LMAO she fucked everyone but callmecuckson, reminder women are on easy mode

LMAO she fucked everyone but callmecuckson, reminder women are on easy mode

Attached: katerino-addresses-callmecarson-cheating-rumors.png (1600x900, 1.9M)

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I'm disgusted but impressed. Imagine having 4 relationships and having to juggle all of them without having to let it slip out. All I can really say is gg?

>LMAO she fucked everyone but callmecuckson, reminder women are on easy mode

what's this about?

i want some femoid yt drama. give basic info so i can look this up

call me carsons gf cheated on him wit fitz

twitch streamer who basically built her career on people shipping her with another dude called callmecarlson (bigger deal than normal cause hes a publicly known virgin and wholesome dude, socially acceptable robot basically). Everyone thought they were dating, even callmecarlson, then people found out she already has a boyfriend, and fucked two other people while she never even touched carlson. She releases an apology video but ppl are disgusted.

Katerino's most recent vid, she lead another YouTuber on for months while having a boyfriend.

thank u guys

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One of those dudes is a guy that goes by Dom, a washed up ex-LCS player that looks like he's been doing crack ever since he left. Thots got no standards, I swear.

I think the scariest part about this website is how accurate people here are about women. That's just some evil shit that she did, but only the victims are going to suffer while she gets off free.

Nah her reputation on Twitch is next to gone now. Her career is now in the hands of the simps where even they are turned off by her leaching.

why would callmecalr think they were dating?

carlson is the typical beta bux LMAO what a loster

>I think the scariest part about this website is how accurate people here are about women.
google confirmation bias

I wish I could agree, but now she's more famous than ever and all simps care about is the illusion of attention with attractive girls. Sure her reputation is down, but she might end up with more followers and get more money than ever. A few weeks, no one will be talking about this anymore. Give it a year or two and everyone will have forgotten about this scandal entirely. She'll end up with new bfs, get married, maybe even have kids. But Carson might not even make it. He did nothing wrong but might end up alone and miserable his whole life. This is a way more common story than most people realize.

It's fine, he has 8ball now.

who's 8ball? never heard of her

I agree. It's kinda shit for the guys involved but the memes that come from this will be great.

Did she fuck 3 of the 4 guys or was she just dating 4 at the same time?

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Dude this shit is blowing up mizkif and mitch might have banged too, but concrete people? At least 2, maybe 3 if she fucked her boyfriend too.

This. She'll become more popular

I don't think the point is to affirm your views on all women, just to warn you to their soul crushing potential


>She releases an apology video
Link? I thought she just killed herself or something, there's no way she can come back from that. I only know about her because I watch Destiny's D&D stream and she's the dumbest party member.

She's an attractive twitch streamer girl with a kingdom filled with simps. Any publicity for her is just good publicity.

my dude met her on a fake internet dating show, idk what he expected

Oh wow a whore was a whore im so surprised OP great thread



You throw the word attractive around very loosely shes like a 4 or 5 at most 6 if you're feeling really generous to bad shes a cheating whore so shes a big fat zero

She's gonna get even more sympathy and cuck bucks now because simps are going to feel nad that she has the entire internet against her. Thats why she left her comments on so everyone can point to them and say "oh this poor innocent girl getting death threats and slutshamed by those dang dirty incels again!!11"

>made a big deal about ex cock to callmecarl
>fooled around with other dudes in front of him.
this is all her own doing

No thanks. I don't follow spoiled white bitches infiltrating fandoms for attention.

hes a virgin like us, i wouldve been fooled desu. Hence why i dont interact with femoids at all

no fucking way she fucked dom too? Holy shit this bitch is something else, no wonder everyone hates her

Get this ugly bitch off my Yas Forums