Would you date a retarded girl? It seems kinda nice. Not like super retarded but just kind of stupid I guess

Would you date a retarded girl? It seems kinda nice. Not like super retarded but just kind of stupid I guess

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so like a slut?

No just like kind of mentally handicapped

Stupid girls can be very vindictive and cruel

Even better >:D

I have and the sex was awesome. She was easily convinced into trying anything.

I just want a waifu to appreciate me and my right-wing opinions and have children with. So yes sure, as long as she wasn't a slut, and retarded in a cute way.

I had a seriously mentally handycapped girl at work, once proudly tell me she speaks english, in english.
If I had a gf I'd want one you can actually have a convo with.

This story is kind of random, but this thread is as good a place to tell it as any:

A few years ago, I went to buy a used PS3 from a guy about 45 minutes south of me. I just wanted something for watching DVDs, blu-rays, YouTube, ect. Anyway, when I meet up with the guy it's this fat, pig looking Mexican guy who looks about 22, standing next to this gorgeous thin white girl, probably about the same age. She has a decent body, pretty face, HUGE rack, and long, brown hair, and she's holding the ps3 box. They come over to my trunk and I get out the money, the guy starts showing me the cords, all the games included, ect. The whole time I'm thinking, how much fucking money or drugs does this ugly son of a bitch have to get this gorgeous white girl??! I couldn't believe it. I just couldn't figure it out- then she opened her mouth to speak.


Ohhhhh, now I get it. The guy just kind of looked away. Anyway I bought the ps3 and I still use it today, but I'll never forget that, too funny

Top fucking kek, lel'd hard

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>You have been muted for 8 seconds, because your comment was not original.

No. I talked with a retarded e-girl for a while. She told me she did not know what the world "define" meant and was always confused as to what "define x" meant on the board in school until she was 16. Also, apparently she did not know clouds moved in the sky until middle school. It was agonizing talking to her, especially because it was obvious she liked being retarded and thought it was cute so she never made the effort to ever become smarter. But she was Asian and had nice tits so my dick told me to stay until one day I couldn't take it anymore.

At an old job there were two receptionists. One was a hyper-competent woman in her 50's who sat by the boss's office and handled all inbound calls, screened for the managers and owners, and such. She could handle 7 lines at once and never lose track. She had burn scars on her face and was missing 2 fingers on one hand from a amazingly bad auto accident years before.
The other one looked like a lingerie model/porn star but good-looking and sexy. I mean, she looked like she was manufactured by Real Doll in the 24th century.
But fuck a dog, was she stupid.
Her job was simply to smile at visitors, ask them to sign in the guest book, ask who they were visiting, and then send an email to the person being visited. If the employee wrote back the wait was more than 10 minutes she was to offer the visitor coffee or water.
We eventually installed a whiteboard on her desk behind the little kiosk with all those steps written in permanent marker in three rows and had an erasable marker so as she did each step she could check it off
>Why three sets of instructions? Once we had three visitors at the same time!
And she had a little notepad so if someone DID ask for water of coffee she could write it down so she wouldn't forget in the 5 steps it took her to get to the coffee station.
It was STILL so bad that eventually we just installed a buzzer with a button on her desk so that rather than emailing who was being visited she'd hit the buzzer and the real receptionist could alert whoever was scheduled for a visitor.
After about 9 months all but one guy stopped hiting on front desk girl because she was hyper-religious
>"My mama and daddy taught me to be a good girl"
probably protection. But one sales guy kept at it and kept at it and finally took her to dinner.

He stopped.
He told us
>'After being alone with her for an hour and trying to talk to her she isn't even pretty anymore. I took her home and was so depressed at what her life must be like I called my sister to tell her I love her, I'm proud she's doing so well in school, and hope she is safe."
At a Christmas party one of the girls in HR got drunk and asked the real receptionist if she resented being in the back. The real receptionist was Southern and said,
>"Oh, honey. no. I get paid plenty and like what I do. I just think how hard life would be on that girl if she was ugly, too, and I just am happy she can earn a wage."
Eventually she married some guy from her church. She showed us pictures - he was a WWE-scale giant swole motherfucker that she had known since they were both kids. People who met him said he was really smart, too, so we all hoped the kids would be good-looking and average IQ.
Now whenever I see a really pretty girl all I can think of is
>'Can she remember coffee or water for 7 seconds?'

Dumb girls and dumb guys are cute and top tier. Who wants to date a smarty? Just annoying. I'd rather have a dumb himbo bf or dumb gf. Being dumb is cute.

Possibly but not in an official capacity.

If she had a body as fucking banging hot as Riamu's, I definitely would

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It depends on how retarded if they are. If it's bimbo levels of dumb I think I'd date her once and see what happens. If she's a barely functioning retard that needs diapers and can hardly speak, that's a no.

I would definitely date a less-smart girl. I'm pretty intelligent, hate bragging about it but I kinda have to bring it up, and it's so much work thinking on high levels. Talking to people younger than me, or less smart than me, it always much more enjoyable, since it's usually more tame subjects and stuff. This probably sounds patronizing as fuck but honestly I'm jealous of dumber people, since I feel like being smart has only made me more miserable over the years.

This post is kind of a mess but to sum it up, yes. I would gladly date a girl like that.

>Someone this dumb can get a nice, cushy job, probably with decent pay
>I can't even get an entry level job with a BSc

Just fuck my shit up

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>>"Oh, honey. no. I get paid plenty and like what I do. I just think how hard life would be on that girl if she was ugly, too, and I just am happy she can earn a wage."
Nice femcel cope.

>tfw tripping over words and a little slow in the head dumby boy

If you have a chance, take it bro

I'd probably get bored of her or she would be too annoying and needed too much attention.

I think this is very cute so I would say yes

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I have one and while its cute its also a real nuisance. But being retarded myself I can't judge. The lessons they learn, forgotten instantly. You always have to remind them of things you taught them and they're distant at times in their own little world..but they mean well. I can't complain.

Based. I'm a mathematician at a top US university, let's date.

Honestly nah. I get frustrated too easily and I like to talk about complex things.

This is actually a very common thing lol. Intelligent people are consistently more miserable

pretty based, ok lets date
im a straight boy though user im sori

A girl with aspergers let me grope her once. She played the "are you uncomfortable yet?" game with me and I was straight up touching her vagina before she just randomly slapped me. That's not how the game works.

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Yes I would date any woman so long as she is an actual female and not morbidly obese