Women, not even once

>women, not even once

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Why do women love Adam Driver so much?

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>i want us to stay friends
>hires a lawyer to take his kid away

>He's ugly but I like tall
>Pls fuck me
jesus how will manlets ever recover?

>he probably has a big dick
the sad thing is women really are this dumb

he's tall

At least she is not wrong

t. someone who has seen girls hbo

God his hands are so big compared to ScarJo's, she is tiny

Haha you have small peepee

I wish there were more "family" and "couple" moments in the film, I do understand it was about a divorce, but it would have been cool to see that.

Why did she hire the lawyer again anyway? What was her reasoning?

she wanted control over him, that's what women mean when they want to be friends

She was bitter about her nonexistent career and was jealous of her husband, who was doing what he loved. In a way it was her way of tormenting him, even if she did it without fully realizing the consequences.

dont cheat and your wife will not try to get even. it's that simple.

>b-but she was being mean to him!
Grow up pussy

*non-asian women, not even once

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She wasn't having sex with him for a year. I know for incels like you it's not a problem but for normal man with a healthy sex drive it's unacceptable.

Bro, most women cheat on their men then the dude wants to divorce and they get absolutely fucked.

>wah wah my wife won't consent
So? Fuck her anyway

it's hilarious how utterly fucking ugly this mutt is
legitimately an abortion of genes


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>tfw you overhear two girls saying you're both ugly and cute
my day was ruined lads

I'm a 5'9 manlet. Women usually stick around with me because I have a 7" dick and can dom them the way they want. I'd hate to be a lanklet to be honest. Imagine being 6'5+ and your only pick of women are

He wouldn't be just divorced he would have ended up in jail.

You don't seem to understand, when a women doesn't put out she's secretly wishing for you to fuck her. This is common knowledge

it's hilarious that women would rather bang him than ever be near you.

Most incels need to realize that women will fuck ugly dudes. I've seen incels complain about certain women that they're attracted to and I know for a fact that they've slept with uglier dudes. It's hilarious.

is this from the pajeet PUA guide?

manlet with a manlet dick lmao

She is still cute, even in that make up her smile would have been creepy.

show me a pic of yours with a timestamp bud.

Most incels need to realize the reason they're not getting chicks isn't because of their looks. It's their attitude and the fact that they sit on Yas Forums all day shitpositng instead of trying to improve themselves or go out and meet people.

women fuck dogs, what kind of sad incel metric is that LMAO

user you should watch Blue Valentine too
you'd like it

this, i look like a homeless person but im not sad and bitter so i get pussy

>t. most incels

They just can't face the truth that them being "ugly" is not a problem. They have awful or no personality at all, are needy, have no aspirations and goals in life.

>she wouldn't fuck me because my face looks disproportional

No, incel kun. You just have a shitty personality no one want to be around you in general.

We all know your micro penis is not going to be visible in a photo so you can't even keep up with an argument

Not everyone is like your mother, stop making such an awful assumptions just because of her

these brown streetshitter PUAs on here are really something

God I hate it so much

>you fuck women, you must be a pajeet!
Damn what has happened to the white race

turd worlders who "discovered" all the pua shit after it was done and gone with the same type of losers in the west are the only ones running around with their ass on fire pretending they know what the deal is

>At least I’m not tall I don’t want to be tall anyway hehe
Lmaoing rn
What a cope.

>kinda ugly but attractive
um...that's oxymoron, ugly literally means unattractive

what the hell are you talking about

why do women care about the size again? most women can't even orgasm unless their clitoris is licked or fingered

micropenis doesn't put pressure on the gspot and doesn't give the "filled up" feeling
also some girls like the dull pain from the cervix getting hit

Because they’re dumb whores, user.

it's called unconventionally attractive

>most women can't even orgasm unless their clitoris is licked or fingered

This is how you gave away your micro penis user

>Just be tall
>Just have big chin
Both major incel theories confirmed. Women let it slip in private, then virtue signal to their heart's content on twitter.

dicklet spotted

Fucking retard. Adam Driver is not ugly. Same as Javier Bardem is not ugly. They're what dumb bitches would call "unconventionally attractive". Truth is, bitches don't know shit. Both are attractive to women because they're tall, large, high T masculine guys. It's called dimorphism.

they're attractive because they're famous, you coping hapa chinkcel

Great thesis, faggot. Now kill yourself.

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>tfw tall but my chin is lacking and my jaw is weirdly uneven
How much is surgery to fix this? Is it believable or does jaw surgery look fake?

it's all about how you present yourself, if i find out a guy i'm interested in had a surgery, I would drop him like a hot potato. Insecure man are the worts.

oscarbait, not even once

The Divorce Lawyer convinced her she needed a lawyer for it to be a fair and equal agreement. When two people feel their family belong in states on opposite sides of the country, who compromises? The lawyers are snakes raking the dough, but to think they would've completely avoided a legal battle when neither could compromise is very accommodating of their flaws.

When you see people at their worst, you know everything about them. Neither would compromise in the relationship so it didn't work. Both of them are dumb and get taken for a ride because of it. They manage to co-parent because neither are inherently shitty people, they just didn't try.
>She won't fuck for a year, so he cheats
>He only wants to stay in NYC unless its a slam dunk for his career and goes back on his word, so she runs

Adam Driver is repulsive looking. Javier Bardem is nothing like him.

I don’t want any longterm relationships, user. I’m just asking how convincing jaw surgery is and how much a good surgery would cost me.

Adam Driver >Javier Bardem


Javier looks like a dirty drunk neighbor and he is just 5'10

Even in a divorce story that claims to treat both sides equally, the guy ends up being the one compromising by moving across the damn country. I’m not sure if that’s the agenda at work or an honestly look at how bad guys can be raped in divorce court. What’s the worst that happened to ScarJo’s character? She had some lies said about her in court? Same thing happened to Adam Driver too.

it's not going to help you if you don't fix your character, no one want a whiny manlet, find your niche and girls that may like your type.

I’m not the manlet, I’m a slight chi let with an uneven jaw. I’m just asking about the surgery results and costs. I’m also not about to ask a woman advice on how to get women.

* slight chinlet

There's a global pandemic right now you fuck.

Google orthognathic surgery. There is different procedures like genioplasty, lefort 1, double jaw surgery, etc. I can't say the exact prices because they vary from surgeon to surgeon, but it's in the thousands.