NEETs win again

>be 30 year old NEET
>live with mummy, I'm her little boy
>mummy doesn't claim me as dependent on taxes
>never file taxes to hide from the government, posting using incognito
>see TRUMPbux coming
>wagies laugh for weeks saying NEETs wont get anything
>read, see a portal is coming
>warns to not file taxes for 2019 if you don't need to
>portal is available, fill in two forms
>30 minutes later 2 emails tell me my TRUMPbux are approved
>TRUMPbux are supposed to arrive in a week

Now I have to decide what new toys to buy with my $1,200

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Other urls found in this thread:

praying for COVID-20 desu

>new toys
you should save that money user for when you really need it

It is 1200$ it will not make a fucking difference if shit goes down. Might as well spend it on something enjoyable.,

Saving is just silly, there will never be any certainty in anybody's future, besides I think NEETs will be able to weasel themselves through when the time come either way.

Enjoy your toys, user, well done!

my trumpbux are going straight to mommydaddy's checking account and i already ordered the phenibut and kratom today, maybe i'll pop open a bottle of champaign later

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>TFW locked down from work for almost 3 weeks because of cold symptoms
>Still earning full pay (A helluva lot more than trumpbux)
>Was going absolutely batshit with cabin fever
>Had groceries delivered to me
>Didn't leave the apartment for the entire time
>Was super happy when I got to go back to work
Fucking dunno how you neets do it...

Awful case of Stockholm Syndrome there. But how are even posting here? Shouldn't you be working?

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I am working.
I work monitoring servers and networking appliances during the evening.
No one else is here so I can spend the downtime shitposting on the chon. It's a sweet gig.

A penny saved is still a worthless penny user, buy a yacht!

>living with mom at 30
>$1,200 is a big deal

I don't think there's any way to spin that as a win.
t. fellow 30 year old NEET

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>Fucking dunno how you neets do it

it seriously feels awful but you get so conditioned to that awful feeling that you just don't know anything else. Likewise ex-neets have a hard time breaking out of the cycle but if you can get over your "anxieties" of society, working really isn't that bad once you get in the rythm of doing it

Working is indeed that bad, no one likes work and people just tend to glorify it because its all they know how to do instead of actually finding something meaningful to do.

That site you used actually filed a 1040 with the IRS using 0 AGI.
You're on the grid now., a part of the system. Run.

I'm not saying working isn't shit, but it's still better than being a vegetable in front of a computer all day with no actual human contact. Pursuing purpose seems to be the best thing you can do in life but just sustaining yourself on basic needs + an internet connection is not life

When I was told I would have to be locked down for almost 3 weeks I thought it would be the best thing ever! After about....Day 5 I think? I was tearing my hair out and started to drop into a major funk...I hated every bit of it.

I've been a NEET for around 10 years with only a few small hiatuses from NEETdom, if you were conditioned to it, it probably wouldn't be that bad for you but, if you're a strong person you might've killed yourself before being NEET for years

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it's only degenerative if you do nothing valuable with the time in social isolation. Internet can be used productively.

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yes free time can be used productively, thanks to internet and so many forms of escapist media though it's incredibly easy to fart away most of that time. It varies from person to person and circumstances of course

it's like fire, it can make the most amazing food, but can also burn you if you're not careful.

I'd still like to get back to the point that if you've been NEET for years on end, you probably aren't spending too much of that time being productive

i like to think of it as an early retirement

there are so many things wrong with that honkhonk

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This is literally why you are 30 and also a fucking loser though..

>sweet gig

>obsessed with getting away from reality by looking forward to going to work everyday.

Sorry to break it to you, but you sound like a huge faggot with OCD and a bunch of endless things to run away from. You are a man child in a mask.

Level 10 is pretty experienced.

I'm 18 and currently heading down the path of neetdom. Any tips and tricks you can share? What is your life like these days?

>Any tips and tricks you can share?

try not to hurt your parents and try to help them out with whatever you can, even in your limited capacities

>What is your life like these days?
lots of brain fog and mental frustration - don't be angry at society or hold hatred for other humans (of either gender) If you don't already, try to appreciate stuff like oxygen and water a little more, try not to take small things forgranted, no one likes a pessimist

Essentially this. People tell me my life is a vacation when I complain I want another one but mommy says no. If you think my life is a vacation, why work lmao.

Have you ever tried living in the woods? I'm genuinely considering it as an option. I'm fairly decent at hunting, and I have an old antique fudd gun that I can't foresee ever getting banned. I live up in Canada so winters will probably be fairly harsh and boring.

I hear a lot of NEETs try and fail at this, but I suppose the successful ones just live in the woods away from Yas Forums now lol.

no, I'd probably find the nearest cliff and jumpoff in less than a month

I'd preferably just get a mcjob and I've been making SOME strides recently but, this covid shit has seriously thrown a wrench into the gears of society for now. I'm hoping there's some kind of economic boom if this shit blows over

Thats true I guess. I wonder how long you would last though. Would you not get bored? Seems like it would make more sense to get a cdl and work for one or two years saving as much as possible. Then buying a shitty camper and use that. Maybe even a cheap vehicle in case of emergency and you need to do Uber eats. I guess this makes you a WoodsWagie

maybe rent for a fucking apartment?