Postulate: Most couples aren't happy with their SO. They don't leave because it's more difficult than staying. Discuss...

Postulate: Most couples aren't happy with their SO. They don't leave because it's more difficult than staying. Discuss, robots.

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they must be fucking retards then, why would you do something and not like it and then continue doing it

Yes, and I take great comfort in this fact. They may not be single but they're not happy. Helps me sleep at night.

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Counterpoint: Building up a long-time rapport with somebody means that your relationship increases in quality as time goes on. Perhaps you can be temporarily swayed by the temptation of new thrills, but it is merely an illusion. So, in a sense, it is more difficult to stay together, but more rewarding ultimately.

Most kids I knew growing up had divorced parents. Most people I talk to online have divorced parents too.
Seems like most marriages are doomed to what OP says or they end in divorce.
I wouldn't fall for the marriage meme, certainly not before turning 30 at the youngest.

rapport does build over time in a relationship, but that doesnt make me keep talking to family, friends I've know for 5+ years, or significant others. Eventually the relationship sprouts pic related and nothing they provide matters to you

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this is me. I want to leave my GF and be a neckbeard but I can't quite afford it yet. Sex and love are overrated. weed, booze and the internet are forever.

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Depends on the partner, some of them age like milk.

You get out what you give in. A relationship acts as an amplification function, and when both partners put in effort, the rewards are good. Any tiresome-ness is transient, and is merely the lull-time in between effort and reward. Patience and effort are the inputs, and happiness is the output. More than a fair trade to me. But of course, it must be bilateral and based on trust. This is why it does not apply to family members or friends: they do not give enough and cannot be trusted.

So, a fine vintage cheese? Sounds good to me.

>they must be fucking retards then, why would you do something and not like it and then continue doing it
Too real

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being over your SO isnt always transient, but you other points are true. I've noticed the more secrets I tell, the more the other person opens up. of course it's me that opens up first to begin this bonding because everyone is so locked these days from mistreatment in past relationships

Financial and sexual benefits. Relationships to m ost normalfags are like a job.

>weed, booze and the internet are forever.
It eventually becomes boring too or you develop a tolerance. Then you get left with nothing, alone.

It's not that they aren't happy, it's that they are in a situation that allows for the relationship to thrive, without third party interference, addiction, criminal records or otherwise, keeping them from making each other happy. How many relationships have ended because of a prison sentence or health complications, children, financial struggles, etc. Relationships are a privilege

If you are further along the path of understanding the nature of couple bonding, then yes, it is your duty to make the first move in this regard. It is silly to expect otherwise, and also foolish to be bitter about your advanced understanding. There are also rewards, such as the joy of showing somebody the nature of trust and good relationships. I think it is a good position to be in.

Married normie here. It really does vary from person to person. I've never met anyone that I've been as comfortable around as my wife. That's why I love her. Do I still daydream about fucking a 19yr old Stacy? Of course. But I would never do it because I would never want to jeopardize what I have. Plus being single fucking sucks. I don't want to move out of my house into some shitty apartment.

You sound awful. I would pity your wife, but she probably knows you are a bag of shit and just humours you.

why? because hes afraid of being alone and couldnt handle it?
t. op

To daydream about such basic, pornified things like "fucking a 19 year old stacy", shows that he has a slow and improperly functioning mind. His wife is likely aware of this. Most women would be. Also, his attachment to standard forms of societal achievement, such as living in a house or the simple act of being in a relationship, demonstrates that he has minimal creativity in his thoughts and ambitions. This would leave him open to being patronised by his wife, who has likely allowed him to remain ignorant and "comfortable" for the sake of her own peace. This is such an exceptionally common occurrence that I can make these assumptions just from a single post.


Most are happy they just dont realize what they have.

Broke up with gf for a day and realized instantly all the great shit in our relationship and that I was being blind to it. Humans just get used to eachother and overlook the small things

what do you think would have happened if you waited a month rather than a day?

jeez dude. the way you've composed this makes you sound intelligent, but the angry seething tone deducts some validity, yet it doesnt matter. how long did it take you to write that, and how long have you been a loner?

No, I'm a pretty normal person. It sounds more like you have unrealistic expectations of what a romantic relationship should look like. Not surprising, given what board we're on.

>normal person
Precisely. Normie moids are largely braindead. Not by birth, it's largely a product of the way society functions. It's highly likely that you have been unchallenged creatively and intellectually all your life. By contrast, your wife has been challenged somewhat more, due to the way society biases against women. She therefore maintains a position of intellectual superiority to you. Through a series of simple life-optimisation decisions, she has concluded that she should treat you condescendingly, because she knows you will never have the intellectual capacity to realise it, and she can gain benefits and an easier life by pretending to like you.

Wow really has you figured out.

It took a very short time to write, although I don't see how that is relevant. And I will let you assume my loneliness status yourself, it's more fun that way. A bit of mystery, eh?

Aha, it seems we have a difference of opinions, what a lively debate we can have! I look forward to it immensely, chums!

>bit of mystery, eh?

No, I think we all have it figured out.

See, everybody is talking about this "figuring out", and yet nobody says what it is. How frustrating! I'd like a five-point psychological profile on me, as quick as you can muster, please.

You're a bitter loner who is jealous of people in relationships. There. Did it in one.

yikes, what have I started

t. op

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Ack! The blade! It burns, yet freezes my innards! Please, I beg you for mercy from such razored barbs! Such an accurate psychological portrayal! My character is all but assassinated; I cannot take much more of this punishment!

engage with the man's arguments, scrot

I mean in my case it wasnt the right decision to leave. I just quickly realized that most of the issues were easily resolved and I didnt want to be with anyone else