
Do we actually need woman over 5'2", I don't really think there that useful. They just take up space and consume excessive resources. As a tall guy I also think there extremely unappealing as well, a lot of them think I should date them.

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I am 5'0 and there is a chance I will birth short sons because of my shitty shortness.

My genes wouldn't be overcome so easily, My stature will be passed on to my sons.

And if it isn't? How will you go consoling your son over the fact that you chose a short woman to breed with?

My girlfriend is 5'0, and it's the cutest thing. I like to carry her everywhere. I also like to grab her by the armpits and lift her like a baby.

Just make him exercise and stretch if you notice he's shorter than other kids. There are exercises for that.

>I am 5'0
Please be my gf

How much is the optimal height gap?

>turbomanlet so will never get to experience any of this
True suffering

Would that really help if he only grew to 5'2? This is something I'm genuinely worried about, I dont want my son to rope
Apologies user, I am already spoken for

Then let's adopt. I would rather marry you and adopt children, rather than not marrying you over fears about genetics.

That girl isn't small, the guy is 6'0

Lmao please don't have kids. They might inherit your intellect.
>t. user who tried everything

At least a foot. That's why I put 5'2".

Him only being 5'2" is extremely unlikely, also your fathers genes are expressed 60% of the time. So he should be just under 6'0 on average.

Men it's over for asiancels. Asian girls obsess over height more than any other race despite the fact that asian men are the shortest on average.

Thats fair, however I'm selfish and want more then anything to be a mother and wife, I want to feel a baby grow inside of me.
Hm I see

Take the blackpill: Breed daughters, abort sons.

How tall's your claimed partner?

>hear this stuff kind of regularly
>still get told I'm too short
what gives

He is 6'3, why is that user?

Men have an extremely wide spectrum of preferences in women

Anything below 6 ft tall is midget.

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>be me: 5'11"
>longtime gf is roughly 5'6"
>never have to worry about potential future son's height since he will probably be as tall if not slightly taller than me

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I don't think there's much chance you'll have short kids, just make sure the stay healthy. I probably stunted my growth by not eating any real food, skipping sleep and never exercising in school.
As a side point I was close to 11 pounds as a baby and tall kids tend to be quite large, good luck squeezing that out.

I'd still date you, how short are we talking?

how short then? in cm of course

To be fair, you are too short if you're below 5'2
You're basically stuck dating circus freaks and middle schoolers.

Im a 5'5 male. I want a tall gf. Sure a short gf would be cute and all, and im sure id love her, but i cannot do that to my children.

Thats fair enough, I will do everything in my power to give my child the best opportunity at looksmaxing

>inb4 dwarf
It was a diet issue not dwarfism.
Oh boy that sounds fun.

That sounds adorable, are you the girl who said she had anorexia from age 7?

No, it does not, Simp.
Just how many girls do you simp for on here, my dude?

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But I am not a simp, I am simply a man who prefers shorter woman, you are just a seething incel who can't use words correctly.

Chill out, my dude. We're just here to have a good time, commiserate with each other about our heights, and encourage each other to accept our own heights. This isn't the thread for that.