I turned 24 today. I have only one year left until I am officially no longer a youth, I am truly the biggest ghost loser nobody you can imagine. It's going to years to unfuck myself, and who knows how long this coronavirus shit is going to complicate things. How can I get over lost youth? It kills me that I will never experience young love, or have memories with friends. It just sucks wasting your best years.
/wlg/ Wasted Life General - How do get over lost youth?
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You either kill yourself or just let it eat away at you until there's nothing left and you just go through life on auto pilot, doing the same stuff you've always done, regardless of whether or not you still enjoy it. You lose your friends. You stop pursuing new friendships. you become more and more isolated over time, living entirely inside your head while your body goes through the motions of the daily grind. I don't know what happens after that, as that's where I'm currently at. Suicide I hope
Unless you have kids. Then you like a monster you are will put them to work and not let them hang around people because that's what your ego says. And then start the process of doing that to your own children
I'm a virgin who's never had a gf so I'm not worried about that happening
lel I had so many plans for 2020, then corona happened.
Hey user maybe i can help
Where do you live?
Exactly the same. But that is what my dad did to me.
26 here, just accept it and move forward. Life doesn't really matter anyway so do whatever.
My brother is like this too, 24 years old. He never talks to me so i dont understand.
What is it you guys want in life? Do you want friends? In that case have you tried finding friends? Have you actually tried finding a gf?
Genuine questions, i want to understand.
Yes, we want these things. we want to fit in and be liked. It's more that we don't know how, and instead of help, we get made fun of. It only gets worse as you get older
Reminder that saying "life doesn't matter" is completely retarded, either life matters or nothing matters, and if nothing matters then "matters" means nothing at all, which is redundant. Life is the only thing which must matter unconditionally.
I turned 24 in December and I'm still desperately trying to believe it's not too late for me to live the life I wanted to at age 18.
I am 19.I am in exactly in the same situation as you.Also im obese 126kg.I am tall 1.85 meters,have very black hair,not balding at all,deep voice,face above average.Also im born with natural strength,i was always stronger than the other kids,and faster.The reason im not doing anything about my obesity is because i have lost all hope for women. When i was a younger all the girls liked to be around me,even the ones 1 or 2 years older than me because i was ,,funny and cute,, it's what they said but since my parents divorce i started getting fat because i was depressed.Fast forward some years years and i was around 100 kg at 16.Every single one of them were ignoring me or laughing at me when i wanted to approach them.I just cannot look at them the same way,i just feel disgusted,they were nice to me just because of my looks and now they treat me like shit.I really felt like they were nice to me because of my personality.Now I know they are dumb animals driven by primal instinct that will leave you in an instant for a better man.
Because nothing matters. Everything is irrelevant. Eventually we'll all go extinct by whatever. Either our own doing or the universe dying. Literally everything doesn't matter so just do whatever you want. I choose comfiness and solitude. Plan on living and dying alone.
I just want to be left alone, give me peace. To live comfortably in escapism and try to forget this world exists.
Approaching 32. Gave up on dating entirely. Not entirely sure how long I'll try to keep going when I dont have anything to look forward to and I can't enjoy anything. Even drinking myself stupid every night is getting difficult. Plan right now is to eat a 12ga slug when I turn 40.
I can help, do you have discord?
i used to have friends, i dont anymore. everything is a disappointment so there isn't much point doing anything or trying very hard at anything. even when i had friends it didn't do much for my mental state.
>Have you actually tried finding a gf?
i went on tinder about a month ago and matched with this girl and we have been talking on and off since then. we get along very well and i'm kind of attracted to her, but i have zero motivation to meet up with her, i just don't really care
OP. It is vert important that you do what I say. Today you must act in a manner that would be beneficial to you if you done so for the whole year. Eg. work hard, meditate, exercise, read, write, whatever your goal is, fucking work at it today.
You need to trust me on this. 24 is a fucking crucial year. 23 is shit for most people, but 24 is when you can turn it around.
If I told you the reason for this you wouldnt believe me. But it is 100% veritable truth for most people. Take the initiative, and make the most of today. The rest of the year will follow suit.
bro im like so inspired right now
lol what the fuck where do these people come from?
Tell us the reasoning, user...
it's ok, i'm almost 28 and just starting. there is a time limit, but you don't have to be young when you enjoy success. imo try to find something to do and become really good at it. escape wagedom is first priority. to reiterate, it's not too late. just fix the things in your life that you should fix.
try this and check out his other content
>What is it you guys want in life?
I don't even fucking know
Maybe if I did I could some sort of direction
But holy fuck I've got no fucking clue
wait till you hit 40
I feel like I wasted my childhood on the computer. Being told I have no personality to my face particularly fucking hurts these days. At this point my life goal is just to be left alone.
>wasted 14-19 being a complete shut in
>wasted 19-22 barely doing anything
Now I'm 22 and only have a few years of youth left. I really don't know how to deal with it, every day the main thought in my mind is just a wish to go back in time and fix everything
I broke out of my neet lifestyle through sheer will, got a job, started interacting with people, etc. A few years down the road now, and I have slowly realized that I simply do not fit in with normal people my age. I cannot just have fun and be playful, I'm always the buzzkill and whenever I tried talking, everyone got quiet. So many times, that happened. I really do not understand how to be funny and contribute to a conversation. It hurts. Makes me feel like I actually subtract from other peoples happiness by simply trying to interact with them. My impact on this world is overall a negative one. Makes me fucking hate myself.
I don't quite understand either. It's like there's a secret code everyone else knows that you can't quite figure out
i don't know how to find friends or a GF
i haven't had a friend since i was a child and i've never had a gf
really regretting not getting into sports from an early age
i jsut want to fit in society and be liked and do my best for these people but in my 24 years it just doesnt happen, i had 2 girlfriends of which was 1 fuckbuddy but both were over in 5 months. i work out 6 times a week and i am almost a bachelor of lifesciences but i just dont fit in
I have aspergers so that is why I am like this. I just cannot understand how people think on the fly so effortlessly. They transition perfectly from one subject to the next, making jokes and telling stories perfectly along the way. They never accidentally offend people, they never fail to get their points across, and they never come across any different than how they intend to. And to top all of that, the whole time they are doing this, their body language is open and friendly, and their movements perfectly match their tone and what they are discussing. Meanwhile I literally have to plan out my responses if I want to say anything more than filler words or phrases, and I can't even focus on my body language at the same time or else I just lose track of the actual conversation. My brain just does not compute in the same way, and yet I want to experience what they experience so badly. I want others to feel happy to see me and feel as though I am a positive thing in their life. Although I do have my mom, who loves me unconditionally and doesn't care that I am awkward. And the loneliness comes in waves so if I just give it time it usually passes. God I fucking hate myself though. Fucking hate this. I have 0 friends and never had a girlfriend, and I frankly don't fucking deserve one because I can't make people happy.