Meet lily the attention whoring fembot from the uk

meet lily the attention whoring fembot from the uk
>started on r9k by posting vocaroo threads and when asked for a picture of herself complied and broke the camwhoring rule
>soon after left r9k because rumours had been made about her and she claimed she didn't like the threads being made about her
>browses r9k and also vg and co
>parents are dead lives with grandparents
>bullied at school has no friends except online
>had a discord server which got deleted when it was spammed with gore because her friends had been using the server to troll people from soc and r9k
>had social media but didnt post on it
>autistic and depressed
>claims to have never had a boyfriend
>claims to be a virgin
>is a christian
>has mentioned having trad values
>claims to have never taken drugs even alcohol
>15 yrs old almost 16
>likes cartoons and video games and animemanga
>deleted older discord after rumours has a new one but didnt add any anons on new account
what do we do to stop this girl from going down an egirl path

Attached: webm234.webm (1280x720, 1.25M)

also the rumours were that she had a boyfriend and was a whore etc

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Let nature take its course. I'm done helping people.

dont give them attention like youre doing right now? never heard of her until this and do not give a shit.

its to late she's already attention whoring, before long ill be able to go on Yas Forums and see her minge any time i want

She needs to get BLACKED asap

>She needs to get BLACKED asap

Don't you mean KNOTTED

Its the first thing my fucked up brain thought of seeing her.

She's from the UK?
Need her discord right now

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god she claims so much but she is such a whore like jeez, "traditional values" lmao

I wanna orbit this girl so bad. Pls post more pics and her socials

>what do we do to stop this girl from going down an egirl path
she and i get married

>also the rumours were that she had a boyfriend and was a whore etc
surprise surprise women are whores

None of those things can possibly be true. If she was an autistic depressed virgin Christian teetotaling orphan with no social media, she wouldn't be attention whoring.

>Vocaroo threads
>Not a whore

bullshit, also stop posting yourself Lily. Noone is falling for it

she's fucking ugly, who's paying attention to her?

I don't care what she does with her life. She aint anything special

t. A bunch of uneducated salty virgins thinking they have the education to know what is just.

And you are supposed to be based?
Jesus Christ Yas Forums is unironically naziReddit rn

I hate how attractive I find her, even if its legal here.

Im so obsessed with falling in love with a pure autistic gir, that I end up finding retarded teens the ideal partner.

Her IG is cafesbun she posts occasionally but rn she's deleted everything bc of the rumors on Yas Forums fucking kek

The only women I care about are potential mates. She's half my age.

mutts law faggot

lmao wtf is wrong with that head ayy looking ass bitch

lol how many dicks do you think this hoe has sucked by now?
I'm thinking around 20.

Why the fuck are you on Yas Forums when you're 30? I'm 19 and I feel old here lmao

same kek oreganodsafdsahfb

threads like this is why robots get what they deserve (jackshit and hatred)

Tell her to go on Yas Forums and redpill her on the JQ. She should have children, not waste her young selling herself and whoring on some faggot board.


Judging by that thousand yard stare I'd say her body count is over 60 by now


>She should have children
she's going to, with jamal
single mother lily arc incoming

She kinda looks like an alien. Also
>implying most femanons aren't underage or whores or both
It's always the same.
Why are you faggots even allowed to live

Mutt's law. Hang yourself, you pathetic race traitor.

A thread about a qt e-thot? Why?

She's cute as FUCK.
Leave her alone, you orbiting cunts are going to ruin another one.

really, user? cute?

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she looks like a frog kek

Isn't she swelling her cheeks?

That's photoshopped, and still, it doesn't matter if she's cute or not. What you are doing is ruining a young girl for your own sick perverted reasons. The DotR can't come sooner.