R9k always says that girls like assertive bad boys

>r9k always says that girls like assertive bad boys
>go on a date with a cute girl
>remember what robots tell me
>at one point, while fumbling with her wallet, she drops a $20 bill
>I pocket it and tell her that it's mine now
>she laughs, thinking I'm joking
>I tell her I'm not
>we drive home in silence
>the next day, I text her
>"When's our second date?"
>she says never, and that the money incident convinced her to tell my friends I'm a 'creep'

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Fucking dumbass
You rape her first, and THEN steal her money

>be me, NEET loser but handsome
>meet girl online
>we become friends, eventually she wants to be more than friends
>commit self sabotage, doxx her and threaten to ruin her life
>get blocked and ghosted
>rinse and repeat with new girl

Please send help

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>commit self sabotage, doxx her and threaten to ruin her life
just dont do this lol

>>at one point, while fumbling with her wallet, she drops a $20 bill
>>I pocket it and tell her that it's mine now
>>she laughs, thinking I'm joking
>>I tell her I'm not

Dumbass, that's not being assertive. That's theft.
When you think she's shit-testing you or looking at her cell phone for a long time during the date, that's when you call her out on it.You're supposed to stand up for yourself.

The thing is, this would have worked if you were Chad

Women are trash

You misunderstood what we meant, probably because you have autism. You're fucked, but you aren't the only one. At least you genuinely tried, I'm proud of you OP.

It wouldn't have. You people are so stupid. How can someone be this out of touch with how women think?

That wouldn't work on me. If I was on my phone during a date then I probably already don't care, and you getting sensitive about it is just going to make me wish you weren't there

You sound like a total fucking bitch hahahah Holy fuck I hate modern women. Imagine having such little respect for other people that you get on your phone during a fucking date. Holy fuck Millenial women need to be culled

Have you tried respecting her?

You could've used the $20 as an excuse for a second date. Tell her you have something of hers that you need to return.

I tried dating again too OP, only I fucked it up worse, lol.

>Go on date with slightly older women
>She just had hip surgery stuff, So I called her 'hop-a-long cassidy'
>Favorite team is the toronto maple leafs, spent about 5 minutes straight ripping on them because of this article:
>Called her a pointdexter when she started giving me facts about the mining industry

She laughed a few times, but I never got that second date, LOL. After that I said 'fuck this'.. I'm too mentally unstable for dating. I have nothing to offer but my love and my weird offhand comments. Not good enough for women nowadays, not that I blame them.

Anyways, OP. Sorry to hear it backfired. It happens bro, don't beat yourself up too bad over it

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I'm sure the pinnacle of chivalry and not a childish, entitled little brat.

>hop-a-long cassidy'
How fucking old are you?
You shouldn't be dating grandpa, there's a pandemic

>no u

Nice argument retard

Stay off your phone during dates, thanks baby

>taking advice from r9k

You'd have better luck watching those retarded pick-up Youtubers and taking that shit unironically

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38, my dude.

This was about 3 months ago. But thanks for the tip

Hahaha use the twenty bucks to take someone else on a date.

>r9k always says that girls like assertive bad boys
>go on a date with a cute girl
>remember what robots tell me
>at one point, while fumbling with her wallet, she drops a $20 bill
>I pocket it and tell her that it's mine now
>she laughs, thinking I'm joking
Here's where if she asked for it back you couldn't been like: "or else what?" Or say you'll give it back in exchange for something witty or fun like a smile or something idk. Girls eat that shit up. Watch a few rom coms and steal their moves. Not old ones either. The more recent the better. Also girls love confidence so never go back on what you say or do. You fuck up or say the wrong thing? Own up to it. You're supposed to be a man not a child.

Honestly first dates with women is simple guys. There's a formula for it. MAKE THEM LAUGH. The asshole idea comes from women wanting men who are confident. That's just what you seem to be if you come off as funny too. It's all about confidence. Don't be pushy or rude like OP

>r9k tells me that girls like assertive bad boys
>go on date with a cute girl
>order her dinner for her
>she tells me she doesn't like that and would rather order on her own
>tell her to shut her mouth
>finish dinner
>tell her we'll be going to a movie
>she says she thinks she just wants to go home
>grab her by the wrist and drag her to my car
>makes some comment about me hurting her and tries to pull away
>she's a weak woman so I force her into the car
>drag her into the theater and we watch a movie
>put my arm around her during it even though she flinches away
>take her home after it's over
>she says thanks in a meek voice and starts to walk away
>ask her if she's going to invite me inside
>she says no and makes some excuse about it being late
>slap the shit out of her
>tell her I'm coming in
>she starts to yell but I grab her bag pull out her keys and drag her into her apartment
>slap her a few more times
>drag her to her bed and have sex
>we're now married and she's sucking me off under my desk as I type this
learn to be more assertive faggot

being an "assertive bad boy" does not mean stealing from a girl on your first date together you absolute retard

>and you getting sensitive about it is just going to make me wish you weren't there
Then why agree to the date, dipshit?

Is right.

You're just a cunt.

it is because you are not a chad

Based chad neet

Your fault for following incels advice.
You should give her the money back even if there is no second date.

ehhh, this wouldve only worked on an autistic girl. they want you to be assertive in a way that leads to sex, stealing money doesnt really lead to sex but like grabbing her thighs on occasion does if you catch my drift.

pic or liar lmao

>Then why agree to the date, dipshit?
I'm guessing you genuinely have autism.

Clearly I wouldn't agree to a date I wouldn't be interested in. If however the date is boring or we weren't a good match I'd probably end up on my phone.
No one is going into a date with the intention to ignore the other person.

Fucking kek

Hello based department

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mother of fucking spaghetti.
i really want to believe that this actually happened. them humans are fuckin silly i tell ya.

>That wouldn't work on me. If I was on my phone during a date then I probably already don't care, and you getting sensitive about it is just going to make me wish you weren't there
That doesn't work on women in general, PUAs got it really wrong about shit tests, they're a game you can't win, because if you show that you care, you're a clingy creep, and if you show that you don't care, she never cared in the first place so it's whatever.

There's no way to make a modern "woman" like you like someone if they aren't already attracted to them because of the usual retarded power play bullshit that women have been brainwashed to like.

Lol. That's just retarded not bad.

You were supposed to give it back, retard.

so many of you are just cheapass punks no wonder no girl wants you

you got to stop with these fuck your mom fantasies

This couldn't be more fake. I'm surprised you didn't add the Loch Ness monster to your little story just for extra flavor.

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Wtf being assertive means you know what you want, not stealing shit man that's fucked up

>what is a joke

Kys yourselves

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