My neighbor is beating his wife right now. Should I call the cops?

My neighbor is beating his wife right now. Should I call the cops?

Ever since the lock down shit I hear them arguing more and more, then just now I heard her crying and him shouting "shut the fuck up".

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Maybe she should shut the fuck up.

It's none of your business. Would you like to have cops in your home for some stupid reason?

yeah you should if that's what you think you're hearing.

lmao based neighbor, fuck whores.

You should try masturbating to the sound.

Hes teaching her a lesson. Men keep their women under control.

my neighbours called the police when my parents were fighting as a kid and it probably saved my mother's life

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yes you should. My father used to beat my mum and people calling the police really helped.

Cops probably won't help. It's quarantine. People are focused on the sick, people are forced to stay inside in confined spaces, people are stressed. Everyone predicted this would happen, and the data proved it.

Abuse has skyrocketed because of the pandemic, especially because people know they'll get away with it now. OP, if you really wanna make a difference, ask somewhere else. This board won't help you.

>id nun yuor busines

Is there any reply more disgusting and pathetic than this one for not getting involved when someone else is suffering? People who keep their heads down when something immoral is happening deserve the same fate to them desu.

I'm glad your neighbors did that user. I'm glad you and your mom are here with us now.

>how to be hated by neighbors 101
She's an adult, She can leave if doesn't like it. Mind your own businesses.

If she thinks it's worth calling the police over, she'll do it herself.

My neighbors are the same but I don't give a fuck. It only bothers me when I am trying to sleep.

Let them kill each other. They're the ones choosing to stay in the relationship and suffer.

>she can leave if she doesn't like it
No she can't. Domestic abuse isn't that simple. Educate yourself you spaz.

Maybe call the cops
Though this is a difficult decision... actually yes call them, they don't need to know it was you.

>I'm glad your neighbors did that user. I'm glad you and your mom are here with us now.
thanks user, me too
it's been interesting growing up without a father figure, and sometimes tough, but it's given me the freedom to create my own values and become the individual i want to be, as opposed to a product of my upbringing

>Abuse has skyrocketed because of the pandemic
this is the first time i've heard of this. do you have any proof of that?

Don't. Abusive men often end up killing or attacking unrelated people that they think are trying to interfere with their relationship.

Not worth the risk, desu.

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not user you replied to, but it seems fairly feasible that abusers could exert more control over their victims due to their not being able to go anywhere, thus being unable to seek refuge or protection

>being liked by your neighbors is more important than stopping someone from being abused

PLEASE kill yourself you spinless fucking faggot. imagine wanting social validation this badly. what are you neighbors gonna do, stop inviting you to their bbq?

>bro getting yourself out of an abusive relationship is easy

I hope you retards never find yourself on Yas Forums at night alone wondering why you're both lonely, depressed, and miserable.

I'd say better than having that guy in the picture. Fuck him user, you can be a better father (or just person if you dont want kids) than he ever was.

this would be applicable in a public situation (i recently witnessed abuse between a couple, but it was only me and them on the street and he saw me so i didn't bother), but from the safety of your own home i don't think it'd be a concern

dunno can you make sure hes actually hitting her first?

google corona and abuse

>not just killing them first

lmao you act like self-defense isn't an option. if you had a gun, this isn't something you'd even worry about.

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One of the most important lessons in life not enough people understand is that you shouldn't get involved in shit that has nothing to do with you. It's not your problem and making it your problem is just going to cause you more inconvenience than it's worth. Just ignore it and move on.

This is just anecdotal but a good friend of mine is a cop in a large city. He says they've been getting tons of DV calls since the quarentine started because people who dislike each other end up hating each other when they spend 24/7 together. He also said that they're taking 80% of calls over the phone now and are only responding to calls where it sounds like someone's life might be in danger. People have started to realize this and know that they can get away with a lot more now.

Spotted the roastie touched by daddy in her prime years.

I wish I could strangle you to death user, people like you really don't deserve to be alone.

People like you are why Jimmy Saville got away with diddling kids.

Really not shocked. If you confine people together for long periods of time they're bound to get on each other's nerves. I'm one of those faggots who dumpster dives for deposit recyclables and I have, without a doubt, tripled my hauls since the lockdown and it seems each day there's more cans/bottles in dumpsters. I guarantee alcohol isn't helping situations like that.

Haha this is so epic my fellow gamers! Fuck veronica and fuck chad

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Oops, haven't slept. I meant to say you don't deserve to be ALIVE. You definitely deserve to be alone.

Not a roastie, wasn't my dad. Good try faggot.

Seethe more you cretin


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>>bro getting yourself out of an abusive relationship is easy

Yes. It literally fucking is. You are all so weak. Imagine staying with someone that beats the fuck out of you.

>what are you neighbors gonna do, stop inviting you to their bbq?
Report me to the police for frivolous things in retaliation? I'm sure they could find something about the property that's against city ordinances.

Not him but calm down you fucking autist. The cringe is unbearable. Why the fuck do you care so much about women getting abused? I hate this durrr iz na ezzeeepzzzi to leb bullshit, these women are full grown adults and countries like America offer endless resources to help them recover from those circumstances. You wanna know why women really can't leave? Because they fucking like it and aren't really in danger. They're getting their own satisfaction from it. I can show you tons of studies showing that women like aggressive and violent men. So shut the fuck up, let him abuse the shit out of her. She wants it.

Anyone who gets abused deserves it. You cant blame parents or partners.

I get the partner shit, but why not parents?

Its not the parents fault if the kid is being an asshole or not listening. Also the kid can leave the house any time he wants if he doesnt like the rules

I am just going to say that there is a very real, serious possibility that he will kill her.

>Jimmy Saville got away with diddling kids
And how is that my problem? That had nothing to do with me, so I wouldn't get involved. Why would I make trouble for myself by sticking my nose where it doesn't belong?

Are you in a relationship user? Do you have a job? Do you have any friends? Don't be shy, tell me the truth.

>being this much of a fucking bootlicker

holy shit

Who said she was in America? Dumb fucking idiot, assuming she's in America, do you have any idea how BIG America is? Do you think every state, every city, every county has the same exact resources available for people during these situations, especially when we're under quarantine?

>these women are full grown adults

You're delusional if you think the average adult is a "full grown" adult.

>I can show you tons of studies showing that women like aggressive and violent men.

And drug addicts love meth you knuckle dragging retard, what does this prove? Leaving an abusive relationship is SIMPLE, it's not EASY.

It's not about women being abused either, it's about anything.

>Some guy is being beat up by some unhappy customers? Some kid is being abused by their parent? Walking on some girl getting raped at a party? I better duck my head, I'm too weak to do anything about that. People should just mind their business, who cares about others?

Not that I expect any robot here to actually understand empathy, of course.

It literally is the parents fault, what the fuck are you talking about?

You're beyond saving. I hope you die soon user.

This is so fucking true. I was walking with some mates and other girls and we saw this lanky wigger pulling this bitch's hair, swearing and punching her in the back of the head. She was cowering and clearly fucking terrified.

My mates and I confronted him about it and one of the girls dumped her drink on his head (we were party-hopping). The dude acted all tough when out of fucking nowhere this giga-meathead plowed through, grabbed this dude by the throat and fucking manhandled him into the ocean (harbor city, we were at the waterfront at the time). He clambered out of the water and ran away mouthing obscenities.

The girls in our group consoled the girl getting her shit kicked in while we shared our booze with this meathead guy and his gf. We called the abused girl a cab, all the while she's calling this dude apologizing to him and the whole time the meathead was beating on him, the girl was begging him to stop it. She ended up walking back to the guys fucking apartment.

After that, I'm pretty convinced people either like the abuse or think that's some form of care and affection. It's pretty fucked up.