We all know that white people are to black people what polar bears are to brown bears. White people are nothing more than black people who traveled up to the caucus mountains and turned white to adapt to the climment.
Obviously that was a relatively recent discovery so white people back then did not know of their origins or at least did not care to remind people for to be known in present day.
So when do you think black and want people first learned of each others existence
Did you think they freaked out and went WTF IS THAT! When they saw each other?
Depends on which white people of course. South Italians or Spanish knew of Africa for a long time. Spain even got raped by the north Africans back in the day.
Probably hated them for being animalistic?
William Wood
Well I do not think people hate blacks for being animalistic but because they are triggered by their appearance and the only reason I am saying that is because of your response.
I was generally curious as to when black and white people first knew of each others existence or if it could be recently traced back.
I should have known that something like you would show up and spew your typical garbage. Die an incel.
Nicholas Diaz
>Probably hated them for being animalistic? Thats the same way the propheT Muhammad looked at the white people when they were living like barn animals whilst us Arabs were creating math and chemistry
Nolan Phillips
well egyptians thought them as lesser and enslaved them, fought them, used them as vassals and were trading with their empire (whichs name i dont remember). So u would say nothing really special fro relationships with every other "nation"/country
Cameron Johnson
Stop with the race bare you filthy animal
Ancient Egyptians are not white and we do not know if they used blacks as slaves do all we know they could have used whites as slaved and let them burn up in the sun and die of skin cancer
Ryan Wood
Ancient egyptians used many races as slaves blacks among them. And yes egyptians werent "german white" but they still had lighter skin than africans down south. Look up any face reconstrucitons or their own paintings.
Wyatt Turner
>north Africans Aren't black you retarded american
Jacob Baker
everyone in this thread is retarded omg
Juan Hernandez
well, eastern empires have always been in contact with them, Rome had some good relations with them, as I am thinking of the Nubian cavalry in wars with carthage. + somalian like type countries where muslim countries. Ofcourse your average britt or northern europian were not familiar with them, at best they heard about distant peoples and kingdoms with dark skin. So they were known to each other, the bias just got a grip when the spanish and brittish went south and grabed them slaves. It was a sudden cultural chock. But they were never unknown, maybe the very southern tribes in south african and kongo regions but black people had their presens in ancient and medieval affairs. Not as significant as the other sides but they were always there in mediteranian affairs.
Lincoln Clark
If you consider the romans white, then at least 2300 years. If you mean northern Europeans, the Vandals travelled to africa around AD 400.
Aaron Stewart
they were obviously your average arabian type
Jaxson Nguyen
enlighten us with your wisdom please
Dominic Miller
Africa and Europe aren't far apart. You can read Ancient Greek and Roman essays about the Ethiopians, which was the old word for black people. >Did you think they freaked out and went WTF IS THAT! When they saw each other? Definitely. A common word for white people in west Africa is oyinbo/oyibo. The word originated with the Igbo ethnic group of Nigeria. It means "skinless people". When the Igbo first saw white people, their first thought was "where the fuck is their skin?"
Nathaniel Sanchez
Egyptians weren't white. That's just the fact of the matter. They were different races at different times. At one point, the pharaohs were what we would today consider black, since Egypt was conquered by the Nubians. But native ancient Egyptians were more than likely a mix of sub Saharan African and west Asian caucasoids.
Connor Sanders
kinda but not really. Pic related is Tutanchamon which is one of the younger pharaons (and very degenerated) but still he lived in 1333 b.c. and his ancestors werent so different.
I think it was in the 1400s when the Portuguese were talking to some North Africans about some gold or salt they were trading and the North Africans mentioned something about dark-skinned people in Sub-Saharan Africa. So, the Portuguese sailed further south than they normally go, and discovered Black people. They were so intrigued that they brought like 12 of them back to Portugal. The pope or someone of similar authority said it would be okay to enslave them, and the Trans-Atlantic slave trade stared.
Europeans and Africans have known about one another long before that. The Bible even has black characters and talks about sub Saharan African kingdoms.
Jason Rodriguez
When a group of WHG migrated to the Lake Chad area in the Neolithic Era. Aside from that, Bronze Age Greeks interacted with Sudanese niggers and Ethiopians.
Jack Watson
im not arguing with that.I already said they were lighter than south africans but not really european white. Btw never heard about the asian mixture, do you have any link explaining it, sounds interesting
Colton Allen
In antiquity.
Andrew Gutierrez
They didn't enslave blacks or see them as lesser. They enslaved foreigners and saw them as lesser. That's how the world was back then. Nationality took precedent over race, especially since the idea of race based on skin color is a relatively new concept that Americans created.
Levi Mitchell
>since Egypt was conquered by the Nubians. But native ancient Egyptians were more than likely a mix of sub Saharan African and west Asian caucasoids. That was a brief period. There were periods of non-Nigger Pharaohs (Ramses II) and Nigger Pharaohs (Ramses III for example). I say "Nigger" Pharaohs, but really they were probably mutts of some kind.
Average Egyptians were never depicted as niggers.
Owen Howard
West Asian, meaning the part of Asia nearest to Africa (Iraq, Iran, etc)
Julian Morgan
>That was a brief period Exactly. Pretty much everyone owned Egypt at some point. It was a multiethnic society. And like I said before, "niggers" are a fairly new concept that Americans created. Egyptians depicted themselves as brown skinned people and depicted their Nubian and Cushitic neighbors as darker skinned people. But that doesn't mean that ancient Egyptians wouldn't have been black by today's standards. They definitely had "black" admixture.
Josiah Perry
nope mulato is a result of mixing, which they didnt do on that big scale to matter much. This mulatto look is more because natural conditions, because pretty much every nation in that region had similar colour
Juan Bell
>which they didnt do on that big scale to matter much That's just not true at all lol. The concept of race mixing is new and is an American concept. You all really think that people 5000+ years ago saw race the same way that we do? Lol
Adam Sanchez
can we just have one discussion without you spitting out nigger all the time, what the fuck makes you so much better? what have you achieved in life that surpasses everyone else? can we have an intellectual discussion for once and disregard your opinions and base it on actual facts?
>They definitely had "black" admixture. So do Mexicans.
>But that doesn't mean that ancient Egyptians wouldn't have been black by today's standards. They weren't remotely black. They were originally of a similar stock to Berbers and slowly became more mutted. It's not just negro blood, but Hittite, Assyrian, Elamite, etc.
We hate them because they're stupid apes who are always chimping out.
Austin Morales
>what the fuck makes you so much better? Who mentioned superiority? It's amazing how reddit leftists immediately make retarded assumptions and try to force you to defend strawmans.
If I used the term "steppe nigger" in reference to myself, would you be equally as ass mad?
Evan Johnson
They are not stupid apes and do not chimp out you feel the need to marganizile them to justify your own hatred ecause you cannot stand being wrong when you probably always are.
Leo Bell
>but Hittite, Assyrian, Elamite, etc So we're getting rid of race and breaking it down by nation? If we're going to refer to sub Saharan Africans as negros, we have to call Hittites, Assyrians and Elamites what they are too. By modern standards, they're middle eastern, which, by modern standards, is all one race. Meaning Egyptians would've been half black, half middle eastern.
But if we're actually being honest, then yes, Egyptians were likely a mix of all of these groups but identified strictly as Egyptian, because nationality was more important than skin color at that time.
Andrew Gomez
i can tell the picture he posted was accurate and it ticked you off lol.
Ryan Edwards
>57675769 yes i said that in the last part > nothing really special from relationships with every other "nation"/country But skin colour was important for them too, because lighter skin was sign of aristocracy (aristocrats were in homes and pesants were out in sun and were darker) so they worked with the skin concept
Oliver Jones
>So do Mexicans Oh and this "point" is bad. Like I said earlier, Egypt was a multiethnic society, full of mulattos. Mexicans are a multiethnic society, full of mestizos. I already compared Egypt to Latin America. Thanks for agreeing.
Christian Young
Based thread I'm impressed by how cult a robot can be desu
Ryder Collins
Hittites were Indo-European and portrayed as quite white (comparatively), Elamites and Assyrians would be common Arabs today.
>Meaning Egyptians would've been half black, half middle eastern. You're actually mentally retarded. You must be black.
Thomas Kelly
>But skin colour was important for them too, because lighter skin was sign of aristocracy (aristocrats were in homes and pesants were out in sun and were darker) so they worked with the skin concept I've never heard this about Egypt. Do you have any source for this claim?
Luke Morris
i was thinking about pharaohs when writing this (incest breeders), but you are right about "normal" egyptians mixing
Daniel Robinson
> the caucus mountain Fucking lmao
Jaxon Rogers
Hittites were from Anatolia and the Levant. Ask any American and they'll tell you that those places are in the Middle East. No matter how accurate or inaccurate that may be, that's how most people feel. The people of that region aren't much different from Arabs. I purposely didn't use the word Arab because I knew you were gonna try this. Most people wouldn't consider anyone with ancestry outside of Europe to be white.
Leo Bennett
>Nubian cavalry No such thing, they used Numidians who are Amazigh and not amanig
Adam Morgan
>since the idea of race based on skin color is a relatively new concept that Americans created Race based on skin colour barely actually ever existed as a concept, race based on physical characteristics is indeed much older