I had no idea she was almost 30. She's aging incredibly well for a wh*te woman. She looks 22 at the oldest

I had no idea she was almost 30. She's aging incredibly well for a wh*te woman. She looks 22 at the oldest.

Attached: 31740CE0-EAAE-4A40-8BA4-32DF4CCAF94C.jpg (400x400, 19.7K)

isnt she ugly without makeup?

White people age fine, its average jews look 40 once they hit 22.

Nah, but her bare face adds 5 years. So she looks about her age without her makeup.

Attached: 2B20D5F1-3E42-4B65-A5CC-FD35FBDDB7F4.png (531x358, 283.18K)

she isnt too bad without makeup desu
would fuck

user, italians ain't white.

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literally who?
sauce me on this bitch, OP senpai

No one cares June, stupid whore

She is 22 tho?

i had no idea you were such a pathetic orbiter faggot thanks for letting me know.

Nah she was 22 in in 2012/2013. It's 2020 now bud.

She got her claim to fame on YouTube by calling out radical feminists on their bullshit, and is a certifiable memelord.
Smart, cute, foul mouthed dork.

Would impregnate via mating-press for a whole weekend

she turns 29 this summer

makeup and filters/lighting lad

That said, plenty of girls I still find attractive at that age. Hell, some of them are more attractive than whenthey were younger.

Reminder that she is bald and hair is a wig.
Also she is a coalburner.

>wear ch*ker
>le quirky memelord
shit taste all round

>unironically buys into MSM democrat narratives
>conspiracies are real - but only when they sabotage people/things I support

Really being true to her new name with her political views in the last few years. Also I'm surprised she hasn't ditched Greg yet since she's been baby crazy since her early 20s and he's had the good sense not to knock her up.

isn't she a cuckquean or something, is she still with that fucking armoredsimp?

Nice, I guess all you incel coomers can jack off to her for another few years lmao.

I want to go back to that time

Attached: Homesick.jpg (1920x1080, 525.69K)

She has a qualification in skincare or some shit. I bet she dermaneedles her skin and then slavers emu oil all over it.

she looks like leafy but slightly more feminine

i'd ravage her guts

Attached: 88E4279136274B28B3DE6EEEDC8C5AD3.jpg (1080x1350, 103.9K)

hey u got that image without the text? reverse image search doesn't give me anything, would be a fine addition to my wallpaper collection

>she's bald
I don't see the downside there
Now that is a downside, though

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Whites are mostly fine in regards to aging, just look at Europe. People in America and Australia only age poorly because in the former's case, corporations are allowed to put poisons and industrial chemicals into the food so they save money (pic related), while in the latter's case they have some kind of weaker ozone layer over them and the sun ages them terribly. White genetics are fine when they're not eating rubber or being cooked by unfiltered solar radiation.
The only real exception I can think of is Anglos, but other than that, Europeans are fine genetically.

Attached: image.jpg (520x628, 237.19K)

Oh so that's why subway bread tastes weird
I always kinda liked it a bit of a guilty pleasure but there's too many homeless that lurk around the subways in my area

Still tastes weird hear in the UK desu.

The US has a similar issue as Australia

Attached: too much sun.jpg (1600x853, 722.5K)



Who is this cunt?

Literally took me less than 30 seconds do find, do it yourself you fucking tard. Reverse google image search, there's pinterest result with an instagram, find that shit on instagram, boom, easy

Ur a virgin lmao

You're retarded. At least you can fix virginity.