You literally can't get a girl of your level or even below your level

>you literally can't get a girl of your level or even below your level
>seems like they're never single and looking the way you've always been

I'm speechless. Time and time again I fail at getting a gf and I can't believe how hard the simple act of mating is.
Whenever I get to know a girl I can instantly tell how saturated their market is. Like, the fact that they get worshipped on a daily basis and get sex any time they want is so apparent like an aura around them.

It's pretty sad that I'll live my entire life without a gf or love, just because I can't find my female counterpart. Does such a thing even exist?

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>be good-looking guy
>find a girl online
>you have so much in common, you talk daily
>"yup this is gonna happen"
>you tell her you're interested in her
>blocks you IMMEDIATELY with no warning, I guess the act of being interested made you a "psycho" and she's a victim of your "abuse" now

Happens every time.
Women really love the concept of brutally blocking guys without explanation, huh. I've never, ever, ever had a girl soften the blow and give me a reason for blocking - they just outright do it. Guys never behave like this. Even if a 0/5 landwhale comes talk to me I slowly let her realize I'm not interested. Because I have a fucking heart.
in b4 the entirety of Yas Forums defending women's right to behave however they want to suitors. But what I've learned out of this is that women dehumanize guys who aren't prospects to them.

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I've found that the hardest thing in life is getting a gf.

And for some reason absolutely everyone else seems to pull it off. There seems to be no explanation. Looks and personality aren't even an issue, the world is full of immature and ugly people having kids.

>all guys want girls

>girls don't really want guys

Why did God create the genders to hate each other?

The average man today is seen as utilitarian. About the only way I know to increase his market value to a woman is to be financially stable and offer that to a partner. Vito Corleone wasn't successful because of his good looks.

clearly the women you're trying to date aren't on or below your level then. retard.

Why do girls date uglier guys than me then? Level theory isn't real

either you actually are uglier than those guys, or your personality is shit

Why have you not tried getting a BF or be someone's GF there is a good chance you are gay anyway might as well have sex get TOPPED

>you literally can't get a girl of your level or even below your level

Well have you actually TRIED to get one?

He is a closet homosexual that still thinks he is straight

The best chance you have to get in a relationship is going on Grindr and becoming a boislut bottom. Let's face it you are no TOP.

stop trying to convert people into traps, gaylord

Your life would be better if you took estrogen and transitioned

>Implying OP doesn't want to be a trap and get his boicunt stuffed

>Guys never behave like this.

Maybe we should start, though. I'm doing my part. I've ghosted every single female that I was talking to during the past few months.

You are the reason society will always hate gays.

>Maybe we should start, though. I'm doing my part. I've ghosted every single female that I was talking to during the past few months.
Aren't you aware that that's counterproductive? You're just going to make females hate males and then they really won't want to date you.

i feel you op. i don't know why shit is like this. i don't even talk to women anymore. fucking ridiculous.
i'm not bad looking and contrary to what reddit says about incels, i'm not "vile trash with anger problems". i hate this life and i'll probably hate the next one too.

>can't get along with women no matter what
>they say it's my fault
>Yas Forums says it's my fault

I'm still absolutely sure it's not my fault.


Literally every time I talk to a girl it ends badly, in an argument where she loses her cool or we talk nicely and she just rejects me without explanation.
I'm an intelligent guy, I study physics, and I have maturity that comes with my age.

My conclusion is that women are IQ 100 shitheads and the only reason to click with them is to be an IQ 100 shithead.
Anyone disagreeing with this is IQ 100, proving my point.

if it's not your fault then how come they get along with other men

i don't give a shit what reddit says. i am 100% sure it is not my fault.

>if it's not your fault then how come they get along with other men

Simple: other men suppress their own personality and opinions to simp their way into sex.

I honestly don't know. I can't point out one single flaw in myself that would prevent me from dating.
>your personality is shit
Why do woman beaters get gf's then? I'm not violent.
>your looks are shit
I see guys uglier than me getting laid all the time

>other men do something you choose not to do
so it is your fault then

bro it is simple, either you aren't charismatic and you lack social skills, and/or you are not very good looking. or you are underage and haven't entered real life yet.

I think it's pathetic. And even chads do it. If a woman requires you to become a feminist, even a chad would fake being a feminist to get laid.

Define social skills. If I ask a low IQ sexhaver such as yourself this question, you have no idea. You cannot define social skills, so let me spell it out for you.
"Social skills" = "man knows how to simp and suck up to the girl like a pathetic doormat"

>having sex is pathetic

if you need me to define social skills for you then you probably don't have any

Why does the entire world always imply women have social skills by default?
Like, if I can't get along with a girl it was MY lack of social skills not hers.

THE FUCK. EXPLAIN. What makes women social masterminds? They are not.

Address this point:

nikola tesla was really smart and he never had a wife and probably no gf
didnt stop him from doing great things in life
so go on, live your life and you just might find that fulfillment you are looking for, i believe in you anons