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who are your heros?

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many peoples, but the one behind it all would be him. He has made me as strong as i am now.

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The weak pussy literally killed himself because he was afraid of facing the consequences of starting wars you cant win

yeah, there's nothing he could have done to prevent it. It would of been better if he had won, i now see it.

One of the only good 20th century dictators. He btfo'd the commies and kept Spain out of the war, despite pleas/threats from Hitler.

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ah yes, Francisco "Gorbachev of the Falange" Franco

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Based, came here to post him.
he had multiple iron crosses and had one of the most dangerous jobs you could have in WWI, and after he was injured and told not to continue fighting he went back to the theatre anyway.
>killed himself because he was afraid of facing the consequences of starting wars you can't win
He killed himself because, if the Russians had gotten a hold of him, they would have tortured him endlessly without death. There was no other option.

pic-related was pretty based
wish I could be 10% of the man he was

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Probably the only person that matters to me

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shit tier dictator.

ultracatholic zealot with the voice of a castrated faggot.

even hitler despised him.

>ultracatholic zealot
yeah, spain has obviously become so much better than that it's atheistic and progressive
>even hitler despised him
because franco wasn't a retard, and kept spain out of a war that he thought was stupid and unlikely to succeed
franco ended up ruling his country until the mid-70s
hitler killed himself in a bunker like a pussy a few years into his stupid war

he died in bed with tubes up his nose and ass like a weak old-ass faggot

catholic religion is shit and it reeks of priest's piss and pedophilia

hitler died a based an hero death

based hipercorblaster hero

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>catholic religion is shit and it reeks of priest's piss and pedophilia
You just insulted Hitler's religion. If I go to afterlife according to them I would meet Hitler in the fifth hell, suck my dick faggot you either are an orthocunt/lutherdick or just an edgy atheist

Pic related. He dedicates his life to his fellow man's freedom, with uncompromising integrity. Free software is his life's work, and something i will contribute back to.

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Absolutely based and GNUpilled

No explanation needed.

Killdozer did nothing wrong.

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der rote kampfflieger, ABSOLUTE BADASS

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Based helicopter raids

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>cia puppet

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Lol so he is a pussy exactly killed himself to avoid getting what he deserved

Educated blacks after slavery instead of trying to kill them all

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>avoid getting what he deserved
He didn't deserve anything, what he did was right.
You're probably just an angry, filthy subhuman.

>if you avoid getting tortured you must be a pussy
>you should choose to get tortured
user do you even listen to yourself? Why would a man freely choose to be tortured if it provides no value?

He tried to improve Burkina Faso but frenchies killed him.

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He deserve the same thing you deserve an eternity of hell and torment good thing you are an even bigger punk than he is and you are afraid to leave your house.

He took his own life to avoid it instead of fighting to the end he is not a hero he is a coward and hid behind his wall of brainwashed walking zombies.

Epic Pinocchio

The GOAT of course!!!!!!!

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I doubt he would've been allowed to have a fight and I think he probably thought the same. He probably would've been executed before any court. Why would the allies have allowed him to spread his propaganda at a trial?

Hitler ended his own life via taking a pill did not even have the fortitude to at least shoot himself he was so afraid of the bullet. Castro was a noble man who lived a complete life shot down the United States governments attempts at pushing Cuba around treated all races of people equally and hid behind NOTHING. Hitler was a coward and a pathetic excuse for a man let alone a human being who should have never been born.

He would rather take his life then fight for it. Any real man would never take his own life would rather have someone else beat him to death. Not a pussy like you or Hitler. Afraid of the consequences of your actions and only feel brave when things are going smoothly and there is someone to hide behind.

Indian Institute of Technology?