Why is it that all of Asia seemingly hates the Chinese?
Why is it that all of Asia seemingly hates the Chinese?
>Why is it that all of Asia seemingly hates the Chinese?
have you ever met mainland chinese?
I've met the children of Chinese immigrants in America. But my region has more Southeast Asians than any other type.
Imagine swarms of locusts mixed with autistic ADHD children, that's the average mainland chink
Do the chinese eat da poo poo? Or shit in the streets?
i like them? the women are qt, the men keep to themselves.
t. Mainland Chinese
na, but id probably think their women are QT
I see you haven't had the horror-like experience of seeing unending buses pull up and drop off hundreds of these fucking vermin with cameras near some famous site, littering and talking loud as fuck, always clicking with their cameras, oh my god
The place is left with trash on the floor everywhere and every souvenier bought out.
It's like a fucking locust swarm, fuck Chinese tourists
Vietnamese here, hoping everyday the US glasses that shithole
If you interacted with enough of them you'd get it.
t. lived in hong kong and had to interact with mainlanders
would u kick him out, a QT like this?
we have to deal with stereotypes that stem from chinese being filthy fucking savages i.e. sars1, sars2, their jewish ways, them eatting whatever the fuck that moves. they need to be colonized by nearby asian countries and their culture must be destroyed.
what about him, would u kick him out?
just like in my animes.. and i love anime!
Chinese are by far the least attractive Asians.
why, wry?
They're like the niggers of asians, just like filipinos
im only eally kind of familiar with the 3 big east asian countires but chinese japanese and koreans all hate each other. a bit better in the younger gen though
Quite simply, mainland Chinese are the niggers of asia
Their eyes are too small for their heads and their skulls are really angular.
Because their government is a tyrannical dictatorship and human rights violaters. They're also complete assholes.
true, even chinese here hate chinks
t. singaporean
na, i dont hate the chinese. they could certainly clean up their country
There seems to be something unique about the mainland Chinese that separates them from the Chinese in the islands and abroad.
Chinese are the worst race, worldwide. Everyone hates chinks because they don't respect other customs, don't bathe properly, have no ethics, work with their own culture above all else, rip off everyone, make fake products, etc, etc. NOBODY on earth likes the chinese. Surprised they made it this long on earth.
reminder that China is going to become the strongest country in the world and will easily btfo the 'united' states of america by 2030
Sick men of Asia
somebody wants the US to go to war with China. obviously that means whomever wants this is not chinese or american
Due to all past conflicts they've had with their neighbors there are some hard feelings.
Everyone hates america though. Fucking scum.
I saw a video of a bunch of Africans ganging up on this Chinese guy for shitting in public. They forced him to pick his shit up and leave. They kept saying "is this what you do in your country?"
who has beef with both china and the US? thats our culprit
No one says America is perfect. America is a shithole. But that's the American government. Americans aren't stereotyped worldwide for being disgusting street shitters who will eat anything with legs. You won't go to Asia and see signs that specifically say "no Americans allowed". The closest you'll see is "no foreigners". But the hatred for the Chinese seems very specific.
yes the chinese eat food made with gutter oil aka raw sewage
We stereotype you as fat drugged up greedy narcissistic sociopaths with no education. So fair enough.
who wants the US to beef with china?
south america?
wrong. Americans are the most hated people around the world, both its secret and corrupt government and its clueless, shitty people are objects of contempt worldwide.
especially people from the south, the whole world is happy that many Americans are dying because they are some of the shittiest most entitled people I have ever met in my life. burn in hell you morbid dixieyank fuck. I hope China blasts your insufferable shithole into nuclear smithereens and you both wipe eachother out, the entire world will be happy without either of you.
>the entire world
so one nation most likely. who profits the most from a war between US and china...