How do I as a blackbot get a dark skinned Indian waifu? Lack girls are beyond redemption and wh*te women will turn my sons into trannies
How do I as a blackbot get a dark skinned Indian waifu...
Whats wrong with black women?
Chad here.
Yeah, I'm a total Chad. You're dumb ass lingo is hilarious, but I'll use it because I pity you absolute losers.
Girls froth at the mouth over me. Like rabid dogs. I don't blame them, I'm every girls wet dream. White, ripped to absolute shreds, tall, etc. It's good shit.
Last night even though this quarantine bullshit is going on, I fucked this absolute 11/10 slut.
She wanted me to use a condom, so I told her to eat shit. She got a bit upset, but I'm fucking hot so she got over it.
Life is good.
If you have kids with a dark skin Indian women you will have medium skin currycel sons. At least breed with a non-cuck race like MENA girls so you have sons that look Caucasoid or Med.
The dark ones have fucked up faces. The light ones and the ones frome east Africa are easier to look at but they're mad stuck up because if it
>Lack girls are beyond redemption
Sounds like you don't know any REAL black women.
If you truly are a blackcel I recommend you take a trip to Ghana, Senegal, or Kenya. Tell them you are an American or something and they'll be all over you. They don't have attitude problems like black western women and they won't shame you for being a virgin. They are mostly conservative, so you being a virgin will be seen as a good thing. In some cultures in east Africa, women are taught to kneel to there husbands/partners as a sign of respect.
Don't fall for the African girls are all ugly meme. Plenty of girls like pic related in Africa. Tell me what girls you like and I'll recommend you a country.
>Tell them you are an American or something and they'll be all over you
That literally how you get a gold digger
Dude I grew up in the black Caribbean, black areas in the US, I've been involved with African and black oriented spaces my entire life. I've seen everything continental women have to offer. Most of the women are fucking ugly, and African women (from ghana, Senegal, Nigeria) just look beat and are starting to imitate black American women in behavior. Caribbean women have been problematic for a minute.
>In some cultures in east Africa, women are taught to kneel to there husbands/partners as a sign of respect
Ya I already said east African women can be pretty.
Habesha/hybrid women like Pic related are the women who look the most familiar to me based on my own genes and the environments I grew up in.
The problem is that every other race also thinks these women are attractive and they get snatched up by whites and Latinos real fucking quick. Meanwhile west african women have these harsh fucking faces it doesn't matter how well behaved ya'll are I can't get it up for you. Every old black man I've spoken to, American and foreign, have all said the same thing. Among blacks, west african women have the worst faces and the best bodies, and east africans have the best faces but the worst bodies.
Forgot Pic related
Coon tier
I bet you look like west African women just male
>they get snatched up by whites and Latinos real fucking quick
Really hope thats not true in America as someone from East African descent in England
Is this a picture of you bro?
>hey mommy look I called him a coon do I get wakanda points now?
>implying being brainwashed by white beauty norms doesn't make you a coon
you aint getting her, thats for sure, because she is 10/10
>wHIt3 w0m3n!!!
Whatever dude, I want a woman like the ones I was raised by and was raised around. That's for fucking sure not west african women. If that makes me a coon so be it, I'm not gonna play pretend to make some man-hands bitch happy.
Pan-africanism my ass. We're all black, all different shades and different types of black, but preferring one black over the other is now cooning. I'm not even going after white women and your single mammy conditioning is triggered. This pseudo-hotep shit is the worst thing to happen to blacks I fucking swear
>look massah I been cooning can I have a butter biscuit now?
Wtf are you? Somali?
> starting to imitate black American women in behavior.
That's why I said non western. Those girls were raised in the west and are culturally western.
>Habesha/hybrid women like Pic related
LMAO. Pic related isn't even Habesha. She's from South Sudan. You don't even know what you are talking about. Ethiopians are not special. You can find girls with those facial feature all over Africa. Yes, even in west Africa.
>The problem is that every other race also thinks these women are attractive and they get snatched up by whites and Latinos real fucking quick.
"Snatched up"... This is pathetic. Most Habesha don't date outside their race.
>west african women have the worst faces and the best bodies
This is not true. Senegal, Ivory Coast, Niger have plenty of women that are beautiful 'facially'.
>east africans have the best faces but the worst bodies.
Nope. East African women have better bodies than west Africans. Bruh do you even travel? There is no way this is true. In terms of body it goes: Southern Africa> East Africa> West Africa > Central Africa >>>North Africa.
Stop letting this site influence your thoughts.
Be white desu
Stop lying incel
Absolute fucking state of this coon.
People need to find a new insult. Incel has lost all meaning to me lmao
I love her nose and lips. I would change the eyebrows if I was drawing her though but wow she's stunning.
I'm a mutt-Caribbean. Me, my family and everyone I grew up with all identify as "black" and check the box as "black" but apparently many of us do not look "black", except to white people (but who really cares what they think?).
I've met people from fucking Kenya who thought I was Indian and I had to convince them I'm black. I've been confused for ethiopian multiple times in my life and everyone thinks my parents are straight latino. Even when I'm hanging with my black American friends I get poked fun at for looking Arabic (???) or being lightskinned even though my hairs just as curly as theirs ffs.
This thread was supposed to be about Indian women. Why do blacked posters ruin every thread.
Stay booty blasted
Retarded hoteps always get triggered when a black man doesn't want the "right" of woman but when a black woman gets her swirl on everyone's silent. Whenever there's a black fembot begging for white dick you NEVER see this energy of calling her a bedwench or a self hater whiles she's getting permanent marketed "whites only" on her forehead.
Black women run black men and it's fucking disgusting
What copypasta is this?
Coping coon
Closeted dick police