Bro just go to the gym

>bro just go to the gym
>bro just shave your head
>bro just take a shower
>bro just grow a beard
>bro just go outside and get some sun
>bro just stop giving a fuck, be confident, be tough, the pussy will come crawling to you

Yikes. It looks like Chad's advice was bullshit. I guess not everyone has a chance. Some guys are just screwed. Why do we keep lying to ugly people and telling them they have a chance? Is it to keep them from snapping and going on shooting sprees?

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kek that head is peak egg

The only real advice is to have good genetics. Good genetics plus effort/exercise/eating well is the best thing to do. But no amount of exercising and eating right will fix shitty genes.

that dude needs to wear a hat or tuque, bit shorter beard, maybe get hipster glasses. Anyone who works out is instantly more respectable than a fat slob. Unless you're literally deformed or in the bottom 1%, even ugly ass mofo's can add +0.5 - 1 out of ten to their looks just by paying attention to grooming and aesthetics. Yeah it's not going to override genetics, but it's the difference between getting off your ass and at least trying vs. giving up completely

>give someone advice
>they follow advice down to the smallest letter and are still ugly
>you suddenly give them different advice

Just admit nothing they do is good enough.

>Wahh just let me wallow in self-pity

>Just admit nothing they do is good enough.

good enough for whom?

poor guy has to wear a hat and sunglasses all day
i genuinely feel bad for him

Thanks for the blackpill. I'm balding and know I wouldn't look too different than this guy if I looksmaxed

Why is he bald under the lip? Fill that out and he wouldn't look like half the spastic he is

the main problem of this guy is that he seems quite autistic and is trying too hard

It's almost like you need to do many things that are constantly changing and cannot just check one or two statics off a checklist and instantly change everything about you. Crazy concept, I know, and we should probably blame everybody else for it just to be safe.

Find yourself a cute GF and stop from wanting to be the slayer.
Make your best of your shitty genes.

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Just genetics, it's fairly common in parts of northern Europe.

He doesn't even look half bad, just needs to let his hair grow out and maybe do a bit more bench.

I know loads of ugly people (who look like pic related or worse) with wives, children, happy

Its mainly mental illness you people have. Unfortuinately thats a lot harder to fix than going to the gym. Oh well!

But why doesn't he just be himself tho??

>I know loads of ugly people (who look like pic related or worse) with wives, children, happy

incels replies/cope to posts like these are always as follows
>guy is a beta cuck and kids aren't his
>he has a big cock
>he is rich
>guy is actually attractive and you are bad at judging appearence

Incels have a cope for every argument, it's like a swiss pocket knife of copes

most of those "ugly" people with families are older people from the generations before the internet. women today hook up using tinder and they have lots and lots of options. even the fat ones.

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Dude would look decent if he just put on weight. He is too ottermode for his face. He needs to be burlier and stockier.

PS tons of ugly people still get laid lmao

Woah there, improvement!?!? thats not allowed. Lets not get ahead of ourselves.

Chad has been loved since he's been in kindergarten. If you have to "try" in life it's already too late for you bro.

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So youre telling me that nobody under a 8 out of 10 can get married?

Im 25. I'd say out of the 10 or so friends I have that are engaged, about 5 or them are average at best bordering ugly.

Tinder is for having sex. Thats why uggos cant do well on it. I got a friend on facebook whos bald, rotting teeth, has gynecomastia (man tits) is a 2/10 ugly, short. He has 2 kids and has had like 4 girlfriends. The girlfriend is pretty ugly, granted. Like a 3/10. But hes still getting out there

And when i say rotting teeth I mean his teeth are completely black and broken.

i hate to break it to you but things are a little different in the year 2020 and you're going to start noticing the effects in a few years. most young guys ARE not getting laid at all.

he probably just needs some better style and maybe not shave the head next time. anyways, he's a lot better looking now than he would have ever been as a depressed fat slob.

Yeah I agree, I bet like 30 percent of men arent getting laid

But guess whats also true? Women want to settle down. Guess who dont want to settle down? Chads who pump and dump 5 girls a week

So eventually the girl realises and then seeks a longterm boyfriend.

Yeah it sucks for uglies because all sluts have slept around with chads but I know for a fact its not cut and dry like that

I got a sister, shes probably like a 6-7/10. She uses tinder but doesnt sleep arouind. Theres loads of girls that dont wanna sleep around.

In other words girls lust for chad but hate being fucked over by them and eventually find actual love with chad-lite or average mcgee, or even ugly mcgee. depending on how attractive the girl is.

The same applies with guys. Would you rather date a 9/10 girl who will fuck you over because shes nuts and cant be trusted or a 7/10 girl who loves you unconditionally and you love them too and see a future together.

Worst part about being ugly + manlet is that you can't ogremaxx and be big ugly scary guy

He just look like a king of goblins.
Why couldn't I have been atleast 6'2?


Lol good one. I'm a manlet and good looking and im aiming to slavmaxx. Shaved head (balding), fit, and go to the football matches and get rowdy.


Im actually slav lol and that seems like a good tactic kek.
But how tall are you exactly.
Im south slav 6ft but that's quite short here
Other slavs are pretty standard euro height

Im 5'8 so legitimate manlet
Currently lifting weights to achieve hooliganmaxx

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That's a solid path mate but watch out i used to be one and I've seen a bunch of people seriously injured/left out in a puddle of their own blood stomped out on the streets

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dude need to eat more, he is too shredded but not enough muscle mass