I'll send you my discord if you do and I'll call you
I don't get why you all are so lazy? Just get a fucking job you fags
The only reason you pissed me off is because you're trying so hard
Robots can't be incels
If you can work a computer and this website with internet access, you can get laid
I dont really care if you like him or not. Your just a cuck but im not offended in the slightest.
We can all be chads with some simple dental corrections to our jaws and working out to do fat burning/cardio for 2 hours and strength training for 1 hours each week while following a low carb, soda and alcohol free diet.
Does it actually piss some on here that I could, in theory, be laid but have so many mental blocks that in practice I can't and, to an extent, don't?
Damn, I guess 2 years of hardcore browsing isn't enough for newfags to embrace board culture anymore.
Who the fuck likes Trump in the year 2020 lmao
I don't hate woman. I am against misogyny and I despise rapists, and racists.
I forgot to mention I like gay people and abhor homophobes.
"robots" you so call yourselves, you're actually just a manchild seeking comfort in the arms of another manchild.
Like barely 1% of Yas Forums is actually tranny why are you fags so obsessed with them?
Women should not be judged for their sexual past.
Women owe me sex fuck you cunt