HoIy shit what the fuck

hoIy shit what the fuck

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>I wish I could tell you that there was a definitive moment that made me download it that night, but it was simply that I had finally mustered up the courage to do so
>I am used to meeting up with men whenever I want to... sometimes when my husband is still in the house
>But before you think I'm a monster, know this: I decided that between the risk of being unfulfilled the rest of my life or stepping outside my marriage for what I wanted, the latter was the better option
>And I won't feel guilty for it
>My affairs are about me and only me,
kek remember that this is the mindset of the average femoid in 20 + 20
the only reason to talk or interact with these holes is to pump and dump them, you would have to be a literal subhuman double-digit IQ retard to even consider being with one long term

You're right, 40 ac was an awful year

It's just sex, she shouldn't be unhappy just because hubby doesn't like to experiment in bed

>love of my life
>12 year old daughter
>My affairs are about me and only me
A sex addict justifying their addiction is now something to be praised, Jesus Christ. She is using sex to escape her deep seeded issues, and is in denial to the pain she is causing. Not only is she being abusive towards her husband whom she 'loves' but she is jeopardizing the stability of her family which could cause harm to her child.

not reading that whole thing but
>he didn't spank or choke the mother of his child the way i wanted him to
there's some deep psychological issues here

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actually fuck off and die. this bitch's behavior is unacceptable. crawl back to buzzfeed and reddit

Well, adapt or die, he didn't adapt and so...

Unacceptable how? We are too civilized to think something as fun as sex should be "sacred" lmao.

Monogamy is generally implied in the case of marriage. This bitch has no sense of loyalty. If you want to have sex with multiple people you should not be married and bee leeching off pf your spouse.

Maybe 2 centuries ago, the time we also thought cutting the brain was valid medical treatment

Fortunately we already left behind such silly notions.

is time for this?
is time for this..

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bitches and whores man. bitches and whores.

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Not that user, but the unacceptable thing is doing everything behind her husband back. This makes her absolute scum.

>literally the most fundamental and important aspect in determining how we evolved as a species and therefore is the foundation of all of our behaviors, desires, aspirations and principles
>lmao who cares

they all pretty much the same. don't put your trust in thots.

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>mustered up the courage to be a piece of shit
Woman logic

This is why i refuse to get married. I refuse to have some woman take advantage of me, my trust, and my possessions.

monogamy? it was only a thing when the retarded christians decided to stop our progress as a civilization but sure

Yeah makes sense even if your pool dramatically gets lower because you value more your things than your partner, but it is the logical choice for you.

Why would i want a partner that does not value me at all? Perhaps my greed is justified.

Enforced monogamy was around long before christianity you fucking brainlet.
Also>duur become a cuck and turn a blind eye to your wifes infidelity or u a bad hubby men are submissivecucks now its da current year!
The state of roasties and their enablers.

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nice, Keked

Imagine being the kid a fews years later reading this and finding out your mother is a completely degenerate whore

And the sad thing is shed still get custody of the child lmao.

If the kid is a daughter, she wouldnt be all that traumatized. Girls dont see anything wrong with this.

True simp-energy redditor mindset. Go back where you came from fag

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its fake. they would never confess

They confess when they're anonymous.
Fuck off, namefag.

naw man, it was written by a man.
>"f-fuck off namefag"