How come women don't ever own desktops? I've never once met a girl who owns one. And almost all of them use macbooks. Why?
How come women don't ever own desktops? I've never once met a girl who owns one. And almost all of them use macbooks...
They're terrified of decent computers
girls only follow trends and whats popular/cool completely disregarding if its actually beneficial or not
it starts from a young age so it obviously trickles into adulthood.
have an hp laptop and a second hand desktop. it runs pretty alright
>go to university library
>see stacies on their laptops wearing uggs and scarves
>sticky notes and highlighters everywhere
>mfw these girls always get top marks in the class
>nerdy/dumpy girls always end up barely passing
Who knew stacy was so intelligent
For the same reason they overpay for those $1000 Facebook machines in the first place.
Windows is seen as nerdshit to them.
Give a woman a decent Lenovo laptop even, and she'll complain that it's not a Macbook. If she ever got a proper desktop she'd probably think of herself as a looser Yas Forums fembot or something.
desktops aren't convenient for them, they take up space, and they probably don't like the desktop aesthetic because its kind of geeky. it's not surprising mac became popular once they started working heavily on the aesthetics
I wouldn't own a desktop if I didn't play vidya on it, what's the point
Women don't do anything hardware-heavy that would require a desktop. Other than gaming, why would you need a desktop? If you just use it for youtube and facebook why not get a laptop? It's cooler and more convenient. I'd get a laptop instead if I didn't really need a battlestation.
Socializing is far easier for women, so it's likely that they won't stay next to a desk for very long.