It is difficult to imagine a more pathetic figure

It is difficult to imagine a more pathetic figure.
>fat face and weak jawline
>sad, tired brown eyes
>curly hair with high hairline
>weak, impotent expression
>no cheekbones
>made a career out of selling snake oil to vulnerable young men
>cucked out for Israel and works for the UN
>indoctrinates people with neoliberal ideology
>preached about being strong and tough, but is so weak that he couldn't even handle his wife's cancer diagnosis and ended up frying his brain with anti-anxiety medication
Jordan Peterson will go down in history as a failure and an embarrassment.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I know cleaning your room is hard, but you'll get there

no he will simply not go down in history

more like judan peterstein

dude, shut up. you're making no points here and you've cherry picked a shitty photo.

The truth is a lot of young men are missing father figures so they latch on to the first older male mentor type they come across. His fans defend him so aggressively because he is essentially a surrogate dad to a lot of them.

Let's be real, if we all followed his advice we'd be making more money, have wives, and be happier.

Why the fuck was he so harsh on Warwick Davis?

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lol he's giving the most basic advice possible, just articulated well. Yet he triggers fags and Yas Forums just as much both. I think it has something to do with the personal responsibility part. They both fucking hate to hear it

Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that he is a weakling who couldn't even handle his wife's illness with dignity. Or maybe the fact that he is a shill for the Zionist globohomo establishment. You stupid idiot.

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>more like judan peterstein

>selling snake oil

whats wrong with his advice?

>shut up and take your SSRIs you stupid goy
>Identity politics are bad and evil! By the way, Jews are super smart and you should be happy to be under their control! Support Israel!

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his book twelve rules for life will for sure. I promise you that, it's a Christian classic

nothing wrong with his preachings. Is just that he thinks he is some wise philosopher (spoiler he is not)

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Imagine being such a pathetic little worm that you destroy your mind with benzos simply because some dumb whore got sick.

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psychologists project their own issues and he just wanted everyone else to not turn out like he did

Why does he think identity politics and political correctness are postmodernism? They are more like the opposite of postmodernism.
PC identity politics have a narrative that says
>White men are evil! They oppress women and minorities and they need to be stopped.
Postmodern philosophy is a rejection of narratives.

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Literally the only people who dislike him are Yas Forumstards.

>being surprised he had substance abuse issues when practically every photo of him looks like he is on the verge of tears

what do Yas Forums natsoc larpers and degenerate twitter feminists have in common? Both hate JP

It's like he is always crying. What is his problem? Man up.

textbook depression imo
he probably felt obligated to look out for other depressed people

I have been depressed for years and I don't cry like that. And if I did, I wouldn't record it and put it on the Internet for everyone to see. What a faggot.

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based and stoic pilled and extra credit for posting christopher lee

I want to fug the chaos dragon

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>the incel lashes out at the hand who cleaned his room
Tragic, yet poetic

Yet he has earned more money and respect that you'll ever make in your whole life

Only a Jew or a boomer judges a man by how much money he makes.

>couldn't even handle his wife's cancer diagnosis
you have never even touched a woman

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Nice strawman, loser

((((Kikes)))) an old testament Jews arents the same

>postmodern philosophy is a rejection of narratives
But it's not, it's only a rejection of the "grand narratives" of modernity, aka the ones created by cis white males



>actual philosopher
>competent film critic
>speaks fluent German and English, even though they're foreign languages to him
>owns his bad looks
>dresses plainly
>doesn't take himself too seriously
>tells jokes all the time
>always tries to build rapport with his audience
>doesn't preach his lectures in an overly formal academic style, instead simplifies arcane knowledge to effectively educate the masses

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