
Supporting our pal user and saying don't have a meal, re-set that meal time lad. Aka You can do it, edition.

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I did IF today by accident
ate 5 pieces of home made fried chicken and 6 hasbrowns, probably about 1500 calories
not that guy though

do you cunts ever get sick of doing nothing

how about you quit britfeel and accomplish something

anyone got the 3d verison?

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three japanese schoolgirls thighjob

wow that user was right all those show l downloaded are awful

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most of the shit i was planning to do is now impossible because lockdown

what the..


>Hit this lad, we're off to Spoons

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not what I was looking for but nice rec bookmarked that for later

I don't mind IF. I've eaten a croissant and a beef lasagne ready meal and 4 slices of bread today.

Leeds needs to be fucking nuked.


@ these autistic weebshitters crying about the FF7 Remake.

haha I told you CW shows are 90% trash, Pandorum is a good movie though.
Whats this about?

OP image is a bit shite at the moment tbqh lads

I've never even played the original myself but it's been sitting on my drive for ages. When I was a wee lad my mate used to be mad about Final Fantasy.

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It's a shitty hack and slash now

i'm just gonna say it
anime and jrpgs are for fake weebs
there's nothing japanese about a jrpg other than it being made in japan and anime is literally just manga that reads itself for you (that you STILL have to read because it has subs)
just read lewd manga like the rest of us

Going for a walk. Need anything lids?

krispy kreme 12 pack pls

rocknrolla was alright for a laugg but not good

Packed of rips and some cheese for my doritoes

get a terrys chocolate orange please pal.

sweet onions sauce and frank's hot sauce/tobasco

There's nothing Japanese about manga other than it being made in Japan.

Seethoid spotted.

what are they saying about it? im out of the loop with all that shit

or its for people that enjoy playing jrpgs? dont know why you have to attach some weird label to it

like a high school only it's an Earth defence army academy because aliens and everyone looks like a retard

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Lockdown image.

except most of it that isn't set outside of Japan is basically Japanese culture encapsulated in a neat little package which makes it you know, japanese
you're the one who brought up weebs fucknut

I didn't like the crack head daddy was a bank robber guy
brit gangster kino
Layer Cake
Essex Boys
The Business
Football Factory
Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels
The Krays

>you're the one who brought up weebs fucknut
no i never, im not op. you can see that from my reply to him

>except most of it that isn't set outside of Japan is basically Japanese culture encapsulated in a neat little package which makes it you know, japanese
I'm just taking the mick, I'm not even sure what the point of your post was.

What's the best way to get cracked games for PC, I've always used TPB through proxy but there's nowhere as much as there used to be on there

why are you getting involved then gay boy
don't worry about it
just me thinking out loud about how much I hate "weebs" that watch DBZ/FOTM shite and have only played persona 5

Seen Outcasts? very underrated sci fi thriller series by the BBC

>why are you getting involved then gay boy
because i can. you are not in a private conversation lad, its an open thread

>don't worry about it
>just me thinking out loud about how much I hate "weebs" that watch DBZ/FOTM shite and have only played persona 5
I understand what you mean but it's hard to take it seriously coming from someone who wears an insult like a badge of honour. Have I just been left behind with the times?

it's our word now
kinda like blacks and the n word
why are you still talking to me
go beg for attention elsewhere

>why are you still talking to me
>go beg for attention elsewhere
you sound massively insecure. did i upset you or something?

>y-you're i-insecure
>p-please talk to me t-though
uhmmmmmmmmmm cuh-riiiiiiiinge??