does nofap really work or is it snake oil?
Does nofap really work or is it snake oil?
you got the faces wrong dere bud
Of course it's snake oil. Your body is designed to coom and coom often. It IS a good idea for dudes with serious porn addictions but if you only wank once a day and can get off to your own fantasies instead of having to watch porn you're not doing anything unhealthy.
If you fap in a way that causes physical sexual dysfunction or to degenerate porn like blacked or loli or gore or fully delitized, yes, but otherwise no.
>does nofap really work or is it snake oil?
it doesnt
good night friend.
The word you want is placebo.
wanking at least somewhat regularly has been shown to decrease risk of prostate problems.
You would think he would try and take the most accurate after photo, same part of the room same lighting etc. Its bullshit.
That photo is bullshit.
In works by giving you self-control. Say you want to nut so badly but at every point in the day you control that urge. Do that for weeks on end and see that you can stop yourself from eating junk too. Or playing addictive games etc.
It works by freeing your time otherwise spent watching porn.
Our dopamine systems make us lose motivation the more dopamine we have. For example, you nut every day giving you a big dose of dopamine, suddenly cleaning your room doesnt feel rewarding. Or doing your work by comparison to nutting.
In rats you could actually get them so unmotivated they would just lie there and starve, but they would still eat if you put food in their mouth.
It's like this with depression; you know what you want to do but you just cant even get out of bed. No motivation for anything. Your dopamine system is all fucked.
When i can resist fapping and resist junk food and resist all pc/phones etc i can suddenly get my whole apartment clean, feel great about it, get my work done, get my workouts done.
It is not a meme, but rather one important part of a bigger picture for getting your shit together and living a healthy, rewarding life.
I've been on nofap for almost 80 days and my hair and skin have never looked better, I have forgotten what its like to have acne and my hair is always shiny and voluminous. There's definitely something to it. I'm trying to go for 6 mounths to see if there are more benefits.
I don't get this. Why is having sex frequently healthy while masturbating at the same rate not? I am not talking about GIGACOOMERS, rather 3-4 times a week.
You forgot to mention that your dick grew 3 inches, you won the lottery, and gained 20kg of muscle.
seething coomer, can't stop watching porn?
Distinction without a difference, retard.
Practising self-discipline raises your self esteem.
I like it, even if you dont commit all the way to nofap, dont beat your dick excessively and break away from porn.
It's all a conspiracy at big fappaceuticals.
so he decided to not shave and got better lighting, fucking epic
If you have an actual addiction to porn, breaking that addiction will definitely make your life better. If you do not consume porn in an unhealthy way then it will not magically make things better
Nothing wrong with fapping but PMO is more of a problem
I have been doing no fap for 2 years and I can say without a doubt it works. I can literally astral project into the future and change alternate dimensions now. its great
>once a day
>grew out stubble a bit
>got better lighting
>smiled instead of staring gormlessly
this picture is bait with the source completely unrelated to nofap, right?
Total bro-science snake oil bullsht.
You can change alternate dimensions but not the one that actually matters.
Snake oil, not bustibg doesnt make you stronger
Porn is fucking your brain, not masturbation. The problem is that giving up porn is difficult when you have porn thought during masturbation. That's why nofap for 90 days is often required. I did that and know I fap 1 or 2 times a week without degenerate thoughts and it's so much better. Also orgasms are like 20x better without porn,
noporn is more important than nofap, do nofap to undo the effects of porn and then switch to softfap + noporn from then on.
the fucking douchebags watch porn every day and still get bitches also its corona time so you arent gonna be seeing any females anytime soon so what does it fucking matter
How many fucking times do people have to repeat this to you retards. Jerking off once a week is the way to go if you are not having sex. Testosterone levels peak after a week of not masturbating and then go down.
It is healthy to get rid of old sperm and replace it with a new batch as not masturbating at all can increase the risk of cancer.
That's it.
this guy gets it. it's certainly gonna be helpful but it's not a panacea
>That photo is bullshit.
So you're telling me nofap doesn't make a bright light magically appear and point directly at your face?
any type of fasting has it's advantages with the very least being perspective and clarity on things