Be honest with your r9k bros, would you?
Be honest with your r9k bros, would you?
If you pay money for porn you should be hunted
>See that AD
>Get horny
>Go to pornhub
>Never find her or girl that looks like her
>Have unsatisfying fap
>Longing feeling stuck in gut and penis
Anyone know that feel?
Her videos do her more justice than that photo.
she looks nice and small. of all the trash in those adverts she's my pick
Have sex for free AND get 200 euros? Hell yea
Also why does this retarded website not allow to post the euro symbol? lol
she looks like a girl luke smith which is hot
This thread is confusing
>Would i pay to watch that video?
>Would i pay to fuck that girl? Any girl for that matter?
>Would i accept money to get fucked? (with all the r9gay and trap shit this is a possibility)
To answer all of these questions
>fuck no, there are many porn sites that offer you free full length vids
>that girl looks like she hasnt eaten in twelve days. so no, otherwise if the girl is hot id most likely just jerk off to her, also stds and such are a risk
>just fap if i get those urges
she looks disgusting
like some race mixing that went wrong or a vegan diet
Her name is Sabrina Spice
i used to but now im a level 87 coomer and can recognize most pornstars, even the ones that only have a few videos out
her assholes all yellow, like she had a nasty shit she didnt wipe properly
Op your a fuckin nonce you only want fap to her cos she looks underage she's not even pretty and underaged lookin you might a well should boot up tor
she looks like a young tranny version of Dave Mustaine
For me, it's the big titty black woman ad.
i would what exactly?
plus i'm gay
She kind of looks like goofy's son's girlfriend
She has a pretty weird pornstar name, Maserati
This. I found her videos pretty boring to be fair, but shes genuinely a very cute girl. Looks like a tiny version of a lanky model I went to school with. Think its just unflattering lighting in the ad
no im not u lie
stop pretending to be me.. of course i'm gay. i was gay long before it was made cool by freddy mercury.
you better stop or im calling my dad on you for identity theft
true gays know it's spelled "freddie"
and you knew it, kek
damn it. how strong is your dad?
if im gay then why do i have this as my desktop background
She's pretty cute but these ads are disgusting
you're gay by your own definition you knew how freddie was spelled and only true gays possess this knowledge, so i guess your desktop background is just to fool your parents
If you are straight post the sauce
She's not ugly. She's just weird looking. That doesn't always mean ugly. She does look inbreed imo tho. But yea I would.
I despise whores. If you do too, feel free to join my server, looking for frens who understand the 21st century is a hellscape.