Do you think the world (or more specifically the US, I am interested in both) takes mental health seriously? This question has been popping into my head for months now. I'd really like to hear your opinion.
State of views on mental health
OP here,
I just feel like the world doesn't take the topic as seriously as they should. I always think about just how many crimes and how much hate could be stopped if people were given the true help that they need.
I've had this thought process of looking at peple like school shooters for example and thinking to myself, what could us as a society have done to stop this in a way that lead the shooter to never have done any of this and heal to a happier life. what could we have done better in our society to detect this kind of negative thought process and heal it before it grew worse and worse to make them do these things? I'm sorry that i say it and even i don't like thinking of this but i feel sorry that we couldn't have helped them to that tipping point. I feel for what they might have went through the pain that broke them, and how we couldn't help them before. I'm just using school shooters as an example keep in mind. same could be said for sociopaths and all types of people alike. I think the topic of mental health needs to be taken far far more seriously than it is now.
Most people just pretend to, the average person only cares when it affects them personally. Does anyone happen to have OP's image with a better resolution?
Op here,
That's exactly what i think as well. I feel people pretend to care about it just to seem nice or something of the sort.
I think there is danger in that. Some people I encounter that say they have debilitating issues with mental health don't need as much help as the very mentally ill. I went to the psych ward and half the people are normal. Having mental illness as an excuse feeds into the victim mentality a lot of people with mild to moderate mental issues suffer from. Learned helplessness and all that. There's a big difference between the most hopeless schizo and the guy who is discontent with life. Both are called mentally ill and that creates problems, standards too high for the completely dysfunctional and standards too low for the high functioning. It depends on location I guess. I remember returning from the psych ward and when I got back the people at school said I was allowed to leave whenever I wanted and take as much time as I wanted on the tests. I was perfectly capable of class but I won't if I don't have to. I guess I'm saying casting the net too wide catches more fish than you want. Some people need that much help but the mental health system as it is is medicating too many people and causing some severe social problems.
Mental health awareness is super fucking big as a marketing campaign and it makes normalfags feel good for "being aware" and like society gives a big damn, but when it comes to getting actual help, you have to go through a literal hell of a system that can make you wait for a year to get help even if you're near suicide and which requires a fuckload of procedures and papers to legitimate the fact that you need help.
Now I get that the system was abused to hell before so that's why you have to go through fifty million filters before getting benefits and help, but, at the same time and I speak fron experience, you get treated like a system leech everytime you go through the process. People have 0 empathy for people who suffer from depression. It took me 2 years to finally get the courage to call a burnout related to my career and admit that I have depression because my colleagues regularly talked shit about depression as if it didn't exist, that people who call a burnout are just parasites who want a free vacation and belittled anyone who was "too weak" to handle the, sometimes, illegal work conditions. Normalfags are so drilled in their slave mindset that they cannot accept being broken by the system. They pretend everything is fine as they suffer the same as me, but will argue until they are blue in the face that they're not depressed or burned out.
Then there's the diagnosis. I paid for private healthcare from my fucking pocket and still got treated condescendingly by the doctor who thought I was just a little too anxious and didn't seem to believe me when I was saying I had frequent breakdowns at work, panic attacks and that my drinking problem had never been worse. She reluctantly gave me a month off and shoved a AA pamphlet in my face as if drinkibg was the initial source of my problem and not a symptom.
I started therapy which I pay from my own pocket because the system is absolute shit and slow as fuck.
No one gives a shit
not even the doctors
they just want money
they were my only hope
now I'm waiting to die
I kinda see where you're coming from user. I can see how in some instances, we are misdiagnosing many people that dont really need the medication and can lead to other issues. But i think if we invest more research into mental health we can really start to root out the source of the problems to individuals. this could in turn lead to outcomes that maybe dont need things like medication, and make sure that only goes to those with possibly only chemical imbalances that they cant stop or things of the sort. I think this could do a lot more good.
The social stigma with mental illness is very complicated to say the least.
if someone provides the original image in a good quality I can make the text.
USA? Fuck no. They don't give a shit about health. They only care about money.
World? Probably scandinavian countries care about it the most. In east we kinda brush all that under the rug or try to. I think in the end taking care of mental health could benefit the economy since you don't need much materials to better mental health.
I feel you.
Some people have empathy. My friend circle has very invested social workers who helped me through the process and offered me ressources and my therapist is very good, but my job treated me like trash, my doctor treated me like trash, I'm still on a waiting list and everytime I call to see how far has my file been processed, I learn of some paper I need to provide that nobody cared to tell be about the 20 previous times I had to call them for information and the people on the phone are usually either nonchalant or condescending.
I feel privilegied by my fighting nature and the fact that I won't sit down until I get what I'm owed, because I have to fight against this system every fucking week to get anything regarding my case processed correctly, otherwise it sits in the abyss for months until someone gets back at me, MONTHS LATER saying "Oh we're still missing (x) to process your file." Which prompt even longer waiting times.
It really came to my mind to fake a suicide attempt at one point because that's the only way to get urgent mental care. Nobody gives a fuck in the system and those who do are powerless to helo me.y therapist gave me every single of her refferences to help me speed the process, but I've been told it needs to be approved before my therapist can testify anything. Shit is ridiculous and people wonder why mentally ill people end up blowing a fuse and going crazy. I cannot IMAGINE being a mentally ill person with 0 family and friends trying to go throygh this shit.
Thatss really terrible user. You bring up some really good points. Theirs kinda this stigma around things like depression that people just ant time off. its wrong how your treated this way and how your fellow workers view you for what you did. Stuff like this is why i think we need a real social change towards the topic. The mass public does act if they are "aware" as you say and act if they care. I just wish they truly cared for people like you and actually lend a hand out to you.
Yes, but only after they recognize it can be weaponized to use against people "for their own good". Control is the name of the game after all, and I doubt you can think of a better way that both convinces you that limiting your potential is for your own benefit and has science to back it up, so you can't argue.
god, i didnt go back and correct my mistakes in this. sorry :( I was just caught up in my thoughts about it.
Here you are.
I don't have faith in the system, but I'm not going to pretend to know the future more than you do and call that impossible.
No No i agree with you on that completely that it can be twisted into a control type thing. that's one thing that really worries me about it.
Do you think it's wrong of me to think doctors don't give a shit because they want me to call them and not the other way around?
My problem is anxiety and there is no way in hell I'll call them
I let my meds prescription run out 3 times and endured the withdrawal instead of calling to update them and get a new one
You have genetical mental illnesses and, then, you have mental illnesses caused by society itself.
Little can be done about schizophrenia, bipolarity or BPD other than medication, but when someone's mental health gets ruined because of drugs, loneliness, abuse or stress, society always puts the blame on the afflicted individual. They treat drug addicts like people who need to stop taking drugs, but they will deny the societal ills that drive people towards drug abuse or isolation. When someone is so cripplingly socially anxious, nobody talks about the strict social norms that alienate these people because "lmao bro just go outside!"
OP here, im taking this to replace the one i have
You're too late. We're already there. You get a diagnosis, forget about being a lawyer, doctor, or pharmacist. No professional board would ever certify you so even if you somehow got through school you can't practice and your degree is actually worthless. Forget about having a security clearance as well. All that bullshit they try to push on students wanting to be doctors and such that it's OK to seek help is a massive kafka trap.
It's only wrong in the sense that you really cannot expect them to care for you to that extent. I wouldn't say it's wrong considering your anxiety, just that they will not do that for you so you really need to overcome a little bit of this anxiety to at least call.
I wish I could tell you something else, but the system really is shit and most of the work has to be done by the person who suffers the most.
sadly you're right. but i just wished their was a way it could be different you know? what action could be taken to get society to truly be aware of the situation? (i'm not implying any bad stuff)
If they meant what they said it would fix all the problems. But the world isn't that simple and it will never be true.
I dont think its wrong to think that no. They should have the mentality to reach out to you if hey have to time to.
I agree with you that it could help things such as the economy, but even more that what u say. if we could help these people reach their feasible goals then that could lead to many benefits.
>Do you think the world (or more specifically the US, I am interested in both) takes mental health seriously?
>the US
Listen up
The US doesn't give a SHIT about anyone that isn't a-
>federal/state employee
>has STEM or PS trade degree
>has a vagina and is attractive
>babies pre-birth
As far as they're concerned, everyone else is completely replaceable- and illegal immigration proves them 100% completely RIGHT
I understand that right now we cant do that much about genetic based illnesses with our current technology. But the mental illness caused by society itself is the part that i think even us now have many ways to combat it that isnt medication. But the great obstacle is our social norms towards the mentally ill. If we could somehow get more investment towards this field it could lead to many great things
its all wack user.
The true problem is money.
Society is driven towards making money so much that we are legitimately slowly losing our humanity as time goes by. you can see it with how much the Chinese people has changed. They live in sanitary conditions reminiscent of the dark ages, they have nothing in terms of unions, worker's norms, benefits and insurance, but they have to work some of the most dangerous production jobs with no safety regulations and have to work insane hours under inhumane conditions so that they can ship thousands of units of absolute Chinese crap that we're going to buy because it's cheap even though it works like garbage. As a result of this, chinese people are less empathetic towards one another since someone dying only means another job opening and their court system towards suing someone for injury is so fucked up that people, sometimes, try to just finish off the people they've hit because killing them is less consequential than letting them live and having to pay for their benefit from your pocket for the rest of your life. On top of that they've instituted a social credit system that works with social media and encourage snitching.
Ironically enough, china is the epitome of a capitalist dystopia despite allegedly being "communist".
Anyways, all of this rambling to say that the problem is money. china is a bug country because everyone lives with their head in the sand and just comply to the inhumane lifestyle and all of that because China is obsessively driven with their goal of being the world's biggest economical powerhouse even if they need to kill people and start pandemies.
the same will happen to us if people don't start fighting for better rights rather than higher pay.
We have mental healthcare in the US but nobody gives a shit that our society drives people insane
I just wish we could find that change...
It's the largest militarized country in the world
why would you expect them to care about you
milk the system bone dry like everyone else or leave- Germany would be your best option