Why cling to live?
becuase it's not that bad man
If the rule you followed brought you to this board, you're probably lying.
Why not? Life isn't great but if things get very bad I'm just gonna stop caring about the things driving me towards suicide.
because mom would get sad
because there are people who don't know and did not came on the board early enough and manifested: Chris chan
I don't see anything that would life worth of living
If for nothing else, out of spite.
Don't care for her at all
with ebery breathe i am activly fighting da lord his attempts on my life are futile ishant have hin as my landlord
pass carbon dioxide over heated carbon to create carbon monoxide. so candles and charcoal.
she raised me she said if i killed myself she would too dont want to make her sad
this and the good times might come just as the bad
because we're incredibly lucky to have the opportunity to be alive and that there are so much things to learn, discover and experience in this world. Sure most of the time it sucks but you have to expand your vision user.
peeps that wNna sleep go to bed thats the final truth of nileism and6 your still wide awake
my eyes are getting heavier though i can feel like im going to passout one day either from drugs or rope
Tell me anything to discover. Surprise me
Spite against who?
I'm morbidly curious about how my life will roll out.
because drugs and vidya make brain think it feels good, very nice
Life clings to you
Find some meaning in life. My meaning I found was Christianity, it directed my focus onto an effort greater than myself, making me feel important. Repent of your sins and trust in the lord Jesus Christ.
You're going to die anyway might as well do something before it happens.
There are currently more incentives to continue living than there are to dying, even if just barely. But when things get bad enough I think I'd enjoy a quick death. I'd say my goodbyes and swallow a handful of sleeping pills before anyone could stop me.
I constantly teeter between wanting to make a difference in this world but also live a happy life off the grid. I think the latter would make me happy in the short term and the former in the long term. Either way, I'm an autist and find it very difficult to form deep, lasting relationships so when I go, I'd like to have as few tethers to this world as possible.
You ask the same questions every time you post
You alraeady got answers
Neeeed it user
They were not satisfying
How can you believe in something which existence is completely unsure
I made a thread asking this and it got sniped instantly
this thread has been up for 2 hours
ctrl+f pysop o results. What fucking gives. A dumb nigger said I Was doing a pysop and yet no mention
I wish more people kill themselves to the point where it's like heart disease. It's just a valid death that couldn't be avoided.