>HeSTILL has to le[ jos eues ope while typomg
SEIOISLT jope toy don't do this. You do realise, that muscle memory and adequate knowledhe of the Enlish language is enough to carru you through a converarion online these days, right? Where my /eyesclosed/cjads at?
/egc/ - eyes closed general
Dear fool who can't touch type,
Fuck you.
With love
>:l, qr mu keibiaes dorsy
I can't even tell if you're trolling right now or not. Anybody who's not an absolute brainlet can touch-type. I could probably type an entire paper with my eyes closed as long as I knew what I was going to say beforehand and didn't need to modify a thought halfway through. I typed this entire post with my eyes closed and could keep going all day at 100 WPM.
You CAN touch-type,can't you, user?
holy fuck this is the easiest shit i';ve ever done i could do this ibn my sleep
when the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie that's amoreeeee
alright sure ill give it a shot, Idk
maybve im way off, idk
eeegggg fuck.
i dont eve know what the fuck to say though to be honest
i dont know hwy i come to this fucking board anymore.
i use d to pretend to type things on my desk when i was in school, id type out hidden message and i used to get apranoid that someday they would be revealed.
K, eyes are open now- didn't do half bad.
i can't do this... or can i?
haha holy shit i did it
Look OP, you are gay and I dont need my eyes closed to tell you this
you do need your eyes open to read this
>imagine being a typelet
Viewmers on suicide watch from now on, nigga can't even type without looking, how does he expects to get pussy
imagine using your eyes to go and look at the screen absorbing all of the reiadation and shit like a fucking imbecile bitch l, fucking idiots on this website all of you, your brain is being transformed intro all sorts of weird kind shit cuz you are all motherfuckers too sutpid to properly preserve your eyes, by not doing this, you are essentially reducing your lifespan by at least 15 years you rodent..... fuck all of you and dig tyhe deepest hole you can find and dont come back
save i gucking eant to kidd you
Okay I'm trying it right now, it's not that bad, to be honest. Not sure if I made a mistake there, feels like I did, but it's okay. Because this isn't an
how could you have been typing for this long and have not learned how to touch-type
the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
O recentlu burned one of ,my laptop keuyboards keys with my ci cigarette and that means now i have two no wait three touch marers for knowing where my gingers are at so i dont need to lookl b esides ive been wanting to learn proper touch typujng for yuears
touch typing differs from keeping your eyes closed, any mistake you make with the latter cant be known till you open your eyes
I bet you are a viewmer, also who fucking uses CRT monitors these days
okay /x/ browser
90wpm and can type without looking at my keyboard dunno how people can use computers for so long and not have every key location memorized
>He go d through all the wind of making his shirt mqk w w nw
Basically a viewmer
i suppose this to be really easy and english isnt even my mother tongue. I originally speak german since i am from austria. I dont really know what else to tpe but closing my eyes in frongt of my pc is somewhat weird aso i misstyped front.
God you fucking niggers its so easy to type like this are you kidding me I even just made a mistake and backspaced
Now on to the real problems, how the fuck do I get a gf while remaining a neet please someone talk to me
anyone can do this it is not that hard, who the fuck cannot type without looking at the keyboard. this is not a difficult task and i will continue to ramble in this message until i make a typing error. my eyes are not closed but i am not lookj
What the fuck kind of meme shit is this? It's pointless. And yes, I am typing this with my eyes closed (and yes, I'm not so much of a brainlet that I can't correct myself without looking at the screen).
Even if I type with my eyes closed it doesn't change a thing, you aren't a normie are you?
my penios gurts.
fuck niggers
>Wow that came out great
I want to go out and get some beer, but I also do not want to leave my seat. What do, bros? Was considering some sort of delivery service, but delivery fees are still 5 bucks it looks like.
>He corrects himself when o was your jg and St lo scoains nkto not be a vieemrt
The whole poinrof this mrnen is a rekectina of the idea that you N at care about what others think if you and your typing. It is aviy embracing your ytur self, unconcerned by hoe hifglu others might thinking if you, unconcerned by ehrgrr the nitmiez d eceb understand you.
jfl at being a asubhuuman who cant tiyycj ghle
you're a fucking retrd, faggot monkey shit nigger asss asss ass~~~~~~
Its easy on a jeyvoardm try in a ohone faggit
Imagine not being able to touchg type
Quite cringe desu