Would femanons date a guy who regularly destroys his own ass with dildos?
Would femanons date a guy who regularly destroys his own ass with dildos?
Yes, it is my fetish, I want to peg an e-boy
yes my ex used to do this and when i pegged him his moans were like nothing on this planet
What about if his dildos are 9 inch BBC dildos?
Why did you break up?
probably not, sorry. :c
i would like to perform the ass destroying myself, though
as you seem to like guy moans i really have to ask this (for a friend obviously):
do girls like if the guy moans in higher pitched voice instead of his normal?
we would get in a lot of fights, he basically self sabotaged and i broke up with him. i tried to help him get his life together but he showed no initiative, no matter how hard i pushed, he seemed too depressed and wouldn't try. we are still friends but sometimes he begs to be in a relationship again. we had sex on and off for a while after we broke up.
i like authentic moans. i don't care what the pitch is. as long as i can tell it's real, it turns me on.
So you left him for being depressed and demotivated?
Could you imagine if a guy did the same to his gf? What a fucking joke dude, c'mon.
Do you like a particular type of male ass?
No that's degenerate. He must be pure and unspoiled for me.
You faggots are why I hate americans. Why are you so obsessed with nigger dicks?
no, i didn't leave him because he was depressed and demotivated. i had been really depressed and demotivated at times in our relationship. i would try and help him, give him solutions, even let him borrow money and i would buy him food. i tried for about a year and a half. i'm not obligated to stick with someone if they don't even want to help themselves.
no, i've pegged males with flat asses before. i don't have a certain type as long as it's not a super wrinkly hank hill ass. although a lot of the pegging videos i've watched features men with worked out glutes.
Do things ever get poopy with the guys you peg?
Would any of you please date me? I want to cross dress too if that makes the situation more appealing
one time it did, but it wasn't a big deal. it was kind of expected because he didn't use an enema and it was spontaneous. we just took a shower, cleaned everything else up, and tried again another time.
>He must be pure and unspoiled for me.
why, so you can ruin him yourself?
Why do you like fucking repressed gay men in the ass?
because feminizing boys turns me on. simple as that
>i like authentic moans
the only time I've ever actually involuntary moaned was when I was playing with my butt
>He must be pure and unspoiled for me.
But we can always turn the tables and rape you.
u sound cute user :>
>why, so you can ruin him yourself?
and who said i wasn't into rapeplay? kek
sorry whore only men can fuck me ass
So I can mould him for myself.
that pic is extremely hot. Feminizing though is degenerate and you shouldn't encourage your bf to be a poofter
ahhhhh i was told girls like this don't exist and i thought it's fine if it's just a fantasy and there's no reason getting sad over it but now you're here telling me people like you exists. what the hell am i supposed to do with these feelings now?
Thank you, I try my best to be cute. I dont go out in public dressed up, only in private. I hope I can find a gf someday that accepts and enjoys it.
>no, i've pegged males with flat asses before.
have you ever made a guy cum handsfree?
you all need to go to church more
I would make him wear diapers if he damages his asshole too much.
straight bottoms are valid
Somewhat related but as a general rule if a guy wants to do anything to my butt he has to agree that I'm allowed to do the same to his.
So far I haven't had any takers though, unfortunately.
How about a guy that doesn't want to do butt stuff at all?