Wash your stinky vagina
Wash your stinky vagina
user, I... I don't have one
You can wash mine if you want
Do women wash the inside? Or just the outside with soap?
Do you wash your pp with soap?
Im disgusted if i dont wash the inside but many women dont hence the fish stank meme
poor bait.
you cannot wash the inside of your vagina or you get infections and problems lol it cleans itself
Water causes infections?
>self cleaning
So are your ears yet you still wash them.
you can wash a vagina with water
How far inside we talking by the way? I often masturbate with the showerhead so i like to think that cleans some of it out.
This is the biggest meme
If I don't wash it regularly it starts to smell like 3 day old tuna and crackers
Vaginas are self cleaning. Please don't stick chemicals up there, it can have some nasty results. I'm a male and even I know this, did you never take sex ed or do a quick google search?
I'll wash your vagina if you shampoo my hair and massage my head while we hug tightly
Only if you pop the zits on my back user
That sounds like a reasonable trade to me. Oh the things we do for love.
I have zits all over my penis its weird
>because if I'm not a douchebag, then what could it mean?
Oh user, you beautiful love starved son of a bitch. Why shampoo your hair, whats so special about that? The massaging?
what is with women and this 'dont wash your vagina' shit? spraying some water up there once in a while isn't going to destroy your pussy
Post that dong user, youve piqued my curiosity.
Head massages are nice in itself but it just seems like a very intimate and loving gesture.
women are too lazy to flush it out with water
fucking troglodyte simp
Ill get it over you too user, shoo shoo
how do you think you will achieve that?
The internet already gave you cancer, it can give you AIDS too.
Hear me out-
Pee in the super soaker.
>not shoving a soap bar in your vagooper and carrying it with you for maximum hygiene and fresh smell
don't know how I feel about that
kind of gross femanon
absolutely fucking hot
user dont come here acting like your shit dont stink. We are all filthy downstairs
That being said i keep my cum in there for days at a time because i like the taste
get a load of stanki cooch ove here kek
There's even more advantages of carrying a soap bar in your vag, you always have socks on you so you can combine them into a decent self defense weapon if needed
I still want my hair to be washed
Washing the inside with soap causes yeast infections. Water only is recommended. The outside and pubes get soap.
wash it yourself you lazy cow
Topkek, if I ever see a chick take off her sock and pants followed by pulling a brick of soap out of her cooch im bolting
My back isnt zit free yet user, stick to the deal.