That time you were relentlessly beat up for liking my little pony

>that time you were relentlessly beat up for liking my little pony
WHY?! what even is this twisted messed up world where i can't like cute pretty things just because of my genitalia? i don't get it, so promoting violence, in movies & video games is OK?? but dare I a so-called "guy" like things girls like it makes everyone mad to the point they wanted to harm me like hitler did to the jews?? wtf?? it's becoming more acceptable when i'm more grown up but still there's this aura of hatred towards me when i openly act feminine and flamboyant, i just wanted to escape this sick sad dark world into something pretty and frilly and those DAMN bullies from 2012 messed me up to the point where only now am i realising that "frilly and flamboyant" is my natural state and MAN it feels good to get this off my chest, i'm even doing frilly and flamboyant movements in between typing this and man it feels good without evil bullies judgmental aura, inb4 barneyperson

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Horsefucker faggot loser.

you alright sometimes, barneyfag.

yeah it can be scary to be yourself. I didn't wana leave the house in my dresses when I first transitioning. I did get resistance but not lots. Got called me the F-word like twice.

I think people like me for the most part. It can be scary and people will be cruel about it.

reminder barneyfag loved Littlest Pet Shop

I never faced beating for it, but yeah know what you mean, been into ponies since probably 2012, it's only since last year came to the same conclusion, that the more "feminine" things where just my natural inclination. I mean way back in 3rd grade I used to paint my nails for fuck sake. Who was I ever trying to trick?

I dont like seeing MLP because it reminds me of when both the internet and my life were better. I wish time would stop passing, or I had a way to go back.

How do you always find these threads?

The show isn't pretty and frilly? What are you talking about? That aura of hatred was more from the pervasiveness of the pony trend at the time, which was annoying to most normalfags. The show itself, if analyzed, is actually a case study on socialization and friendship. Watching the show would probably help most robots out.

you are evil, but i wish people like you were also members of ponyville and friendship and magic were embedded into your brain without a trace of hatred

you know what, sometimes i do too, i wish i was dead in this world at least but my spirit was in ponyville

Holy shit, just fucking die, freak

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The world would respect you more if you killed yourself

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Because you're just diminishing the average IQ of the world population

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Simply by your very existence

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Purge yourself from existence

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And be left to bleed

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Torch yourself so you die

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Have your eyes ripped out of their sockets

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And be left to die

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Your nerve endings will be incised

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And then you get choked

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Oxygen flow gets cut off

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Through the crushing of your bodily organs

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And knocked unconscious with a baseball bat to the skull

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All I'm really asking for is your life

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isn't it a fuckinng kids show it'l be the same if you still liked teletubbies
not based very cringe

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A body that will die for pain

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I'd respect you more if you killed yourself

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Because then you'll realize your worthlessness

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I'm not a brony but I never understood the hate for them either. At the end of the day, it's really just someone likes a show you don't like. I would never beat up someone for watching Two and a Half Men or Big Bang Theory. Why should that change when it's My Little Pony? Seems like we are heavily propagandized by corporations to identify with certain products and media. In days of old, when you went outside of the religious/tribal/racial propaganda, you were viewed as an outcast. In modern times corporations have replaced themselves and their products with races and tribes, and so anyone who deviates from the tribe is similarly an outcast.

Many others will see you dead

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And they will rejoice upon that announcement

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Because they will know the world is now a better place

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One without you in it

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And that will be a good thing

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Your nonexistence will improve humanity

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And bring advancements to a brighter future

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One that happens through the killing of freaks like you

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And a purification of the population

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Perception will increase a millionfold

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But only through your fucking deaths

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Shitposter in a faggot's board
He's got trouble
Get in his way he's gonna cut you down
He can shitpost
He can evade bans
Don't take nothin' from nopony
Oh he's black, bad
Scared of nothing