
The enneagram is also pretty neat edition

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Let's get this started! ^o^


To any of you who may be wanting to become a father, remember that this is what you're in for if your son turns out to be INFP

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I'm metal as fuck.

This pic always makes me sad

Posting this gem from the Yas Forums "mbti" thread.

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To any of you who may be wanting to become a father, remember that this is what you're in for if your son turns out to be lNFP

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why are ENTPs so fucking based guys?

How tf did you avoid the filter

ENTPs in a nutshell

>she asks me why i am sitting on the table with my food on the chair
>i am, i reply
>she looks at me stunned and simply states "no"?
What did the ENTP mean by this?

you clearly have no ability to think on the ENTP level

i can tell you are not an xNTP

What did he do wrong and why is his normie girlfriend so angry? They are arguing about chairs

Women will argue about anything and everything and get upset if they don't hear what they want to hear.

idk, it sounds fake just to play the "haha look at me, i'm le argumentative ENTP" role

Forgive me, lord ENTP sama, i will never question ENTPs again

Is my boyfriend an ISTP with ADHD? I (ENFP) love him so much but im perpetually trying to understand him ugh

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But its not even personal, the ENTP is clearly arguing for shits and giggles, women can't be that dumb


>Women will argue about anything and everything
but it was ENTP that started that retarded argue

someone type me on discord im having a hard time :c

I can type u

it astounds me that none of you appreciate the absolute levels that the ENTP was on, the absolute wavelengths, the absolute levels of chad and based he was on and nobody understands anything about that story and this really bothers me on a primal level

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How do I know if I'm enneagram 5 or 6?

Yeah but still the funniest shit I read similar to the INTJ gf deformed potato entry.

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I am INTP, dunno if that sucks or rocks, but I am better than all of you combined.

I meant what I said literally and not in meme way, They will unironically and literally argue with you about anything and everything regardless of what that argument is or who started it or if it's serious or not. I know this makes zero sense but what does when it comes to them anyway?
Nothing matters, It's 'either I hear what I want to hear which I expect you to know without me telling you or we're having a fight' and that's why most men avoid arguing with their women like the plague. The greentext might be a larp but I wouldn't be surprised if it was real, People broke up over much dumber shit than a chair.

>I know that I'm right, I just can't tell you why I'm right

that's not INTJ, that's called being a retard

>chad and based
he literally behaved like retarded sensoid boomer dad, like your typical type of guy that would argue in a store for one roll of toilet paper
how that kind of behaviour is "chad and based"?

If mbti was already for idiots the enneagram is for lobotomized troglodytes who collect chromosomes.
fuck off

i don't understand how you can't see how based and chad it is

this place really went downhill a long time ago huh, fuck

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t. his gf

Its a made up story you autist

Im so lonely but i don't even want a girlfriend, whats the point if they care so little about the relationship that they will break up over a joke. They are unfeeling creatures

I didn't imply any different retard

It's a refrence that the Ni doesn't back up their claims.

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is it possible for an INTP to get a cute and loving gf?

Im an entp too but this nigga is just on the spectrum.

this is why you need to learn the art of manipulation of women through arguments. it has several pros and cons and requires social skill and being able to read people to see where their limits are and properly assess the level of interest of the girl though.

1. you look like a man who will fight over nothing, appearing like you are fit to fight other men over scraps and bring home the bacon for her
2. she is subservient and your bitch and you will waste her time deliberately because you want to
3. you have anger problems or are a bit unstable which is hot and dangerous
4. it's fun to play hot and cold games and fuck with womens brains because they are lesser and malleable and it builds stronger attraction
5. she will give you better blowjobs if you and hotter wetter pussy if you pull it off correctly

they are precisely the opposite of unfeeling creatures. all they are are feelings and moods. if you harnress the ability to manipulate that, you have the keys to the kingdom

It's the result of endless attention and validation being given to them for simply existing. You and I would probably be the same if we were given the same amount of attention and validation. It's the social version of being a spoiled cunt but in this case with attention instead of money.
I gave up on them a long time ago, I'm too much of a logical sensoid to be able to deal with their normal bullshit.