How do women wind up as fembots/femcels if a woman's life is easy mode?
How do women wind up as fembots/femcels if a woman's life is easy mode?
She continuously denies men who approach her because she has mental issues that are larger than the normal amount of mental issues most women experience in todays age.
Do not kid yourself that most women are sane and healthy people in general, most are broken to some degree but since they live on easy mode, yeah well you know.
But "fembots" where ever they are (not here, just fucking retarded larpers here btw) are more mentally damaged than the average female.
So she keeps denying men for no good reason.
That is it.
Lack of interest in men / unresolved homosexual tendencies or just a commitment to waiting for someone they feel is truly right.
It's very easy for women to go without sex because, while it's fun, it doesn't actually validate their femininity or anything like that. Men generally need their masculinity validated by sex, this doesn't translate at all to women and femininity.
It's very hard for some men to not feel this way but this will help you.
Women are different than men, it doesn't mean most of them have a problem. Women aren't a communist bread line for men, they choose who they have sex with. They generally don't choose men who have a bitter attitude toward women, even if it could be cured with a little attention. It looks bad, those men seem potentially dangerous or rapey and women have smaller bodies and can't defend their selves which is why they'd never approach a bitter looking incel.
Again, women don't actually need sex the way men do. A woman can excel in her career and social life while going through long periods of sexual isolation and without a partner, women don't feel very strongly that they need someone to survive in the modern world.
They generally wait until they meet someone they have a lot in common with, or a strange attraction to. You may very well still find your soul mate and she might be waiting for you.
Nobody liked me in high school. One guy liked me at uni, and I started dating him but he seems to not be interested in me.
I'm also physically allergic to him and went through a traumatic time as my health declined.
If this relationship doesn't work out I'm going volcel. I've endured too much physical and mental pain.
>I'm also physically allergic to him
does he happen to actually be a cat
They refuse to fuck men on their level looks and personality wise and refuse to let chad pump and dump them as nature intendended thus they are not actually incels but women are all voluntary celebrates and in the process of becoming a voluntary celebrate they crate male incels. Ha!
>see pretty girl
>buy flowers
>walk up to her and offer her the flowers
>attempt to talk to her
>if she says no, you leave
>try this 5 times
>you'll have a girlfriend by the fifth time you try it
You're a volcel too.
Basically be OP's picture except you're chubby and have hair on your nipples. Piss jugs. Filthy. Unclean. Untreated autism. OCD. Radical feminism or far right politica views that make you opposed to the value systems of annoying SJW liberals and cuckservatives. Spend all time indoors. Dress poorly. No makeup. Saggy tits from no bra. Probably white or black. Overly loud and intense or incredibly quiet and cool.
Anyone can be an incel if they're ugly but a woman that is above average looking and ends up an incel is literally not trying in the slightest. They could hop on a dating app and have 10 matches a day if they were 7/10s and women have a lot of cheats they can use to boost their attractiveness that men can't other than lifting which actually takes time and effort
I am a Vol cel but that is just because of libido.
What you stated is inaccurately representitives of the typical incel.
Incels try and do things to get pussy but cannot because voluntary celebrate women would rather die lonely then to settle or have sex with someone on their level.
There is no such thing as a female incel in a social structure where women chose and men are the chosen. No matter how you try and spin it those are the facts.
because it isn't easy mode. all of my former female friends are still virgins like me, but I also happen to have no social life either, but I see that a lot too.
A woman life is hard mode, less opportunities and the whole world against you, for whatever reason.
There's no such thing as a female incel because women don't need sex.
The distinction between volcel and incel is erroneous. Most "incels" are sexually frustrated younger men who watch too much porn which worsens their sexual frustration and social skills.
There isn't a single man alive who cannot find a woman if he puts the necessary effort in. Most "incels" just cry, make online dating profiles and watch porn. That's technically being a volcel according to pretty much the sentiments of every woman who has ever lived.
Because Im a lesbian and have been addicted to screens since kindergarten
>How do women wind up as fembots/femcels if a woman's life is easy mode?
Same as how guys end up as incels, mental retardation
Funny, but legitimately everytime I visit and have physical contact with him, the next day my skin is red and bumpy and horrifically itchy
>it's the femanon has short hair, two cats, a pug, fibromyalgia and listens to indie rock bands led by skinny white dudes who like crossdressing episode again
Incels are weirdly reluctant to admit that ugly and awkward women face very similar problems ugly and awkward men.
Shit. A user that actually gets it! FUG!
Only one of those is the short hair, chief. You missed an opportunity to call me at the very least autistic.
This. In real life there were multiple guys around me talking about how awkward and ugly they were, but still rejected me.
>no such thing as a female incel because females dont need sex
Even if it were true that women do not need sex which they do and they have admired they crave that is still not the reason women are not incels, women cannot be incels because there is always a man willing to have sex with them even if she is above her in terms of looks and social status women become voluntary celebates because they think they are too good to be pumped and dumped by someone they can not have in a relationship and they refuse to fuck men who are on or beneath their level
>blaming porn
Sorry to burst your bubble but porn has no bearing on a young mans desire or his outlook on relationships this is a false idea pushed by feminist who feel the need to deem what is right and wrong and control the nature of mens sexuality. Of course a woman arguing about this would never admit this to be the case because that is admitting wrong and that is something women do not do.
>any man is capable of getting sex
Another lie like I stated above men are only celebates because the women who they should hold the most market value too do not see them as viable partners because the mainstream media has convinced them that they are entitled to everything without bringing anything to the table. If it were that simple there would be no incels and this problem would not exist but women generally create incels by being unwilling to take what they deserve and expecting more.
Well you have a very vague concept of what an incel actually is. I find the term incel to be extremely innacurate this is what reddit posters and the typical normie has labeled them by calling them involuntary celebates. If anything incels feel they are not deserving of love and I tam you something they crave way more than sex so the term incel is invalid.
"Fibromyalgia" is just another form of female autism or something heroin addicts "have" to justify their constant drug use.
Ugly women are the ones getting married, though.
Didn't even read.
Go buy a girl flowers.
Just looks like soreness all over your body.
I do not have this
Of course you pretended not to read your sense of entitlement will not let you hear facts you would rather respond to yourself posing fake scenarios as seen above in response to you being triggered hearing facts then follow up by making inaccurate memes about incels and blaming porn. Why would I buy a random girl anything?
Do you understand how awkward a lot of people here are? This is legitimately my only form of social interaction
retard poster here
i do not need sex to feel masculine. i just need to feel good about my life choices
Seriously I can go outside and see that. This person is just making fake sceneries responding to herself.
Yeah but you can blame your weird skin rashes, heavy periods and the fact that you cry every time you listen to Boards of Canada on it if you want and you'll get a prescription for prozac and lyrica.
Just go buy a girl flowers. If you do that for three years and don't get a girlfriend (it will probably work within the first five tries if you know how to take a shower) you can have my permission to call yourself an incel.
Until then you're all just horny lil dudes who like whining about women on the internet because they don't treat you like a king for working at Dunkin Donuts and being one of her 200+ daily tinder swipes perpetrated by men from all walks of life.
Okay you actually might be autistic enough to be a real incel. Go buy a girl flowers.
I am not whining about anything, I am not claiming that it is womens fault I am like this. And again no I will not put myself up for embarrassment everyday for no real reason
Okay then you're a volcel who will never have a girlfriend.
The moment you start feeling like an incel, go buy a girl flowers. No excuses, no exceptions. Good luck.
Ah, I did not know it was time for projection.
You need to get your head out of your ass
Generally no one here says things that are not true at least in regards to social dynamics
Women do have a sense of entitlement and they pretty much create incels by refusing to date or fuck on their level. They want someone way better than them but can not have them apart from a one night stand so they remain celebate.
No one is going to buy flowers because some dumb biased bitch on the internet said so with her gymocentric agenda lies and deflection lmfao.
The title is provocative in itself in stating women can be incels they can not because they hold the keys the media has sold them the thought that they deserve more than what they do for nothing at all and they have held on to it
I guess if a girl is in the middle, it's hard to get laid OR married. I find I tend to have a preference for 6s, so maybe there's still hope out there for me.
...I mean, I'm fucked.