Dad saw me browsing shota pics

>dad saw me browsing shota pics

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It's over, user. There's no recovering if true, unless he's a hardcore sex offender who wants to spit roast a young boipussy with you.

he now probably thinks im a faggot fuck
whats wrong with liking young looking drawn characters
fuck this gay world

Do you just randomly browse Google images of shota or something?

no i have a folder for cute pics

Post some of them in this thread right now.

seconding this, please post some cute pics user

also sorry to hear about your predicament, maybe he just wont say anything, lets hope he's as embarrassed as you are

they are like not even bad
just cute pics

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i hope my dad wont be an ass about it

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well who cares anyway i guess

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dis gay as hell
cute though

user, what the fuck, this is definitely as bad as it looks. This is the kind of 'cute' that Ross motherfucker would say he enjoys.

I know its not that bad i mean its just cute
but he looked pretty shocked

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I'm not kidding, if you're going to save face with your father, you need to go tell him right now you were molested as a child and this is just you expressing your anger.. Just make it all up.

I hope he beats you to death with a leather belt.

how the hell could i do that?? I was a normally raised child and i never really had the chance to get that since they cared about me and all so i wwas supervised and shit
plus even if they believe mee wouldnt they just send me to a psychiatrist? or some shit
give normal advice

ah forgot a cute pic

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Listen, user, Mummy loves you very much and she just wants to protect you from your father. You need to tell him that there was some point in your childhood, maybe on a school fieldtrip, that you were molested by some man. There's nothing wrong with going to a psychiatrist. You can just tell him/her the truth since there's doctor-patient confidentiality. No harm is done.

This is the most normal advice you will get.

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Damage control time. Claim that you are bi and that the pics where just twinks.
>High level shota
Well I originally thought you where talking about young/mid teens.
I really don't know what to say.
How did your father find the folder anyway? Didn't you hide the folder, or perhaps put a password on it?

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I gues... Just how can i do that?
>uh hey dad the thing you saw is called shotacon and i watch taht because i was abused as a kid.

like how would that go down
uhhhh fuck
im so nervous

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I mean...If I found out my son was a faggot AND a pedophile...He'd be beaten to an inch of his life.

Don't bring up the shotacon, sweet child. Just tel him you need to get something off your chest, then boom. He'll piece together why you were looking at shotacon himself.

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No, you misunderstand. I had headphones on and was browsing my shota folder, with music, and he was standing behind me for a good time before i noticed...
okay thanks
ill try this tomorrow
or i shouldnt wait? what do you think?

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If the household seems tense, do it as soon as possible. Otherwise, it can wait.

i havent left my room since, no one came in my room since then. And i didnt hear any arguing from my parents. So maybe im safe? i dont really know
im also 18 by the way if that changes anything

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just tell dad you want a little brother and you were looking at clothing for him

>TFW OPs dad is already reporting him to the local child exploitation line
Depending on what country you live in, drawn pedo content is still pedo and you can be charged accordingly.
Have fun being a chomo faggot

No, in my country all drawn porn is legal (and aoc is 14) so he cant do that.
that would make me look retarded and not beliavable at all.

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Image the father,
>I'll go and check on my son
>he spends too much time online
>Maybe he decided what he wants to do with his life
>Maybe he is talking with a girl
>Opens door, sees son sitting in front of computer
>I wonder what he does all day
>Looks over shoulder
>Are.. are those kids?
>Leaves quietly
>How could this have happened
>Where did I go wrong

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The moral of this story is to lock your door.

>hops in bed with the mom later that night
>makes her put on a school girl uniform
>fucks her in the ass
>the pain of his failure is forgotten up to the very moment he ejaculates in her rectum
>nothing but misery afterwards
I'm glad I'm not a parent.

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you are not helping

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You can stop now, user. I don't need you to post anymore of your folder.

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Thats pretty rude of you

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