Get into an argument on Yas Forums while acting smug

>get into an argument on Yas Forums while acting smug
>get absolutely blown the fuck out and end up completely embarrassed and humiliated
How do I cope with this feel?

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you double/triple down on your argument and if you keep getting replies just say
>lmao cant believe you retards got baited so hard by my retard post
when they reply with
>i was only pretending to be retarded lol
just dont reply, they lost

just pretend to be a woman supporting your own posts to derail the thread and everyone will forget you. That is my goto anyway

My fuckings sides. I needed that laugh, thanks. Not OP

then start another derail insisting the pretend woman is a tranny

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just close the thread and pretend it never happened, you'll forget about it in a day or two

What were you debating on that you got btfo?

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here user, this might be of public utility

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Start samefagging and btfo'ing yourself. That way you technically won the argument since you swapped sides.

>just close the thread and pretend it never happened
Learn something from the argument, it's not a competition to see who's "righter" it's a method for seeking answers or to at least weigh all possible issues in the way two different people perceive something.

i still think about that time i got skullfuckedly clattered 10 months ago at least once a day

Tell me about the time you got skullfuckedly clattered 10 months ago

How is that even possible on Yas Forums? The best argument Yas Forums uses is ur gay. If you don't care about personal insults you can say whatever the fuck you want here and get away with it.

The thread will get deleted, you'll forget about it in a few days, and everyone else there will too. And if nobody remembers, did it even really happen? Take solace in the idea that this is more or less inevitable

Nothing on the internet is ever forgotten, if it is a particular brutal defeat I will go to the archives just to find it and repost it here to mock him some more

Just go buy a girl flowers.

Spent the last 20 minutes trying to write about it but I still can't bring myself to. Just know that it's probably a lot tamer than what your thinking, it just really got to me because all the insults everyone gave me were completely true. I haven't experienced anything like it since. It involves an old film, I would name it but that information plus the time period allows you to easily track it down on desuarchive (I just tried)

If you were proven wrong it means you leaned something

I honestly just wanted to use your phrase in a post, it has to be one of the most original expressions I have seen in a while

thanks, i strive for originality

man now i am more curious than ever

Don't be smug about shit you know nothing about.
Look up the Dunning Krueger effect.

This. If you're just in it to 'win' you've already lost.

I usually don't go into arguments along the lines of "this is why I'm right" but rather "this is what I think". It detaches my argumentation from myself so I can always ditch something that is obviously false. Along with some sneaky provocation the other guy usually gets angry enough that his arguments start to lose coherency. A lot of people on here just can't cope with you not being influenced at all by your argument getting btfo, they argue to hurt you, not to prove you wrong.

This really boils down to pokerfacing and provocating your way to making your opponent incoherently screech. If that happens you usually win by default even if you have zero substance lol

lmao cant believe you retards got baited so hard by my retard post

How the fuck do you get BTFO on Yas Forums? Most anons here can't argue for shit.

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I used to think this way but I've only seen screechy memes become successful on Yas Forums.

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>caring about being popular
wrong site, friendo

please still the beans

Make a pretty easy argument to debunk
Reply as them, making a total ass of yourself and say "transgirl btw"

>got absolutely BTFO in a mathematics thread a year ago
>still remember it now
Good thing Im anonymous. That level of logical blown the fuck out would have have been life ruining in any other circumstance.

Next time don't start with "the earth is flat, prove me wrong; haha keikaku doori"