
State of you lot letting the thread die, don't even deserve another thread *tsk*.

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It's 4am La'
I've lost control of me life

still playing street fighter 3 third strike

Lads, are there any decent pre-made sauces other than Dolmio? Fucking hate Sharwood it's all fucking grim, haven't found a single one of their sauces I've wanted to have again as they're all grim in their special little way.

Woke up in the middle of the night. Desperate for water.
I'm pretty hungover. Drunk too much gin yesterday.
Sent a pretty rude email yesterday to some managers.
Fuck sake. Dunno why I got pissed in the day let alone the middle fo work.

sort yourself out lad
for fuck sake

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Pataks stuff is ok curry wise. Ragu I think is ok. I personally just bought a small jar of growers harvest tomato and herb sauce from Tesco. It's the cheap shit never tried it before will be having spagbol soon tho

glorious golden moon has just broken the horizon with jupiter by her side. go take a look lads. marvelous.

in other news can taste pus in my mouth from tooth infection.

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There there lad I drank too much whisky and fukt my day up too

downloading american gangster, lads. anyone seen it? i have not watch it for yonks

Anyone got anything interesting on youtube I can watch? Im bored.

Yeah man it's good like. Not a massive fan of his acting but this and book of Eli are 2 of his best I think lad

Nah mate I'm currently watching anime on netflix, eating crisps and posting here. Blood lad is good if you've not seen it. I usually avoid gay vampire shit since twilight but this is done right I feel

Fucking, Hell, Lads, Still Playing Ratchet and Clank 3 and my god, it's genuinely as good as I remember it, upscaled it by 4x to 2048x1792 and it's crisp as fuck and plays just as smoothly as I remember it and still has it's tongue and cheek humour that I loved.
Not a Furry or anything but if someone cosplayed as Sasha Phyronix, I'd probably shag her to bits.

Ratchet and clank 1 was my fave I must've played the demo disc of it on my PS2 quite a few times

For me it depends on the mood I'm in R&C is a classic, two is a good inbetween of platforming and shooting, whilst the third and gladiator especially are the pinnacle of third person console shooters user, might play the first one after this honestly.
Again what shocks me though is it seemingly hasn't aged.

Yeah they all fun to play, when they gave out the remaster of the first one free on PSN I went and completed it and got the platinum trophy

Im just here to fuck pussy

you're in the wrong place then, lad
nothing here but cocks and girlcocks

Me? not usually into eating fanny, but you know what I want right now? Fanny right on my face right into my mouth.

Russell Brands cat died.

good luck lad, hope you somehow find some fanny

No pussy round these parts lad, go on clear off, sling yet ook. Gotta remember to take the recycling bin out before the truck comes this morning

bloody light shining into my flat all night from the new flats over the road
thought of 3 potential way to deal with it
>go over there and smash the lights
>pay 3 bong to the land registry to find out who owns the flats, and try to contact them
>turn my car around and sit there with my high beams on for a bit shining a light into their flats


Any of you lads see the thread that had this vid in it? I got to 5 min and had to go do something else but the feels are just too God damn real. Probly finish watching it in a bit.

>Know me broken by my master,
>Teach thee a child, love hereafter,

>spend 3 hrs edging to gina gerson. coom on the wrong video

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Are the lights just external building lights or someone's lights inside the flats or what? I need more details. Only go option 3 if you're prepared to wait in yo car for the police or someone to come down and start on you

yeah external building lights, we have the led street lamps round here so there's no need for them to be on. it's got to be annoying for the flats above mine too, and tbf its probably annoying for the people in the flats over the road.

Well I'd say if you can't get the building owner to do somit about it and they are really pissing you off just go out one night hooded and mask whatever and slingshot the ones shining into your house mate. Or just go straight to this if you want.

Is there any country that started its lockdown earlier than March, other than china? Just seems odd that lefties are going on at trump and are bozza for not starting the lockdown sooner but as far as i know no other countries started theirs much earlier.

Nah but some done it early march rather than late.

Upto the 2 long haired teens rapping. Not following anything but still watching.