>Age >Gender >Time on Yas Forums >Favorite Vidya >Favorite Movie >Favorite Song or Album >Occupation >Virginity Status
>Age 23... >Gender Male... >Time on Yas Forums Eleven years... >Favorite Vidya Wrath of the Lich King... >Favorite Movie Apocalypse Now Redux... >Favorite Song or Album Favorite song is Don't Let the Devil Ride by Christone Kingfish Ingram... favorite album is Currents, Constellations by The Nels Cline 4... >Occupation NEET for five years since high school graduation... >Virginity Status Not a virgin...
kys normalfaggot if you're going to start a data mining thread at least pretend to be a fucking robot
Luis Moore
>Not a virgin... faggot
>Age 26 >Gender man >Time on Yas Forums around 2009-10 >Favorite Vidya Red Dead Redemption >Favorite Movie The Thing (1982) >Favorite Song or Album Cynic - Traced In Air >Occupation perma-NEET >Virginity Status intact
Austin Walker
>Age 62 >Gender Male >Time on Yas Forums 5 yrs >Favorite Vidya Space Invaders >Favorite Movie Alien >Favorite Song or Album Hall and Oates greatest hits >Occupation Physical therapy >Virginity Status Not a virgin
>Age 29 >Gender Straight biological male >Time on Yas Forums 12 years >Favorite Vidya BF3 >Favorite Movie Goodfellas >Favorite Song or Album BWV 1052 >Occupation Musician >Virginity Status Proud virgin
>Age 22 >Gender male >Time on Yas Forums 3-5 years not sure >Favorite Vidya world of warcraft, back when i could still enjoy vidya >Favorite Movie i'm more of a series kinda guy >Favorite Song or Album right now, this mix youtu.be/F6V7y0brtAQ >Occupation jobless and in quarantine >Virginity Status kissless virgin
Ethan Torres
>nineteen >f >five years >minecraft >waking life >d&g >neet >khv
Nicholas Williams
>Age 26 >Gender dood >Time on Yas Forums 2004 eat me >Favorite Vidya EYE divine cybermancy >Favorite Movie Subjective and objective cannot choose a single >Favorite Song or Album I listen to a very specific genre don't bother >Occupation I pack boxes >Virginity Status lol married
Ethan Diaz
>Gender m
>Time on Yas Forums since 2007, 10 hours a day since 2018
>Age 26 >Gender Male >Time on Yas Forums Consistently since 2011 >Favorite Vidya Trails in the Sky >Favorite Movie Fight club >Favorite Song or Album At war with the mystics >Occupation Med student >Virginity Status lost in high school
>Age 27 >Gender Male >Time on Yas Forums Since 6th grade. Got banned first day for being underaged and learned to change IP >Favorite Vidya I only ever liked WoW. Can't stand it now. >Favorite Movie Flight 2012 >Favorite Song or Album Glass Faces - Corelia >Occupation nEEt >Virginity Status Pozzed
Gunna die soon
Benjamin Long
>Age 19 >Gender female >Time on Yas Forums 5 years oops >Favorite Vidya lol none >Favorite Movie lol idk >Favorite Song or Album lol idk >Occupation Neet >Virginity Status Virgin
David Mitchell
>19 >male >eh a couple of years >fallout new vegas or minecraft >scott pilgrim vs the world or perks of being a wallflower >Led Zepplin III >Currently a Mechanical engineering student >Total, TOTAL virgin
Anthony Reed
Here you go CIA nigger >21 >Male >6 years >S.T.A.L.K.E.R >They Live >I don't have a particular favorite, I mainly listen to 60s psychedelic boomer shit though >Student >I've kissed before, that's it
Fuck it. >21 >male >was aware of it since at least 2010, started actively browsing around 2011-2012, do not even remember how it started >stalker >hard to say >also hard to say, really depends on the day >currently a stock clerk for a few months >got diddled a bit as a kid and had some groping/handjob tier stuff in high school but no benis in anything BF3 was pretty good, still play it from time to time myself. Wonder if Bad Company 2 is still populated, for PC at least. Wish they brought back the ammo feature from 1942 where all vehicles had a finite supply of ammo and you had to either go to a captured base or return to your home base to resupply Privyet Stalker brat.
Blake Robinson
I stopped playing vidya around the time jet velocity and recoil macros started gaining popularity in BF3. idk about about BC2 since I wasn't really a fan of it.
Colton Roberts
>Age 23 >Gender male >Time on Yas Forums 8 years >Favorite Vidya f:nv >Favorite Movie a clockwork orange >Favorite Song or Album talking heads - remain in light >Occupation roofer >Virginity Status a girl hugged me once
Charles Price
>Age 19 >Sex Male; gender is a jewish word stop using it >Time on Yas Forums 6 years >Favorite Vidya Underrail >Favorite Movie Donnie Darko >Favorite Song or Album Hesitation Marks >Occupation College Student >Virginity Status Virgin
>Age 22 >Gender The only gender on this godforsaken board >Time on Yas Forums 10 years >Favorite Vidya ARMA 3 >Favorite Movie Apocalypse Now >Favorite Song or Album Vulgar Display of Power >Occupation Uni student and work at local gun range >Virginity Status Yes, I have had one relationship in high school
>Age 84 >Gender F >Time on Yas Forums 3 hours >Favorite Vidya minecraft >Favorite Movie spongebob squarepants >Favorite Song or Album us national anthem >Occupation fisher >Virginity Status nonvirgin
Bentley Rivera
>Age 36 >Gender male >Time on Yas Forums 13 >Favorite Vidya throw down between Planscape Tournament, Deus Ex, and both Neirs >Favorite Movie Wall-E >Favorite Song or Album between youtube.com/watch?v=zNVZzXgMdXs and youtube.com/watch?v=5A4xBp2rizQ >Occupation NEET >Virginity Status lost 16 years ago, hook up with my now wife
>Age 20 >Gender penis >Time on Yas Forums 5 years >Favorite Vidya TF2 >Favorite Movie none >Favorite song or album none >Occupation NEET since 2017 >Virginity Status KHHV
>Age 25 >Gender male >Time on Yas Forums 5 years >Favorite Vidya GTA vice city >Favorite Movie American Psycho >Favorite Song or Album Sweatpants >Occupation Masters Student >Virginity Status Intact
>>Age 26 >>Gender F >>Time on Yas Forums since 2008/9 >>Favorite Vidya 2hu >>Favorite Movie rocky 1 >>Favorite Song or Album Nina's mississippi goddamn is a good one >>Occupation student/paper pusher >>Virginity Status lost a couple of years ago
>Age 22 >Gender female >Time on Yas Forums 4 years >Favorite Vidya i play a lot of league, but i also like off, the dangan ronpa series, and kinda cringe but ddlc >Favorite Movie anything by wong kar wai, but i love fallen angels and chungking express >Favorite Song or Album these days i really like the second crystal castles album and achievement by pilotredsun >Occupation in vet college >Virginity Status lost it 3 years ago to my bf who im still dating
>>Age 25 >>Gender male >>Time on Yas Forums 7 years >>Favorite Vidya Skullmonkeys >>Favorite Movie Game of death >>Favorite Song or Album Hard knaxs - Kentucky youtube.com/watch?v=3Erl-Z_vocg >>Occupation part time NEET making indie games in spare time >>Virginity Status Had 3 gfs before 18, kissed, never had sex
>Age 19 >Gender M >Time on Yas Forums 6 months. I mainly lurk >Favorite Vidya Metal Gear Solid V >Favorite Movie Pulp Fiction >Favorite Song or Album Ungrateful by Escape The Fate >Occupation College Student >Virginity Status No, but I probably could if I really tried. I'm too blackballed for it tho
Colton Thompson
>Age 29 >Gender Female (Female) >Time on Yas Forums 2006 >Favorite Vidya Koikatsu >Favorite Movie End of Evangelion >Favorite Song or Album Don't listen to music >Occupation Library assistant >Virginity Status Still a virgin due to autism
>25 Whoops, I'm still 24. I always do this mistake, I ate aging
Chase Foster
>Age 18 >Gender male >Time on Yas Forums about 1-2 years now >Favorite Vidya Top 5 series (no order): sekiro soulsborne, hotline miami, terraria, Sly Cooper, Brawlhalla >Favorite Movie Fight Club >Favorite Song or Album Song: Formen bx Absztrakkt, Album: Kunst ist eine besitzergreifende Geliebte by Prezident >Occupation Abitur dropout looking for an apprenticeship >Virginity Status Was in a relationship once and got a fee handjobs, but no actual sex
Angel Gutierrez
>Age 28 >Gender Biological male (non trans) >Time on Yas Forums 9 years (2011) >Favorite Vidya Halo 3 >Favorite Movie Mad Max: Fury Road >Favorite Song or Album A Day To Remember - Homesick >Occupation Disabled neet practicing art/music (not very good at either) >Virginity Status Intact. had a chance of losing it at 27 but couldnt get it up.
Nathan King
I hate picking favorites. >32 >dude >9 years >most played are ffxi > tf2 > dota 2, favorite series is soulsborne >Princess Bride >"Strawberry Fields Forever" atm >factory worker, working on becoming a software developer >wizard