Can someone explain why zoomers are prematurely balding at such a high rate...

Can someone explain why zoomers are prematurely balding at such a high rate? Pic related is 23 and he looks like hes in his 40s.

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probably because he's obese, most bald men are overweight

Mostly shit genetics. This guy is only 26-27 and is already plagued with health issues so probably won't make it to 50.

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cant be this, im 18 and norwood 3 with severe thinning, im also lean and got a decent build. i got multiple friends at my college who are also thinning badly/balding and theyre healthy weight, zoomers are just cursed

its the chemicals they are putting the food, children today hit puberty much faster and grow significantly faster than children in the past, also disease like acne are much more prevalent today then in the past due to shit in the food

no doubt added preservatives and hormones in our food are causing change to development, but i would wager that the composition of diet in the modern person is the most severe problem. acne, for instance, has a lot of correlation with diary and sugar laden diets. the average Westerner consumes a lot more diary and sugar than any other culture on Earth, no doubt thanks to their respective lobbying groups who pushed Got Milk? and high fructose corn syrup harder than a dealer pushes crack. a culture of fat asses who do not exercise and consume sweet diets is resulting in overweight and obese people whose bodies break down faster.

both of those guys would still look double their age with a full head of hair because they're obese and clearly don't take care of themselves

this nordcuck's hormones are completely wacked as he has the face of an obese child and the forehead of a 55 year old

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> almost 30
>full head of thick, luscious, long hair
>so much that it's even bothersome at times since I have trouble brushing it
feels fucking good bros

Too much shampooing. Zoomers seem overly obsessed with hygiene and adopt a "more is always better" approach to it, but you're really not supposed to shampoo your hair every day. Doing so just overwhelms your scalp with chemicals and fucks shit up.

could be true, my skin and hair are a lot better now that i only wash once a day instead of twice

Old guy here. Men have been balding like this forever. You're not special.

not sure how much it actually affects hair loss, but shampooing less definitely makes your hair look thicker. once or twice a week is good depending on hair type.

Leave him alone you knob

are you saying this man looks 23?

Excessive masturbation causes baldness

Honestly? It's those "Pure" white genes fucking with them.
>Be me
>34 years old
>Half mexican, 1/8th native, the rest french canadian
>Grew up in white city
>All pure, white friends balding since the end of high school
>Still have full head of hair
>Constantly said that I look like I'm in mid 20s
>Love going to the liquor store since I'm always carded.
Feels good bro

maybe its their food or something

I don't think so since my dad died when I was 3 and my mom lost all contact with that side of the family. So I was raised as a white kid (All intents and purpose) with the diet to go along with it.

ridiculously excessive masturbation

> eat shit food pumped full with additives and hormones(not to mention downright poisons, like mercury, lead, thallium and whatever other miscellaneous radioactive decay resulted compounds that happened to get in there)
> sit all day on a chair staring at a screen
> breathe exhaust gas and gutter dust all day long
> are constantly overstimulated by all the noise, lights, smells and tastes
> live in a time when shit happens much faster, so more stress
> have crap sleep schedules from all the light(its 1 am where I live. Guess what I'm doing)
> drink water with all sorts of shit in it
> have constant contact with social media, making us more stressed and depressed
> are constantly jacking off to something
> have crap relationships with the opposite sex, which further amplifies stress and depression
> have poor genes

I got my first white hair string at 16. Now, at 18, I have a couple. If I start balding at 26, either I'm getting implants or I'm cutting the chase and just shaving it all off.

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>Diary in the diets


zoomers are cursed

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Not enough excercise, fucked up food, and here is a real controversial one:
impure thoughts

They're only into consoooming.

>tfw 21 year old zoomer with sharp jawline/chin and good hair
Regardless there is no way someone gets to that level unless their genes are that fucked or they were a gluttonous slob their entire life.
I am not sure how much correlation shampoo and hair thinning have, but shampoo and conditioner should be used much less in general. Its just not good for your hair or skin to lather it every damn day.

jewish brainwashing and cooming

Does it really? I shampoo my hair everyday but it doesn't seem to have any issues
In fact if i don't it becomes greasy

Looks like a white version of me .

Fapping, it affects your hairline.


balding is and always has been normal but seeing nothing but hair transplant moviestars on tv and the internet makes you think it's not